Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Blogging 101: These Bloggers Share Tips And Tricks For Better Content

Does your 2017 resolution have something to do with blogging yet you have no idea what to write and how to push through?

Well, if it seems like you're already on a blogging hiatus even when you just finished putting up your own site, these tips and tricks shared by well-known lifestyle bloggers will help you jumpstart yours! Pen and paper ready? Here we go.

Kally Araneta

Focus: Style and Lifestyle

Fast Facts: Blogging is just her part-time, and just like the rest of us, she works in an actual office 5 days a week!

Blogging Advice: "Write about something that you know about or what to know. It's okay to research just so you can gather as much information about the topic."

Vern Enciso

Focus: Travel and Beauty

Fast Facts: Aside from writing articles about travel, life and beauty, Vern and her sister, Verniece, also authored the book called V ❤ V Style Diary.

Blogging Advice: "Always write from the heart and what interests you. When you're faking something, it'll show in the way you write."

Verniece Enciso

Focus: Travel and Beauty

Fast Facts: Verniece is a figure skater on top of being a lifestyle blogger!

Blogging Advice: "Blog what you love and love what you do. This will keep you original and different from everyone."

Jerro Santos

Focus: Food

Fast Facts: Aside from handling Gourmanila, Jerro is also a copywriter, marketer and a social media consultant.

Blogging Advice: "Stick to a few formats. Format is an important aspect of blogging because it serves as unique signature of your blog. It does not have to be completely different. Come up with a few formats, like reviews, features, top-10 listicles, and stick with those format on a regular schedule. This way, your readers will be able to anticipate the kind of content you will release on a certain day."

That's it! Hope you guys learned a thing or two about blogging! <3

Do you also blog? Share your blog links in the comments.

Share This Article Yza Tolentino

Yza Tolentino is 25% yuccie and 75% yuppie. Despite her busy ad agency life, she finds time to do her DIY projects, attend art-related events, go to local indie gigs and photograph pets all over the metro. @yzatolentino

Source: Blogging 101: These Bloggers Share Tips And Tricks For Better Content

#Blogging Changed My Life รข€“ Could It Change Yours?

12 Statements That Will Change Your Marriage The reality of married life is that we all settle into negative and positive communication. Both kinds of communication change ... Your intention might be to draw boundaries or give a warning, but you're really saying, "Measure up to my standards ... read moreDid something unexpected ever happen in your life? This changed our life beyond imagination, in every way. It was nothing like I could have ... engage others via your interaction and actions. Transform into a positive organization where people and performance thrive. I'm blogging my next book ... read moreWhy I Changed My Mind About Hiring a Cleaning Service I just don't feel like I could spend money having someone clean my house ... time in your life. To have people come into our home every week and sweep and mop all of our floors, deep clean our kitchen, deep clean our bathrooms, change all of our sheets ... read more

Tommy Keough on Building Your Online Brand and Standing Out Again, forget you have a life because you just handed it over to them. After this I joined a Pararescue Team, became a parachute instructor, commercial diver, dive instructor, medic, Ships Master and gained my pilot qualification. I changed my military ... read more5 Ways Blogging Changed My Professional Life It would spark a period of intense introspective thinking and ultimately change my life—in more ways that I could have ever imagined. Really, Jordan? Blogging changed your life? I know that's what you're thinking—I'm crazy, or at least exaggerating. read moreWriters Beware: Would You Rather Will Get Your Pencils in a Bunch I'll ask some questions and provide my answers. Feel free to comment with your answers or post these questions and your answers on your blog ... change my actions and responses to various situations is appealing that doesn't guarantee that my life ... read morePolitics And The Blog. Popping Bubbles. For the second or third time in the history of my blog, someone has written me and asked to be taken off the subscriptions list. Dianne said she has been reading my books and blogs for yours ... and my life. That will not change and has not changed. read moreMum seeks advice after grandmother asks for baby's name to be changed However, her grandmother objected to the name, saying it reminded her of the word 'leukaemia' which had claimed her daughter's life last summer. '[My ... could see the grandmother's point of view. One user wrote: 'I can understand your gran ... read more8 Elite Daily Editors Share The Book That Changed Their Lives Or maybe it was a random story you checked out of the library one day, not realizing it would change the way you look at the world. Either way, it found you, and you know your life would have ... it was anything but. It changed my outlook on everything ... read more'My Husband's Wife' Has An Ending That Will Change The Way You View Marriage Forever Jane Corry's My Husband's Wife is this ... but the motivations of the closest people in your life. Because if Jane Corry's book is good at one thing, its making you look for the worst in people, and how could you not after reading such a dark story filled ... read more

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Source: #Blogging Changed My Life – Could It Change Yours?

