Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Best Online Blogging Tips to Keep Your Blog’s Traffic High


Blog writing is getting popular day by day as it is the soul of online marketing and no one can underestimate the power of a good piece of writing. While setting up your own blog with an innovative theme in your mind, you might be feeling highly motivated, but after posting a good amount of blog posts and getting no responses, you will start feeling quite disappointed. What you actually want is to interact with the people with similar interests, get their comments and appreciation resulting a new gush of motivation to write more convincingly. But why you are failing to get response? Why your blog is not being noticed? Why you are still unable to get a good traffic to your blog? What can be the trick to get people attracted towards your posts? What are the Ways to become a good writer?

Generally talking, there are two obvious ways to drive traffic to your website, one of them is through commenting and putting links to your blog in comment section of relevant blogs. Secondly, if you have enough money to invest for your blog, you can buy reviews, get SEO services to drive traffic to your blog and running different interesting contests to appeal people who want to get huge prizes. First option takes a lot and lot of time to drive traffic to your website and obviously your devotion to surf others blogs, read and put comments accordingly. We don't say that you will not get traffic doing this, but it will take months to reach to a specific goal. Second option is a bit better but still you need to invest a big amount to get SEO services. So we are mentioning a few valid, practical and beneficial tips which will give a good exposure to your blog and you will start getting a good amount of traffic soon.

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Guest Posting:

Guest posting is one of the most interesting way to drive traffic to your website. What actually you have to do is to write, for the sake of getting read. Guest posting basically is about offering your articles to other blogs of the same niche, which you have chosen for your blog posting. The first few weeks, you should try making good connections with other bloggers of your industry. You must read their posts, put comments, discuss points, cross questioning, get into related forums and discussions. When you are done making good friends, you can ask them to give you a chance to write a blog post for them. If you have established a good connection with them already, there are chances that they will let you write for their blog. When their audience will hit your post, they will directly approach your blog and you will be getting a good response from an already settled community for your niche.

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Social Media Websites:

Another big Source of getting huge traffic is via getting popularity on famous social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and so on. The thing that matters is that how many followers/friends/subscribers you have got on these platforms and whether you have got them through proper channel or some fake follower creating apps. Try to get connected with real people who are into your interests. Just like previous strategy, you have to make good friends. Use every technique to get a good response from your friends and followers. Once you have become popular, post your links on your social media channels. Your friends, if they are real, will value your content and get to your post very often. You will be getting good traffic through this strategy.

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Try Linking To Other Blogs Of Same Niche:

To get a good traffic, it is important to get yourself connected to other blogs. You have to create a community which has similar interests, follow their strategies, patterns, writing style (if they are getting good traffic) and get interacted with the people around. Once you have left some interesting comment in the blog commenting section below, people will love to get in touch with you. If they like your point of view, they will explore your website to get a closer look to your ideas. Leave the link to your blog along with your comments. Make sure to maintain the quality of your blog. It's very important that the reader can get the same standard of writing in every post. Quality fluctuation make a negative impression and they will never want to come back to your blog.

Keep Your Blog Updated:

Not only getting traffic is important, but you have to get them stuck to your blog. Try putting a high level of interest for the reader, you have to force them to get back to your posts very often. There must be a subscribe or follow button with your posts. If someone follows you, they must get alerts from your blog about fresh posts so that they can get a reason to return to your blog. If you will keep silence for a long time, people will unsubscribe and you will be omitted from their memory and favorites list. If you think that it is impossible to write on regular basis, get professional blog writing services and handover your responsibility to some good writer for a settled fee.

By using all or some of these techniques, you will be getting a good ratio of traffic to your website. Just make sure that be constant for whatever you do. Do not leave things after a few times. Constancy is very important if you have ever dreamed of getting big online.

Submitted By : – Jenny Campata

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Source: Best Online Blogging Tips to Keep Your Blog's Traffic High

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