Saturday, July 30, 2016

Your social media profile (or lack thereof) can impact your job search

social mediaCan social media impact your job search?

Most definitely. Social media has become a critical skill for networking and promoting your skills to potential employers. So you can bet I was surprised to learn that only a small percentage of my employment counselling clients have a LinkedIn profile, and the few with Facebook or Twitter accounts say they only use them to be in contact with family and friends. And none of them have used blogging as a tool to build their reputation or to get a job.

People choose to engage (or not) in different social media sites in different ways. Some want to keep work stuff separate from private life, some want to stay private altogether, while others see social media a valuable tool to stay in touch, share information, and broadcast their ideas and skills.

Whatever your preference, your use of social media, or lack thereof, can have an impact on your professional life. According to a 2012 survey conducted by Eurocom Worldwide, "Almost one in five technology industry executives say that a candidate's social media profile has caused them not to hire that person." Previous Eurocom surveys had found almost 40 per cent of survey respondents say they review job candidate's profiles on social media sites.

So what you are putting out there on social media matters, as it serves your first impression with employers.


Social media to impress

If you're not on social media much —  or at all — you might want to consider starting at least a LinkedIn profile, which is the ultimate professional online networking tool. It allows you to showcase your skills, achievements, education, work and volunteer experience or business. Make sure you have an updated and professional picture, a succinct profile summary, current job information, past job experience, education, skills, awards, and even testimonials.

If you're on several social media sites already, such as Facebook and Twitter, here are a few other considerations. If, like most people, you use Facebook mostly to stay in touch with family and friends, be careful about what you post if your friends' list includes professional contacts. Nothing too personal or controversial! And remember to keep your settings private if you don't want your posts to be visible to everyone.

On Twitter, anyone can start "following" you, so be very careful what you share and say. That being said, if you use it wisely, it can be a very effective tool to share your knowledge, build your reputation, and connect with companies and other professionals. The same goes for YouTube and Instagram if you have video and photographic skills, and blogging using tools like WordPress or Blogger.

Remember that anything you post has the potential to be read, shared — and judged by potential employers! — so choose your words, pictures and videos carefully!

Argentine-born Silvia Di Blasio is a certified career development practitioner in Surrey, B.C., and volunteers for many community organizations in her spare time. She writes the "Job Search Strategies" column for Canadian Immigrant magazine.

Source: Your social media profile (or lack thereof) can impact your job search

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