Monday, July 31, 2017

Which of Your Posts Deserves More Reads? #blogging

Blogging communityBlog ging is the first to disappear off my radar when life gets busy. In the last six months, I have missed hundreds of posts because I needed to curtail my online time.

In the comments to this post, could you please leave the link to one of your old posts I haven't read, and that you feel deserves more reads?

Could you tell us why?

All of us keep making new posts each week, month, year.

But this week, I'd like to take the time to read a few good posts that I shouldn't have missed.

Do you visit back everyone who visits you and leaves a comment?

Does blogging occasionally take a backseat for you?

Would you like to link me to one of your posts I haven't read yet, and which you wish received more interaction?

I co-host the monthly We Are the World Blogfest: I'd like to invite you to join, if you haven't as yet, to post Bloggingthe last Friday of each month a snippet of positive news that shows our essential, beautiful humanity.

This monthly event has brought smiles on the faces of a lot of participants and their audiences, and somewhat restored their faith in humanity. Here is a great example. Click here to know more. Sign up here and add your bit of cheer to the world on the next installment of August 25th!


Please join Daily (w)rite on its Facebook Page in case you'd like to be heard by this community.If you liked this post, you can have biweekly posts delivered to your inbox: click the SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL button.




Source: Which of Your Posts Deserves More Reads? #blogging

Can #Blogging Pay the Bills?

Can Blogging Pay the Bills? A career as a professional writer can be amazing. But like any creative pursuit, it's an emotional endeavor, requiring constant creativity and inventiveness to stay afloat. Freelance writers lack the rigor and support system of a traditional job, which ... read moreDear Abby: Dad can't be thanked enough for helping daughter pay the bills I have offered to write a check and pay him back for all he did for her during that time ... It happened after he informed her he was filing for divorce and marrying a mail-order bride. I can't bring myself to be happy for her. What do I do? read moreYou can now pay Dubai utility bills in instalments without interest Dubai: If you need help with your utility bills, you can now pay them in instalments without interest if you are an Emirates NBD credit card holder. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) and Emirates NBD have collaborated to enable bank customers to ... read more

New Steelers pay 'rookie dues' with $500 grocery run But a rookie's schedule can be more unpredictable while at St. Vincent College ... The list amounted to a $500 bill that Allen and Sutton split late Friday night. Allen used social media to showcase the cart filled with fruit snacks, honey buns, cookies ... read moreNo Matter What Bill They Pass, Health Care Costs the Same Thing There are essentially four ways to pay for this ... as proposed by the GOP bills…everyone's cost of insurance will go up…to cover that $X that remains unchanged. Now earlier I mentioned that there are some things that can decrease the overall ... read moreEmployers can't foot £400m care worker back pay bill. Government must act - fast Time is running out to tackle the crisis over pay for sleep-in shifts, which will cause problems for providers, their staff and the people who rely on care read moreWhat Order Do You Pay Bills When You Can't Pay Them All? An illness or job loss can overwhelm a household budget that had been working just fine. You think you have all the bases covered -- and then something goes horribly wrong and suddenly there are more payments due than there is money. Which bill do you pay ... read moreOnline Bill Pay: What It Is and Why You Should Use It In addition to the convenience of paying bills from your own computer day or night, you'll save the cost of a stamp and the trouble of going to a mailbox. » MORE: NerdWallet's ... so you can pay bills online even if the biller isn't set ... read moreDon't Pay Your Bills That was many years ago, long before I started blogging, and of course I had to deal with some consequences. Negative consequences can be great teachers ... Yes, it's against the rules. If you don't pay your bills, it obviously means that you ... read moreYou Owe Taxes, But Can't Pay the Bill Even worse, you do not have the money to pay these surprise taxes. What can you do? One thing you definitely do not want to do is ignore the tax bill. That will only make your situation worse in the long run as you rack up fees and penalties. Make sure ... read more

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Source: Can #Blogging Pay the Bills?

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Top 10 Tips For Student Blogging (guest post by @mrodz308)

Near the end of the school year, I had the chance to see something amazing happening in one of the elementary schools in my school district. Marina Rodriguez (@mrodz308), a 4th grade dual language teacher at South Knoll Elementary, reached out to see if I would come by and participate in the "Hour of Blog"–a time she and her students use after school to explore all things blogging.

The experience was amazing.

She and her students, none of whom began the school year with any blogging experience, created hundreds of blog posts throughout their after school "Hour of Blog" they began together during the spring semester. Our time together went so quickly. The students asked wonderful questions and shared insights beyond their years.

A lot of people would look at the end product and want to replicate it, but not know where to get started. I asked if she would share about her experience. Marina was happy to share about the project and offer some tips for anyone who is interested in getting your students blogging. I also love the student and parent reflections she shares, too.

Enjoy this post from Marina Rodriguez, and get your students blogging!

Back in January of 2017, I decided to bring blogging into my 4th grade dual language classroom.  With state testing right around the corner, I wanted to offer my students something engaging they could experiment with, lead, and make their own.  I caught the name of a blogging website called Kidblog off a post on Twitter, and the only thing I knew for sure was that this blogsite was safe for kids.

My initial concerns were many… How would I introduce something I have never done before? When would we find the time to practice this unique genre?  Are my students mature enough to handle working independently online?  Will the novelty of trying something new fizzle out before we get anything valuable accomplished?  How would I make sure students practice good writing habits?  How would I manage it all for so many students, when they will have online access anywhere, anytime?  Is it crazy to try to do this on my own with 4th graders?

Even with the many concerns, blogging online seemed to carry possibilities that would excite our learning and launch us into something new and wonderful.  After talking with a small group of my students for some feedback, we decided to make it an experiment.  I decided to trust that my students would at the very least have fun trying something new.  I took a breath and we jumped into the digital world.

What happened in my classroom those next few months of school was nothing short of amazing.  My classroom shifted.  We went from a classroom to a community, from students to guides, from rule-followers to leaders… independent problem solvers, collaborators, creators, innovators, and explorers.  Learning became contagious.  Students kept a "Blogger's Notebook" and worked hard to find reasons to write, and they wrote often.

During this process, I became a part of this magnificent shift in our learning environment.  I became a guide and an actively engaged learner.  I learned to trust myself as I pushed to learn more, just as I encourage my students to do the same. This adventure helped me to become a blogger.  I also discovered that my students, my bloggers… are some amazing human beings.  They ended the school year feeling like a part of the world around them, thinking beyond the walls of the classroom, and ready to make an impact.