Monday, January 30, 2017

Writing and Blogging Bucket List 2017

Writing and Blogging Bucket List 2017 - My Random Musings

If you read my post reflecting on last year's bucket last, then you'll know that I said I would be posting this year's list today. In my post about setting realistic goals (which has some advice if you want to set goals but don't know where to start or you just need a bit of extra motivation) I mentioned that I have a five year plan. This list is year one of achieving that plan and all of the goals will impact on the five year plan in one way or another.

  • Have 2.5 Million page views on this blogWriting and Blogging Bucket List 2017
  • Have 12,000+ Twitter followers – If don't already follow me on Twitter, help me out with this one here
  • Have 3,000+ Instagram followers – You can help me out here
  • Have over 1,000 people like my Facebook page – Again, you can help me out here
  • Post to Instagram at least three times per week – I really let my Instagram posting schedule slip last year so I want to get back into this one.
  • Post every Monday-Friday on the blog with the exception of holidays
  • Complete all the blogmin tasks I've been putting off for over a year – Re-format old posts that didn't transition well when I went self hosted, run a broken link checker and fix them all, add images to some older posts
  • Set up a website for my freelance writing business – I've actually already done this as I found a hosting package deal that made it too good to wait, but it still needs some work and I have a few other pages etc that need adding. you can check out what I have so far here. And if you need any freelance writing work doing, get in touch – randommusings29@gmail.com
  • Do at least one vlog – this is something I always said I would never do and to be honest, the thought still terrifies me, but where's the fun in letting fear stop you!
  • Take part in the April A-Z Blogging Challenge
  • Read 100 books
  • Complete #NaNoWriMo
  • Dig out and edit the manuscripts I have laying around gathering virtual dust and get them ready to use!
  • Find a literary agent – This was on last year's list, and to be honest, it was a token gesture. I knew I was far too impatient to wait around before releasing my first novel so I emailed one agent then self published before they even had a chance to respond. This time, I'm doing it properly!
  • Write and publish another short story collection
  • Write and publish at least two non-fiction books
  • Look into getting my books into a store – if anyone happens to run, or know someone who runs, a book store, please do let me know!
  • Increase my monthly income by fifty percent. This will be through a combination of brand work on my blog and through my freelancing and book sales
  • Write another novel and have it ready for publishing in November
  • Stop procrastinating and flitting from task to task – Just sit down and get on with one task at a time!
  • Do you have any goals for 2017? Let me know in the comments ๐Ÿ™‚

    You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!


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    Source: Writing and Blogging Bucket List 2017

    #Blogging world: Tiffany Sweeney shares opinions on books

    Blogging world: Tiffany Sweeney shares opinions on books Some people know Tiffany Sweeney as the elementary school counselor at Mountain View Elementary. Others know her as the blogger behind Tif Talks Books, a book blog that has been online since 2007. Although Sweeney stresses that her blog is small at only a ... read moreWhat Now? Back on the train, in seats this time instead of squished against our fellow travelers, it was one last chance to smile at the ladies in pink hats, the kids with Girls Run the World ... File blog for the Kennan Institute and is a contributing opinion ... read moreWhat You Can Learn From a Millennial Mogul Recently I was introduced to Tiffany Pham, the founder of Mogul, an online platform that facilitates conversations among young women to share journeys and ... is a lot to be learned here. The opinions expressed here by Inc.com columnists are their own ... read more

    To Pay or Not to Pay: A Closer Look at the Business of Blogging According to her blog, she will serve as a "real world" counterpoint to the celebrity stylist ... but they could comment and sketch directly on the images and share their opinions with their followers. Consumers across the nation experienced Fashion ... read moreTop 30 Travel Blogs To Follow In 2016 Fortunately, we have brave adventurers who have been exploring the world for months sometimes ... as well as share a little insight into what goes into running a blogging and social media business. Luxe Tiffany – Tiffany Dowd is a globally recognized ... read more49 Seriously Good Blogs for Christian Egalitarians Find the blog under Resources. Psephizo|Ian Paul Theologian, author, speaker, and director of publishing for Grove Books, Paul blogs about ... Bronwyn Lea This SAHM, Bible teacher, writer shares thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics related ... read moreAgainst All Odds It is a book about living life to the maximum and being in love. It is about strict parents and their children. About losing someone who love more than everything in the world ... my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Against All Odds is ... read moreThe Legendary Avocado Lady Tiffany shares one of her favorite recipes and she buys it all ... Cross the street and take one more left and you're a few stride away from the legendary Avocado Lady's bustling shop. She's at 274 Wulumuqi Lu. Special thanks to Sunnie Zou of Sunnie ... read moreAuthor sued for making children's books of On the Road and Breakfast at Tiffany's Swedish writer Fredrik Colting is being taken to court for infringing copyright on books including Breakfast at Tiffany's and 2001: A Space Odyssey Swedish author Fredrik Colting is being sued for creating children's versions of classic novels. read moreTop of the World, J. America to merge Acquisition, interest rates push BOK earnings down Sports Biz: Sports business lessons can apply to all groups Tribes compete for health care providers in rural areas Contractor says Trump refusing to pay for work at D.C. hotel Tribes use outside ... read more

