Thursday, June 29, 2017

Blogging is not for pussies.

Originally posted on April 1, 2015

scaredy_catDon't be a pussy.

Anyone who blogs about a sensitive topic, especially one that focuses on mental health issues (religion and politics would be up there too), is bound to run into haters and detractors at some point. If you blog about a controversial topic, such as narcissism and narcissistic abuse (which is my #1 topic), religion, politics, or the ethical ramifications of breeding pit bulls, by default you make yourself vulnerable to online narcissists, trolls, bullies, and psychopaths. You are going to attract people who do not wish you well. It's a built-in hazard of the trade.

Even if your blog isn't particularly controversial or doesn't focus on a sensitive issue, you are going to have haters and maybe even bullies. OM (Opinionated Man) is a perfect example of this (he insists he has a LOT of haters), and his blog is one of the most popular on WordPress. He doesn't let the haters get him down, and neither should I and neither should you.

I've wasted a lot of time beating myself up for things beyond my control. Over people who do not wish me or my blog well. Way too often I allow other people's negative opinions of me, my blog, or my articles to get me down and even make me want to change my blog's focus or remove posts that I thought might have offended them.

You cannot please everyone. It's not possible. If by some fluke you somehow do please everyone, then you probably have the most boring blog in the universe, one that's all sweetness and light 24/7, and never approaches anything the slightest bit triggering or controversial.


Someone is going to be offended.

Even if you blog about something as benign as cake decorating or flower arranging, you are probably going to offend someone. Maybe someone doesn't like the fact you write recipes using cream cheese icing instead of buttercream, or vice versa. Maybe they are diabetics who take offense to the fact you don't include sugarless cake decorations in your recipes. They might even assume you are prejudiced against people with diabetes. Maybe someone doesn't like the color yellow in your floral arrangements because they have bad associations with that color. Maybe they are angry at you because the flowers are dead and they are are morally opposed to killing plant life for ornamental purposes. They could be offended by your fonts or your layout. Maybe they hate your avatar because your picture reminds them of their rude neighbor who lets their dog bark all night and revs their engine every morning at 5 AM.  You have no control over these things.  My point is that no matter what you b log about, someone is going to take offense.

If you can't stand having bullies and haters, you probably shouldn't be blogging at all. If you blog about a sensitive or controversial issue, as I do, you are going to attract even more of them than you would if you only blogged about cake decorating or flower arranging or baby koalas.

The Green-Eyed Monster.

Some people are also going to be jealous of you. If your blog becomes successful, expect to have haters. That's probably why OM has so many haters. His blog is one of the most popular and well-known on the Internet. I'm not tooting my own horn here, but I've noticed as my blog has grown, I also have acquired more haters and critics. As a self-identified HSP (highly sensitive person), this realization has been hard for me to accept. I need to grow a thicker skin and just write about what I want and not worry about what the haters think.


On Political Correctness.

I don't like political correctness. I don't like feeling like I have to censor my own thoughts and feelings, because openness and honesty has made my blog what it is. If my words offend someone, they just need to deal with it. If they hate me or my blog, sucks for them.  There are other blogs they can read instead. No one is holding a gun to their head telling them they have to read this blog. I even have an Escape button that will take them to the Huffington Post (it's not lost on me that some may be offended by THAT). It's not like I'm the only voice on the Internet that addresses the issues I write the most about. There are hundreds of others.


I'm a natural pessimist. If I enter a room and everyone is friendly and welcoming except for one person who scowls at me, I'm the type who will fret and ruminate about that one grumpy person rather than feel blessed and grateful that everyone else is happy to see me. Focusing on that one negative person keeps me from enjoying the party.

It's the same thing with blogging. I have a lot of supporters and friends in the blogging community. There are lots of people who enjoy my blog posts and visit every day. I shouldn't worry about the few people who are critical of me or my blog, because they don't matter. They are probably not the sort of people I would want to have as friends anyway.

So, if you blog, don't be a wuss. Grow a tougher skin and accept the fact you are going to have haters. You don't have to approve their comments. You don't have to search Google to see what your detractors may be saying about you. You don't have to let their vitriol ruin your day. They don't matter.

Don't censor yourself. Most people will be able to tell if you are trying to hard to be "politically correct," and your blog will become boring and insincere and no one will want to read it.   People aren't stupid and can tell if you're not being honest or are censoring yourself because of your fear of criticism or offending someone.

Blog from your heart and soul. Be courageous. Write about what you want, no matter how controversial. Don't be afraid to stir the pot and stand by your heartfelt opinions, even if they are unpopular ones.

Tell the haters to take a hike. You are going to have them. They don't matter.

Source: Blogging is not for pussies.

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