Here are my Top 10 Tips for Student Blogging for teachers thinking about getting started…

Top 10 Tips for Student Blogging

  • Why blog?
  • Let your students in on this secret… the more you write, the better you get at it.  Here are a few other reasons… to value student voice, to give students meaningful and purposeful reasons to write, to allow students to learn for themselves and learn from each other, to allow students to make an impact on the world, to connect with others and build relationships, to experience having an authentic audience, to struggle and reflect, to explore, to grow, to research, to collaborate, to problem solve, to create, to innovate, to practice critical thinking, to prepare for the future.  There are many other reasons why blogging can be powerful for students.  Blogging helps students learn, reflect, and grow.

    Encouraging students to write what they want as much as possible is a powerful way to grow writers and critical thinkers.  When students have the freedom to lead their own learning, amazing things will happen.

  • Make Expectations Crystal Clear
  • Making expectations crystal clear is key for just about anything.  Picture your ideal learning environment, then let students in on your vision.  Together, you can build towards that goal.  Teach mini-lesson, after mini-lesson, offer reminders, reviews, notes, etc., as much as you see is needed.  In an ideal learning environment, everyone is a learner, and everyone should develop the skill of guiding others to learn new things.

    The goal is to have a room full of independent, critical thinkers, and creative problem solvers.  With the right guidance, a classroom can quickly become a place where both students and teacher carry the title of Guide, where everyone is able to offer what they know with respect and willing to help others in the process, not because it is a mandate, but because it's the right thing to do.

  • Begin with a Small Group
  • It is easier to manage things when you start small.  Begin with a group of 6-8 students who you think would not have issue with independently making decisions, setting goals, expectations, etc.  These students can be your mentors for the rest of the class.

    Guide your small group in the right direction, but allow them the freedom to lead and make decisions.  Hold special blogging meetings during lunch or before school, to help launch and establish their special leadership positions.  Encourage a plan for everything, so they understand that things work best when planned.  This will give students ownership, and naturally allow them to develop the need to care and protect their work with great passion.  Students will often set the bar much higher than you expect, and will lead other students to do the same.

  • Encourage Inquiry Projects
  • Inquiry learning is phenomenal.  Encourage students to use blogging to share what they learn.  When children begin school at the age of 4-5, they come in excited and ready to explore the world, often with spectacular curiosity.  They are typically ready to jump into learning and exploring with little fear or hesitation.  As the years in a classroom begin to lay its heavy hand on their curious minds, students become less of explorers and more rule followers.

    Allow for natural curiosity and exploration to develop through student inquiry projects.  Blogging about an inquiry project is a fantastic way to bring back a student's inner explorer.  Students practice developing a higher-level ability to think through what they want to learn and make good choices, not because "the teacher" told them so, but because true explorers and learners must make good decisions as they push to learn more.

    Encouraging the explorer part of a student's brain is essential to having a student-centered learning environment.  Allow students to investigate, research, and write about the things they enjoy or find intriguing and/or interesting.  It can lead to some powerful learning.

  • Share with Parents, Admin, and Others
  • Sharing student work with an authentic audience can make a powerful impact.  I still remember the look on my students faces, when we talked about having their parents and other teachers read their work.  They were both nervous, but incredibly excited.  These experiences help students truly own their work, and it helps them to understand the true purpose of this communication skill we call writing.  It's more than developing a writer or blogger, it is showing students that their words have value and can cause impact.

    Publishing for a target audience helps students understand that the value of their own voice.  Not only is it important for students to publish and publish often, but by focusing on specific audiences, students practice real-world communication skills.  Writing to specific audiences is a skill that students will use for the rest of their lives.

  • Digital Citizenship vs. Being a Good Human
  • The best advice to give students is that they are responsible for being good humans, both inside the digital world and out in the real world.  The difference between having digital citizenship and being a good human is absolutely nothing. The sooner students understand that who they are online is who they are in real life, the better.

    Technology is a part of our everyday lives, and students need us more than ever to help guide them into making good choices.  Trusting that students do the right thing may sound like a lot to ask, but it is well worth the investment when student-centered learning is the goal.  Most students would rather participate in the digital environment to learn, than to be denied that option for poor choices.

  • Walk Them Through the First Blog
  • Guiding students through their first piece is important, because it sets the expectation.  Our 21st Century Students know a lot; however, they need our experience and our guidance now more than ever to help keep them on the right learning path.

    Don't expect perfection, expect their best work.  You may want to approve the first few blogs before they post to an audience, however, only a teacher knows when best to move a student on to what comes next.  Make sure to give them the freedom to write without your approval at some point, better sooner than later.  Try to read all of their work, as much as possible.  When students begin to write more than you can keep up with, you have succeeded in creating a group of students who are living as writers.

  • Focus on the 4 C's
  • According to the National Education Association (NEA), in order to prepare our 21st Century Students for a global society, we must help them develop four key components:

  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • All four components can easily be embedded into blogging.  Making sure students understand why these components are important will help keep them focused on the big picture… their future.

  • Teachers Can Be Bloggers Too
  • The best way to lead students into blogging is leading by example.  Diving into something new with your students is a priceless experience for both you and your students.  It turns everyone into a learner instantly, and allows both the teacher and students the opportunity to live as true explorers.  What an amazing experience to offer students!  Sharing experiences, good and bad, reduces the fear of making mistakes and builds an environment where students feel safe to learn, grow, take risks, and push forward to become life-long learners.

  • Give It Time
  • Give yourself and your students time to develop.  Again, only the teacher knows when her class is ready for what comes next.  The use of a program that allows students to write electronically anywhere they have access to the internet is exciting.  They will develop quickly the need to write, and write often.  They will make mistakes, and you will need to help teach them how to pick up the pieces, how to make their writing stronger, fresh and fearless, or more impactful.  It will take time, but it will happen sooner than you think.

    Technology is in integral part of the lives of our students.  Blogging is one way to help students maneuver in an environment that will continue to be an important part of their lives.  Preparing our 21st Century Students to become leaders in a world already at their fingertips is not only important, but necessary.

    Comments from my 4th grade class of 2016-17 students and parents…

    "I blog because it is fun and I love inspiring people. It helps them get through a problem."  -Malichi, 4th Grade 

    "I love blogging because it's a way for me to express my writing in the form of technology, and I just love how blogging brought all of us together as a tiny community."  -Mariana, 4th Grade

    "I like blogging because it is challenging for me."  -Juan, 4th Grade

    "I like to blog about just about anything I can.  I like blogging because I like seeing other people's perspectives on blogging and what they think about the different categories that you can blog about. I personally think it's COOL to see what other people think about it."  -Isaiah, 4th Grade

    "I like to blog about things that would help you later in life. I also like to post quotes and poems."        

