Sunday, October 29, 2017

"It Takes More Time" Versus "It Wastes More Time" And Blogging

I see something funny quite commonly when the word "blogging" pops up.

Folks tend to say it takes more time than other online approaches.

But here's how a critical thinker - or a heart centered entrepreneur - thinks of this idea:

Many of the other tactics folks use to try to make money in internet marketing waste more time, effectively bringing them back to square 1 months, years, or even a decade or more down the road.

I have flubbed up royally online in my early days, and even mucked up as of a few years ago with some aspects of my blogging campaign. But when I cleared out a lot of the "I don't have the time for this" fear I embodied Steve Pavlina's piece of advice, that he repeated again and again: if you plan to be around 1, 2 or 3 years down the road, it makes sense to do whatever you are doing, right.

Yesterday, someone emailed me asking to place a link on my blog. He was a stranger. I advised him to build a relationship with me, to comment on my blog, to retweet me. I'd happily do the same if his content was up to snuff. Then maybe I place the link, a few months down the road, because I trust him them. He emailed me back saying that unfortunately, he was up against a deadline, and didn't have the time to do those things.

Of course, his fear of taking more time is goading him to waste more of his time.

It's a mental block: I don't have the time to do something that would bring me some success now, and more success later, so I'll do something that totally wastes my time now, and later.

You can prosper through other channels of course and have loads of success. Just remember that when you do it right - following your passion and solving problems - going the blogging route is not wasting your time, unlike many of these other marketing or business-building schemes people are using. Blogging effectively builds your success 1 day at a time. Almost like moving into a massive mansion that you build 1 brick at a time, at first, then as you building your content, and your blogger friend network by promoting other bloggers and not looking for anything in return, you have a team of contractors around you, piling up those bricks quickly, and you get more excited as you see that house getting closer to being built.

Blogging may take a bit more time to build something meaningful, and profitable, but many of these other tactics waste more of your time in building something worthless, or at the very least, fleeting.


Source: "It Takes More Time" Versus "It Wastes More Time" And Blogging

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