    -Luke, 4th Grade 

    "I like blogging about poems. I like blogging because it helps me interact with my friends."  -Luis, 4th Grade

    "I like to Blog about how to build character. Most of my Blogs are in the category of Building Character. I like to Blog because it is a great way to express your feelings for a certain topic. Blogging is a great experience!  I can't wait to continue with it."  -Sam, 4th Grade

    "I like to blog about Star Wars, and science fiction.  I like to blog because I do not like to share my work a lot, but Kidblog makes it less scary."  -Hudson, 4th Grade 

    "I love to blog because other people can learn from my blogs and create more like mine, and just carry on the idea! I blog to change the world, and to follow my dreams! ( ; I like writing encouraging poems and also writing fictional stories."  -Halle, 4th Grade

    "I like to blog because it helps me with my learning and my writing skills."  -Efrain, 4th Grade

    "I like to blog about things like family. I also like it because you can learn from it, and you get to chat about the things that you are to do. You can learn from your mistakes, and that helps you get better, and you will love it even more. That is why I love blogging." -Madison, 4th Grade

    "It is fun and educational."  -Nathanael, 4th Grade

    "I like blogging what is in my mind. I think that blogging what is in my mind makes others think how I think about things around me."  -Ashley, 4th Grade

    "I like to blog, because you can interact with your friends, you can share your writing, and give your opinion about the writing."  -Paloma, 4th Grade

    "I like blogging, because the options to write about are endless…"  -Lily, 4th Grade 

    "Blogging helped my daughter in so many ways with her attitude toward writing and her overall writing skills!  She would write short stories here and there at home prior to blogging. Once introduced to blogging, her short stories began to expand to include elaborate titles and chapters! She began writing stories!  She looked forward to being a part of the blogging group after school. She learned to express more of her thoughts on paper/computer.  Being shy, this provided an outlet for her. She found that writing can be fun! She would think of topics, plan ahead and write creatively.  We are grateful that she was introduced to blogging at SK by you!" -Parent

    "So many positive changes in my son since he began the blogging class with you.  He has always been a voracious reader, this opened him up to the process of writing & not dreading writing assignments.  I even noticed improvement in his vocabulary & spelling habits.  For him being such an introvert, the most positive change I noticed was social.  He seemed to forge stronger friendships with his classmates as this was a fun bonding assignment outside of the normal classroom setting.  He corresponded via email with a classmate about topics & ideas for their blog, and spend lots of time brainstorming & collaborating with a friend.  Having a "special" time & fun activity outside of the traditional classroom structure was so beneficial for my son, as it gave him the opportunity to be creative & have complete control over his work product.  We are so thankful & appreciative for this opportunity, and… he thoroughly enjoyed staying after class each week to participate!" -Parent

    "My son has grown immensely this year in his writing and I believe it is largely due in part to his blog experience.  I have seen him use his free time to write and blog, which is a big change from years past.  He enjoys brainstorming and coming up with new ideas for his writing… I wanted you to know how much you had an impact on him." -Parent

    "The blogging experience conducted by Mrs. Marina Rodriguez helped my daughter increase her interest and motivation in writing generally, and more specifically in writing poetry and even some 'philosophical' meditations about life and other essential topics. She became more aware of her spelling weaknesses and made the best of the opportunity to correct them. She also visualized (and still does) herself as a 'blogger' and, in many occasions, she has introduced herself to other people by using the expression: 'I am a blogger.' It clearly means that she has become more familiar with several contemporary media platforms that are now part of our daily technological experience. My daughter also had the opportunity to interact with some of her classmates' blogging activities, exchanging therefore with them thoughts and getting in the know of their areas of interest or concern. That made her more aware of her circle of friends and contributed toward friendship and communi cation, and not the opposite. Also, she has kept her interest up projected to the future and plan to continuing her blogging activity despite the class is over." -Parent

    "We feel it is a wonderful example of using current technological resources to reach children academically… without them seeing it as work at all!  Well done!" – Parent

    "Blogging created an excitement for writing for my son.  He was often eager to share what he had written with our family.  He also enjoyed reading others entries.  I felt like blogging was very helpful for his social and emotional well-being and helped him feel very connected with his classmates and wonderful teacher!  Thank you Sra. Rodriguez!" -Parent

    "I feel that it helped my daughter become more expressive with her writing. This is obviously very subjective, but it seems that she started to see writing as more of a tool to initiate communication than simply something used to respond to others." -Parent

    Be sure to check out Marina's blog ( and connect with her on Twitter (@mrodz308).

    Source: Top 10 Tips For Student Blogging (guest post by @mrodz308)

    #Blogging & #Marketing Expert Elias to Speak At Top Real Estate Tech Conference

    Blogging & Marketing Expert Elias to Speak At Top Real Estate Tech Conference | Latest News

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    Source: #Blogging & #Marketing Expert Elias to Speak At Top Real Estate Tech Conference

    Saturday, July 29, 2017

    Cowboys News: New-look secondary is turning heads in training camp

    Biggest Takeaway From The First Week Of Training Camp? New-look secondary had an impressive start - Dallas CowboysThe staff shares their takeaways from the first week of camp: David Helman is particularly impressed with the new-look secondary.

    David Helman: I'm about to state the obvious if you've been following along with our coverage, but this new-look secondary has had an impressive start to camp. We knew going in that all eyes were going to be on Chidobe Awuzie, the No. 60 overall pick in the draft. So far, he is delivering on the hype with a pair of interceptions and another pair of deflected passes in just two padded practices. It's only two real days of work, but it's exciting to see him moving around the formation, handling different duties – and handling them well.

    Fellow rookie Marquez White is also off to a strong start, as he has looked physical and unafraid in one-on-one matchups as well as full-team repetitions. With all of that said, we haven't even seen Jourdan Lewis yet – so his arrival will be another fun development to watch.

    Obviously, the rookies are the big talking point, but the veterans deserve some mention, too. Anthony Brown nabbed the first interception of training camp when he picked off Dak Prescott on Thursday morning. Orlando Scandrick also had a really strong first day of practice, as he got the better of Dez Bryant on multiple occasions. It's incredibly early, but it's encouraging to see a strong start from a position group that's facing a lot of scrutiny heading into 2017.

    Position Battle Blog: Sorting Out The Crowded Cornerback Depth Chart - Bryan Broaddus, Dallas CowboysBroaddus writes that the most impressive position group after one week of camp have been the defensive backs, and especially the cornerbacks.

    Overall, this is a unique mix of veterans and youth with the potential of that youth pushing veterans out of jobs.

    Carroll had a rough opening practice but managed to rally the following day during the one-on-one period in having to deal with Dez Bryant.

    Scandrick finally looks healthy and his play has reflected that. When the defense goes to its sub packages (nickel/dime) Anthony Brown comes into the game and plays on the outside, kicking Scandrick inside. Like his counterparts, Brown has won his share of battles with the best receivers on the offense. His positioning on routes has been exceptional and he has shown the ball skills to create turnovers when those chances present themselves.

    Camp Coverage: Dallas takes the day off and one unit earned it - Delaney Brey, KTRE.comWith Brandon Carr, Morris Claiborne, Barry Church, and J.J. Wilcox off to greener pastures, the new secondary is shining in ways the old one seldom did.

    "Its on us as coaches at the end of the day. We got to put them in position, we got to coach, we got to teach and we got to bring them on and put them under fire," said Rod Marinelli, Cowboys defensive coordinator.

    "We have a lot of athleticism, I think really at every position. I really like these young guys, they've came in and they are ready to learn. They have a lot of ability, god given ability," said Jeff Heath, Cowboys safety.

    Dallas drafted four defensive backs and are counting on newcomer Nolan Carroll to help make up for the losses. So far so good, as returners Byron Jones, Orlando Scandrick, Jeff Heath, and Anthony Brown have all been impressive as well.

    Cowboys QB Dak Prescott to other teams: I have a year of film on you, too - Mark Lane, All-22Dak Prescott takes the favorite argument of all his naysayers ("Opponents now have a year of film on him.") and turns it around.

    "I have a year of film on them," Prescott told WFAA-TV in Dallas on Wednesday. "It works both ways. So, when people say that, it doesn't really mean anything to me. Just as much as they're watching it on me, I'm watching it on their defenses and their tendencies and their play-calling."

    How Dak Prescott Can Advance From Historic Rookie Season – Cian Fahey, Pre Snap ReadsFahey prefaces his article by pointing out what every statistician knows to be true: statistical regression is inevitable for Dak Prescott. But that doesn't mean he can't improve as a passer.

    An excerpt from this must-read article:

    [His] poise is the starting point for Prescott's success. It's what allowed him to build out a wide skill set, establishing a foundation from which he can develop his proficiency as a passer. After his rookie season Prescott is already a good passer but he's a better quarterback than he is a pure thrower. Prescott is already advanced at mitigating pressure in the pocket with his movement, at delivering the ball against arriving hits, at diagnosing coverages and at cycling through progressions.

    He doesn't need to get better in the areas that typically improve with greater experience. The only way Prescott can make major strides forward as a player is by becoming a different type of thrower.

    His skill set combined with his situation meant that Prescott didn't need to play with an aggressive mindset. As a thrower he didn't need to attack tight windows. He took calculated shots downfield at times and, encouragingly, looked good when doing it.

    If he is to take a step forward in his second season, Prescott needs to diversify the passing game by taking on a more aggressive approach while showing off greater trajectory control.

    As Cowboys' Dak Prescott learns, he'll take chances to test his limits - Todd Archer, ESPNArcher explains that where Prescott was focused on not making mistakes last year, this year "he is taking more chances in practice this year to test his limits."

    "For the most part, I'm just executing the play and what comes with what I see," Prescott said. "I'm going to react off that. That just comes with preparation out here. Now, I think being at camp and these extra reps, this will give me time to rate, I guess, my risk versus reward, kind of test it sometimes. I may go into practice one day and just gamble the whole practice, but that's what this time is for, so when I get in the game I know my chances."

    The Cowboys are now among the very best at home-grown talent - Bob Sturm, SportsDaySturm explains that the Cowboys are now among the very best at building their team with home-grown talent.

    According to our research from last season, the Cowboys trailed only the Green Bay Packers in this category (49), among all of the teams in the NFL that we surveyed. The Cowboys had 43 homegrown players on their 53-man roster last year, which compares quite favorably to many of the key teams on your radar.

    This has two key benefits for the Cowboys, both of which Sturm expands on in much more detail in his highly readable article.

    1) The list of teams that have the most homegrown players on their roster seems to correlate in a larger sample to long-term winning.

    2) The list of teams who draft and sign their own talent out of college then have a magnificent advantage of extending those players to team-friendly contracts can help you manage your salary cap and your expenditures to keep your team together for years to come.

    Scout's Notebook: Generating Takeaways; Scouting Woods & Cooper - Bryan Broaddus, Dallas CowboysWhile most of the accredited folks covering the Cowboys at camp are busy chasing Lucky Whitehead and suspension headlines, or cobbling together player or coach quotes, Broaddus is one of the few writing about what is actually happening on the field in camp.

    Which makes his Scout's Notebook is easily the best material coming out of camp, and I wish I could quote the whole article every morning. Can't do that though, so here are two observations from Thursday's practice that stood out to me, but go read the entire thing, there's much more good stuff there.

    Better day for Nolan Carroll overall after struggling in coverage on Wednesday. He was matched up with Dez Bryant during one-on-one right from the get-go and was up to the task. Bryant tried to take Carroll up the field, then worked hard to the inside. Carroll was ready for him and was able to undercut the route and knocked the ball away from Bryant with a fine play. Carroll lined up across from Bryant two other times in the period and was able to hold his own by denying him the ball on each of those opportunities.

    It was the first day of pads for Mark Nzeocha and he came up with a heck of an interception by reading Dak Prescott's eyes. During the 7-on-7 period, he was in a zone drop and saw Prescott turn his attention to his left to pick up the route that Brice Butler was running to that side. As Butler started to the inside, Nzeocha began to drift to his right. Prescott fired the ball in Butler's direction working against Anthony Brown, but Nzeocha moved himself into the throwing lane. The ball never got to Butler because Nzeocha reached up with both hands and snatched it out of the air.

    Cole Beasley "excited" to see another "short white guy" in Ryan Switzer - Marc Sessler, NFL.comCole Beasley had to wonder what the Cowboys were up to when they grabbed Ryan Switzer in the fourth round of this year's draft, but he says he's "excited" to be playing alongside the rookie.

    "I was actually excited, more for the slot position itself than our particular situation," Beasley said, per The Dallas Morning News. "There's been so many guys like me, guys like Wes Welker who never got drafted. They weren't drafting short white guys. And part of my goal has been to push the position forward.

    "It's just exciting that slot guys now are making more of an impact."

    Dallas Cowboys pass rusher Damontre Moore has been suspended two games - RJ Ochoa, Blogging The BoysThe Cowboys have yet another pass rusher suspended to start the season in Damontre Moore.

    The suspension is in relation to his December DWI [in Seattle]. I suppose there's some solace in the fact that Damontre hasn't had any sort of infraction since arriving in Dallas, but nevertheless this is extremely frustrating.

    Cowboys sign quarterback Luke McCown to a one-year deal - Danny Phantom, Blogging The BoysAfter losing backup quarterback Zac Dysert to injury, the Cowboys signed veteran QB Luke McCown to a one-year deal.

    At 36 years old, McCown is a career backup quarterback, playing with five different teams, but he's only started 10 games his entire NFL career. McCown most recently played with the New Orleans Saints, backing up Drew Brees, but became expendable when the Saints signed Chase Daniel.

    Cowboys sign WR Javontee Herndon - Charean Williams, ProFootballTalkMore roster moves.

    The Cowboys also signed receiver Javontee Herndon, who worked out for the team Friday morning. Herndon did not play last season because of a knee injury but had 24 catches for 195 yards for the Chargers in 2015 when he played in eight games, with two starts.

    They waived running back Jahad Thomas with an injury designation. Thomas was an undrafted rookie free agent. He will go on injured reserve if he clears waivers.

    Report: Roger Goodell hasn't been involved in Ezekiel Elliott case - Mike Florio, ProFootballTalkThe NFL is trying to make you believe that its top man has had no involvement in the most high-profile discipline case the NFL has handled in years.

    Via Dom Cosentino of, "Goodell has distanced himself so much from this case that he hasn't even been present for any of the disciplinary hearings involving Elliott."

    The implication of this new report is clear — Goodell, if he's indeed keeping away from the Elliott case, may be trying to avoid any blame for the final outcome.

    Looks like Goodell is once again trying to weasel his way out of a tough spot. My understanding is that's exactly the kind of leadership organizations are looking for from a guy they are paying $40+ million per year to run things.

    Source: Cowboys News: New-look secondary is turning heads in training camp

    Develop A #Healthy #Blogging Habit: 4 Tips

    Develop A Healthy Blogging Habit: 4 Tips It's no secret that I adore blogging; I've been indulging in my blogging habit for almost 20 years. When you blog year after year, it tends to change your life, and brings you opportunities you would never have been offered otherwise. My email Inbox ... read more4 Tips for Managing Your Anger in Addiction Recovery You can break your habit by growing awareness about the triggers for your anger and the negative consequences that follow as a result. In addition, you need to develop a set of strategies to effectively manage your anger. Here are a few tips to manage your ... read moreIs There a Wrong Way to Drink Water? But with refrigeration and bottled water taking over, out went this healthy practice. According to Ayurveda, cold drinks extinguish the heat of the "digestive fire" and promote the buildup of toxins that develop as a by-product of poor digestion. read more

    4 Healthy Financial Habits to Develop Now Bad money habits can have damaging, long-term consequences for our financial security. But developing healthy financial habits can do wonders ... The portfolio earning an average of 4% annually, with contributions increased by 10% each year, will have ... read moreAntioxidant Supplements, Heavy Lifting and 5 Other 'Healthy' Habits That May Be Causing You Harm But a closer inspection of your "healthy" habits might ... or prolong developing injuries even while masking their symptoms. Plus, you'll risk side effects from the pills like gastrointestinal distress and bleeding. Related: 4 Ways Young Guys Are ... read moreDiabetes: Tips for developing healthy habits If you're like me, you may feel a little guilty about your past month's eating habits. In addition, the weather is colder here, and the thought of going outside to enjoy a nice long walk went by the wayside for me. A healthy outlook for a person with ... read more10 Simple Steps To Develop a Lasting New Habit Not until a habit is formed and the routine becomes engrained as part of my identity, will it ever become truly effective in my life. I've been intentional and established great habits in the past. This blog ... develop a new lasting habit for my health. read more5 Healthy Habits to Develop as a Successful Blogger Here are 5 helpful tips that have helped me lower my stress, anxiety, and have boosted my happiness and productivity over the past year! Try putting these healthy habits into practice ... it interesting and fresh. 3. Developing positive self-talk about ... read more10 Tips for Emotional Healing in Encinitas These aggressive emotions are toxic for mental health. Relieving that stress ... the world linked to emotion and spirituality. Some tips that help emotional healing are mentioned below: 1.Personality development As it is said, change starts with you. read moreTop 16 Tips for Starting Habits You Want, and Stopping Habits You Don't Here are my top tips for ... your habit will create, use willpower to start the habit enough for your emotional system to feel that reward, which will motivate you to keep doing it, now without the mental effort willpower required. 4. read more

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    Source: Develop A #Healthy #Blogging Habit: 4 Tips

    Friday, July 28, 2017

    Happy 5th Blog Birthday & $250 NOW Foods Giveaway

    Time flies when you're having fun!?  It seemed like just yesterday I created Running in a Skirt and now my little blog is 5 years old.  I'd like to celebrate by walking down memory lane and giving one of you guys $250 worth of NOW Foods products of your choice!

    When I envisioned this picture I did not plan on having to wear a sling and a brace. Doh!

    It all started with an innocent enough article announcing that I was running and training for the Chicago Marathon.  Up next was a post explaining why I picked the name Running in a Skirt and then some information about running Chicago as a Solemate, which is the Girls on the Run adult fundraising racing program.  Those posts kind of make me cringe and smile at the same time.

    Running in a Skirt started off as a running blog where I shared my experiences training for races like the Chicago Marathon.  At the time training (and even running 18 miles) brought me so much joy.  In my first year of blogging I got thrown some serious life curve balls including the unexpected death of my Mom and having to take an extended leave of absence from work from losing my voice and eventually having to have sinus surgery.   My priorities changed and so did Running in a Skirt.  Since I wasn't able to run as much I started sharing more recipes and lifestyle posts. Those  took off, I found a new joy and there was no looking back.

    If you would have told me five years ago that I'd be working from home blogging…  developing recipes and writing… I would have laughed at you.  This wasn't my plan.  But life is messy and takes some unpredictable turns.  Those turns are often the journeys that make it all worthwhile.  While Running in a Skirt being any more than a hobby was never my goal, it has brought me more joy than I could ever dream of.

    I like to say now that Running in a Skirt is now a Healthy Living Lifestyle blog with a runner's heart.  I'll also toss around the phrase… "I'm running through life in a skirt."  I've considered changing the name to something more food or lifestyle centric, but at the end of the day Running in a Skirt is just me.  And so it's here to stay.

    Happy 5th Birthday Running in a Skirt! Celebrate with a $250 @nowfoods #giveaway Click To Tweet Running in a Skirt Fun Facts

    This is the 970th blog post!

    Top 10 most popular posts:

  • Peanut Butter Chunky Monkey Overnight Oats
  • Mom's Famous Sweet Potato Casserole
  • Healthy Greek Salad Dressing
  • Healthy Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing
  • Vegetarian Crock Pot Taco Soup
  • Pineapple Shrimp Kabobs
  • My Sinus Surgery Experience- Advice and Tips
  • Crock Pot White Bean Soup
  • Watermelon Feta Blueberry Salad
  • Award Winning Vegetarian Chili
  • Although I didn't set out to have a food blog, many of my most popular posts are now food posts.

    I left my job at the local TV station WLOS three years ago today to pursue blogging full time. That  in some ways is a second blog birthday for me because I started doing blogging more seriously.

    My Favorite Posts:

    Thank YOU!

    While all of the facts and birthday celebrations are fun, I really need to be thanking you.  Without each of you taking time out of your day to look at and read my posts this would not be possible.  I am forever grateful to y'all for making me and this little blog even a small part of your day.  I never take the fact that having this site and readers is a gift and blessing.

    I write my posts trying to give you some daily inspiration or a smile… whether it's a new healthy recipe to try, fresh workout to conquer, inspiring fashion choice and even satisfying your wanderlust.  My goal is to help you in some way lead a happier, healthier life.  I hope that's what you find when you come here.

    In the coming months and years I hope I can make this site an even better resource for you.  Because that's what this is all about… HELPING YOU!

    Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here's to five more beautiful years.

    NOW Foods Giveaway

    Now for the fun part! One of you will win a $250 Gift package from NOW Foods. The winner will get to select $250 worth of their favorite products from NOW Foods.**

    You might remember I flew to the suburbs of Chicago in May to take a tour of the plant and learn more about the brand for the NOW Foods Immersion.

    Now Foods Immersion 2017, 6 Products to Try & Epic Giveaway / Running in a Skirt

    If you aren't familiar with NOW, they are a health and wellness brand that focuses on selling high quality, natural products at affordable prices.  Their extensive product catalog covers everything from supplements, beauty & health products, essential oils, sports nutrition, natural foods and even pet health.  You might have seen their vitamins, protein powder, probiotics and even nutrient dense food on store shelves already.

    Now Foods Immersion 2017, 6 Products to Try & Epic Giveaway / Running in a Skirt

    It's a company I know and trust and I'm thrilled for one of you to get to try more of their products.  They sell so many wonderful things and I know each of you will be able to find some lovely products to use if you win.

    Make sure to check out their site there are so many options!

    Now Foods Immersion 2017, 6 Products to Try & Epic Giveaway / Running in a Skirt

    Thanks for helping me celebrate! To win the $250 NOW Foods giveaway enter the form below.  The giveaway will run until midnight August 28th.  

    ** If you pick a product that is out of stock, NOW Foods reserves the right to exchange it for something similar.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Happy 5th Birthday Running in a Skirt! Celebrate with a $250 @nowfoods #giveaway Click To Tweet

    PS…  For those of you who are interested my arm and doing a bit better.  It doesn't hurt as bad and I'm starting to get used to doing something with one arm. I'll share more of a life and arm update on Monday.  Thanks to everyone who reached out and offered their condolences and prayers. They're much appreciated and needed. Thank you.

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    Source: Happy 5th Blog Birthday & $250 NOW Foods Giveaway

    Behind the Scenes of #Travel #Blogging Reader Feedback

    Behind the Scenes of Travel Blogging Reader Feedback Sometimes travel blogging can be a pretty isolating career. I know that sounds strange since I come in contact with so many people and places everyday when I'm traveling – but a life of constant travel also leaves me a little out of touch with real ... read moreA Return to Blogging I'm embarrassed by how much I've fallen behind on writing new blog posts. I've been unusually busy at work ... I'm writing a post on what happens behind the scenes at a VC firm: partner meetings, funnel, deal flow sources, etc. Ideas for add'l topics? read moreBehind the Scenes of Fresh Web Explorer Fresh Web Explorer is conceptually simple -- it's really just a giant feed reader. Well, just a few million of what ... keep an eye on the dev blog for an article on the subject. The gist of it is that we need a way to efficiently fetch URLs from many ... read more

    25 Ways To Market Your New Business On Little Or No Money However, the success stories don't reveal what goes on behind the scenes – how innovators used their creativity ... network and exchange contact details with potential customers. Business blogging is similar to regular blogging. The difference is ... read moreBeginners' Self-Publishing Salon: Writing Tools, Styles and Challenges I've got beta-reader feedback. I'm just putting the finishing touches ... Michael: No, it all works within Scrivener, the DropBox syncing works behind the scenes. Jay: Oh, right, and it links the two? Michael: Yeah, it links the two and all ... read more32 Best and Amazing Mobile App Blogs To Follow If you are interested in design and visual aspects of technology, Wired is the right blog for you. You get to go behind the scenes of favourite apps and ... writers completing editorial freedom through reader interactiveness and editorial freedom over ... read moreItaly's video game archive breathes life into gaming history and culture Twelve years later, magazines are available and indexed at the Archivio Videoludico, allowing us to complete and expand those articles by adding sources in the reader's language ... of course … but being behind the scenes is oddly different. read moreHow To Start A Travel Blog: A Step By Step Guide Travel blogging has given me the freedom to travel the world for the past 6 years. Want to start your own? This detailed guide will show you exactly how to start a travel blog. Already ... share the huge amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes into ... read moreMeet The Biggest Travel Company You've Never Heard Of When we think of the big players in the travel industry, the first names we go to are probably the likes of Marriott or Hilton, American or United Airlines, or perhaps Hertz and Avis. Behind the scenes ... Their feedback leads to collaborations with ... read moreQ&A with Canon's Mike Owen: A behind-the-scenes look at developing the 6D and what's next And what we always try to do with all of our products is listen to photographer feedback. As you've seen over the ... We know that a lot of travel photographers like to blog when they're traveling, so this is an easy way that they can put the image ... read more

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    Source: Behind the Scenes of #Travel #Blogging Reader Feedback

    Thursday, July 27, 2017

    A Vegan and Vegetarian Blogging Extravaganza

    Now that we're well into the second half of the year, how have your New Year's resolutions gone? My plan to read more at night has already died a quick death, but I'm proud to say that my ambition to be a lot more ambitious with my cooking is still going...

    Source: A Vegan and Vegetarian Blogging Extravaganza

    How to Hire a Freelancer and Grow Your #Blogging Empire

    How to Hire a Freelancer and Grow Your Blogging Empire If you want to build a successful blog you might just need to hire a freelancer. In fact, if you look at almost any blog or website that is making six-figures or more they all have one thing in common: a team of awesome people helping them out. Hiring a ... read more13 Tasks You Can Outsource To Grow Your Blog For instance, you can use sites like Upwork and Freelancer to hire freelancers quickly ... One of the most significant tasks you can outsource to grow your blog is blog calendar management. Hiring a blog manager can be quite helpful for your blog. read moreHow To Succeed As a Freelancer You're not expected to be an expert in your industry. You're just expected to complete a task. Freelancers don't have the added stress of helping a client thrive and grow ... an empire. Free information – Okay, so you're blogging, networking ... read more

    How to Fully Automate a Shopify eCommerce Website Every minute you save with automation is a minute you can spend doing something you can't automate, to grow your business or set up ... You can always hire someone to do your cold calling for you, to save more of your own time. This is, however, not ... read moreHow to Start a Freelance Business and Keep Your Day Job: 10 Steps (His online courses "The Launch While Working Formula" and "Writing a Winning Freelance Proposal" can teach you how to start and grow your own business ... and formulate how to start a freelance business your way. 6. Create Examples of What You Can Deliver ... read moreStarting a Business: How to Best Utilize Technology Thanks to the continued rise of technology and the Internet, there are more options available than ever to help your business grow and avoid ... As for how to find and hire these people, websites such as Upwork and Freelancer make it easy. read moreHow to Create a Visual Style Guide to Help You Stay on Brand For example, a freelance graphic designer may need to create a new event poster and the suggested size is not included in the guide. If you are a one-person show or your business is still quite small, you might not have the funds (yet) to hire a branding ... read moreHow to Break Up with a Client without Burning Your Bridges Because most freelancers lose sight of why they shunned the 9-5 to chase the freelance dream. They start out full of promise. They want to live life on their terms, build their own empire ... blog content, and if you just up and leave after your next ... read moreHow to Start a Freelance Business In One Step? Why Reckless Is Best The other half is knowing how to start a freelance business ... your industry, about marketing and developing your freelance business. Read blog posts, take online courses, study books, and continuously implement and iterate everything you learn in order ... read moreHow To Hire A Team For Your Blog In order to grow your ... ready to hire, the most important thing you'll need to decide is whether or not the position should be an independent contractor or an employee. Then, if you decide an independent contractor, what should be in your agreement? read more

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    Source: How to Hire a Freelancer and Grow Your #Blogging Empire

    Wednesday, July 26, 2017

    How to Hire a Freelancer and Grow Your Blogging Empire

    hire a freelancer for your blogIf you want to build a successful blog you might just need to hire a freelancer.

    In fact, if you look at almost any blog or website that is making six-figures or more they all have one thing in common: a team of awesome people helping them out.

    Hiring a full time staff member, however, can be a bit daunting and, as such, many people opt for freelancers to help outsource tasks like editing, writing, maintenance, and more.

    In today's post we're going to cover:

  • Discovering what tasks you need help withThis is the first stage where you narrow down exactly what tasks you want to outsource and why they are important.
  • Finding the right freelancerWe'll look at where you can find them and some tips on choosing the best person for the job.
  • Creating a test job and developing the relationshipWe'll learn how to create the first freelance task and then some strategies to make sure you both get the most out of it.
  • Oh, and if you're looking to do freelance work then you might want to check out this guide to paid content writing and this article on making money online when you blog is brand new.

    Why do you need to hire a freelancer?

    So let's start by taking a look at why you might want need to hire a freelancer to help grow your blog and take it to the next, professional level.

    As a blogger there are so many tasks that we need to do each day. As you can see in the graphic above, on any given day you might do some SEO work, writing, editing, graphic design, website design, networking advertising, etc.

    It is honestly more than one person can (or should!) be doing and it's important to recognize our limitations in this area.

    One of the keys to a successful blogging is freeing yourself up to focus on the tasks that you're best at, or that tasks that make the most impact on your blog.

    For example, if you're an excellent writer and that is what grows your blog the most, then why not pay someone to do your book work and give you back those 2-3 hours a week?

    Outsourcing in this way frees up time but it also reduces a huge amount of stress because you're not learning dozens of different things that you never wanted to learn, and instead you get to focus on your passions and the results that they bring.

    As a side note, a lot of people are now relying on freelance work as the economy changes, and I think it's wonderful that the Internet allows us to exchange services with incredible people that we might otherwise have never encountered.

    If you have decided that you'd like some help, the first thing that you'll be hit with is the overwhelming variety of options and how difficult it can be to find someone trustworthy with the right skills and work ethic.

    Let's go through it all, step by step, and in the end you'll hopefully have a good starting place.

    1. Decide what specific tasks you need help with

    The first step is to think about exactly what you need some help with. This is vital because a lot of failed freelance relationships happen when the employer is too vague with what they actually want from the new team member.

    This stage can actually take a little more time than you might think and it's worth sitting down with a pen and paper and really mapping out where you need the help, and where the limits to those tasks are.

    For example, I have one or two freelancers that I semi-regularly engage for writing tasks. This might sound simple but when you break it down it can get a little complicated with question like:

  • Who decides on the keywords, titles, and paragraph titles?
  • Do they do a draft first or just write the whole piece?
  • What happens if they take way longer to complete it than expected?
  • Do they write it straight in WordPress or just on a Google Doc file?
  • Who should research/choose images and photos?
  • How do you ensure the content is all original?
  • Do you pay on a per word, per article, or per hour basis?
  • And so on
  • All of these types of issues can have a big impact on the type of tasks that you get help with, and can really impact on the way you structure the setup and relationship over time.

    Something I've found really useful to help overcome some of these issues is to create a document that outlines the process and the tasks involved and then laying it all out for a "test job" that you give the freelancer. We'll discuss this in detail at a later stage.

    BONUS TIP ABOUT TASKSIt's important to have a clear vision about your blog's long term goals. If you aren't sure what you are trying to achieve within 6-12 months then you run the risk of creating stuff with a freelancer that never gets used. Check out our suggestions about developing a strategy for your blog to give you a start point on what to consider when making a plan.

    At this point you really just want to try and come up with a list of tasks that you need help with, or tasks that you really don't want to do anymore due to a lack of experience or confidence. This will give a good framework for the next steps.

    2. Decide on your budget and timeline

    Budget is a really important factor to consider here because many services will be unobtainable due to the cost factor. For example, hiring an agency to manage your SEO properly could cost $10,000+ a year.

    But it's also a trap to think that you shouldn't hire someone because you don't think you can afford it. A lot of small business owners fall into this mindset and end up burning themselves out because they think they have to do everything themselves.

    We need to strike a balance between affordability/realism and our goals for expansion. This also entails an element of risk (all business does) because you need to weigh up how much you want to back yourself and your blog as a profit-making entity that will incur costs in the process.

    There are a few things you might want to consider when working out your budget for freelancers:

  • What is your blog's current profit?You need to have an idea of how much profit you are making, and then take a detailed look at whether you can increase your expenses for a time in order to bring about future growth.
  • Do you need to pay superannuation, insurance, etc.?Take a look at your local laws and determine whether or not you are required to pay anything other than an hourly rate for freelancers that you hire on the Internet. Every where is slightly different in this regard.
  • Research the going rate for that taskSpend a bit of time looking at how much people normally charge for certain tasks. This will help you decide whether you want to hire a SEO agency (expensive) or someone to do occasional graphics (slightly less expensive).
  • At this point you want to sit down and try and figure out how much you want to spend over a fixed period, and then break that period down into tasks and figure out how much each of those is going to cost.

    You can also do this based on certain goals that you have for your blog. For example, if you want someone to write 100 x 2,000-word articles and they charge $100 per article then that is going to cost you $10,000.

    You might decide that this is too much and so you can reduce the number of articles that you want to produce, or sacrifice quality and find a cheaper writer. By mapping out the whole budget process like this you can get a good picture about what is affordable.

    The best thing you can do at this stage is go and talk to your accountant and, if you don't have one, take the plunge and get one.

    A good accountant doesn't just do your taxes, they also help you plan your future financial moves. For example, in this case the can help you determine how much you can afford to risk on a freelancer, how long you can hire them, and what sort of financial reward it might lead to.

    3. Create a "test task" to practice the freelancing process

    The first thing we want to do is create a small test task that can help us find out how the whole process works.

    This is a really valuable step because it allows you to refine your goals for the freelancer as well as helps you to learn any issues that might arise on a smaller level as opposed to finding them out after you've committed a lot of time or money to the project.

    So what should be included in such a task?

  • Summary of projectSummarize the whole project that you are carrying out, of which their freelance task might make up one small component.
  • Detailed description of individual taskDescribe in detail what you'd like them to do and include examples and screenshots or videos to explain it if possible.
  • Budget and payment methodDescribe the budget that you have for their task in particular and how you intend to pay them.
  • Due dateHave a few options for the due date and encourage rewards for faster/on-time completion.
  • Method of deliveryDescribe how you'd like the task delivered. For example, should they create it in a WordPress format and then upload it to Google Docs, or will you give them a login?
  • Method of queries/feedbackHow can they ask you questions and what times are you available for Skype or email conversations?
  • Now, many of the websites that allow you to hire freelancers will have all of this sorted out for you and you'll just be required to fill in a bunch of different fields. But it's a good idea to think about it beforehand so as to get it refined.

    At this point you might need some tools to help you explain the job in as much detail as possible. For example, sometimes you will need to take a screenshot and then add some arrows and so on to explain the task like this this example:


    On a Mac you can do that by taking a screenshot by clicking COMMAND SHIFT 4 and then opening up the graphic in Preview and using the markup tool (the green arrows!).

    As a side note, I clicked the image instead of the actual tool about three times when making this screenshot! So meta. On a PC you can use the Snipping Tool and then edit the image in an editor like Photoshop.

    Alternatively, you can get a browser extension like Awesome Screenshots that will do it all in one go plus much more.

    This one also allows you to take scrolling videos of your screen and blur and mark them up, which can be very handy if you want to explain a portion of your screen without revealing everything due to privacy or some other reason.

    As you can see, the goal here is to create a job that is clearly explained and defined both in written text and with images so as to ensure that the freelancer you hire has all the information she or he needs.

    4. Hire the right freelancer for the job

    This is the stage where we actually go out into the web and look for the right freelancer for the task that we have created. There are lots of ways to do this, so let's take a look at the best options.

    The first option is to look on one of the major sites like 99Designs, Guru or Upwork. These have several advantages:

  • Bidding processWhile not always fair on the freelancers, the bidding process means you get to list a job and then choose the "best" freelancer for the task out of several thousand options.
  • Funds in escrowQuite often you pay your funds in advance to the site but the worker doesn't get them until you've chosen to release them by stating that the job is complete.
  • Mediation optionsIf a dispute arises, many of these sites will mediate the issue to try and get a good outcome for both parties. This is especially useful when a large project has been partially completed.
  • On-site securityBy dealing with someone exclusively within one platform you're often protected by their own in-built security mechanisms and so forth and you're never swapping financial details, etc.
  • If you go back an look at our guide on how to find images for your blog you'll see that we've used 99Designs to come up with a lot of our Blog Tyrant graphics and designs. The process literally takes two or three minutes with their super-clean interface.

    99 designs process

    You can start a contest where freelancers bid on a new job, or you can invite a specific worker to the task and request a quote. I really enjoy this process and am yet to be disappointed by the quality of work that is available.

    So, what should you look for when trying to hire the right freelancer?

  • Relevant experienceHow much experience do they have in their field and can you verify this with reviews and testimonials and so on? Make sure you check out the sample work to ensure the reviews are real.
  • Skill setDo the skills closely match the task that you are getting them to carry out? For example, someone who can make a logo might not be able to make an illustration even though they're both graphics.
  • Communication styleCommunication is really important and sometimes it can be a little hard if you are from different countries and speak different languages. Make sure you have a conversation or two so as to ensure you can get on the same page.
  • To give you an example, we can head over to this audio technician on Fiverr who is an excellent example of someone who ticks all the right boxes.

    fiverr review

    As you can see, he has a 5-star rating which is made up of over 2,000 reviews from happy customers. This is very difficult to fake, and given that he has a "top rated seller" badge from Fiverr it's likely that he is pretty safe.

    5. Figure out how to communicate, share files and review progress

    The last stage is to figure out how you will communicate and how you will review each others progress. Of course, if you're using a site like 99Designs then most of it will happen on-site.

    For external projects and freelancing staff, I like to use a site like Trello that allows you to manage projects and communicate with staff and colleagues in a very methodical and clear way.


    This is a screenshot of one of my Trello boards – I have different ones for different companies and projects, and within each project we break them down in to things like General Chat, Future Topics, etc.

    It's a really great way to share files and manage it all as it doesn't all get lost in your email inbox such that you end up digging around for files or threads or messages for hours a week.

    This approach really saves time but also keeps a record of the whole process which can be valuable if anything ever needs to be reviewed, or you want to look back and figure out how to replicate a successful freelancing project.

    BONUS COMMUNICATION TIPTry to be as patient and empathetic as possible when you are working with a new freelancer. Often we know our own blogs so well that we forget that simple tasks might actually require a lot of training and explanation for someone else. Try to find someone you communicate well with, even if they're not technically perfect.

    Have you ever hired a freelancer?

    If you've ever worked with a freelancer on your blog I'd love to hear about it. What worked well and where did you find them? Is there anything you would do differently in the future? Please leave a comment below and let us know as it might really help someone who is just starting out.

    Source: How to Hire a Freelancer and Grow Your Blogging Empire