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    Source: #Blogging world: Tiffany Sweeney shares opinions on books

    Sunday, January 29, 2017

    The New Normal

    Western Painted Turtle. Internet Archive Book Image, Courtesy Flickr Commons.

    Western Painted Turtle. Internet Archive Book Image, Courtesy Flickr Commons.

    Blogging is a bad platform for the slow and reflective.

    Which is how I tend to approach my writing, particularly those pieces which fall into the category of family memoir. This is especially the case when life changes more drastically, or has more ups and down, than I can easily process.

    Take my father's health, for example.

    The last post I did relative to that roller coaster was in late November. Yet at the time I was chronicling things that had happened in July. Half a year ago now. This was when my dad decided to fire all but two of the personal care assistants that had been coming 24/7 to take care of him and my mother since his first hospitalization in May, and his second in June. I left things there, which confused many caring people.

    I do not apparently have the equipment to be a good journalist. For this I apologize. My father had a third hospitalization, for pneumonia last August.

    The first hospitalization was just after Mother's Day. The second was on Father's Day weekend. The third was on my parents' sixty-first wedding anniversary. Apparently even the "good" stress of looking forward to something is a health risk for my father these days.

    Now someone is assisting at my parents' home from nine to one and from five to nine, each day, which at the moment seems to be the right balance of assistance and independence, for my parents as well as for my sister Whitney, who lives twenty minutes away and has had the bulk of the responsibility for caregiving.

    There was a fourth hospitalization in October.

    This came after a CT scan to make sure my father's lungs were clear from pneumonia accidentally went a bit low, revealing a dark spot on his abdomen. The dark spot turned out to be an aortic aneurysm.

    Apparently many older people develop these. While not as dangerous as a brain aneurysm, a rupture is still bad news, and the doctor recommended a stint be implanted. That surgery went reasonably well, but it was by no means easy; the anesthesia caused vomiting, and the initial recovery period was painful.

    Most upsetting to my father was the catheter he came home with.

    His bladder had descended during surgery, causing urine retention, a complication we had been unaware of as a possibility. Urine retention, which has other causes in men as well (weakened muscles, nerve damage, enlarged prostate), can damage both bladder and kidneys. Since my dad already has chronic kidney disease, this is a serious problem.

    That complications could occur we knew. But the older you get, the more there are, and the specifics are often blurry. So the catheter had been put in until things got back to normal. Since that time it has been out, and then back in, and then out, and now it is back in again.

    Welcome to the new normal.

    My father's anger, his bitterness and resentments, have always been difficult for me to experience.

    But his disappointment and despair – even secondhand, through my sister's reports – takes difficult to new depths. Over and over he is forced to confront not only the fact that he can no longer take care for my mother, but he can no longer take care of himself. His body is just wearing out.

    Meanwhile, despite her Alzheimer's, my mother appears healthy as a horse. "You are improving, while I am declining," he said to her one day. The tone was tender, with a side of wise-assery.

    My parents in younger days [1957], with a little me.

    My parents in younger days [1957], with a little me.

    Of course there are always options. The problem is determining which ones are good ones. 

    My dad had surgery for an enlarged prostate many years ago. After the last catheter reinsertion, the urologist did an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed there was some scarring or tissue around the prostate. "We can do surgery," the urologist said. "We can scrape or shave off (!) that tissue and it might correct the problem."

    "What's the chance of that?" my sister asked. Maybe 50/50, she was told. If it's not just weakened muscles. Or nerve damage.

    Surgery involves more anesthesia, and another two to three day hospital stay. And arranging 24 hour care for my mom. If, that is, his doctor gives his OK, and there are no complications in the pre-op physical. The day before the stent surgery, for example, after everything had been cleared, a boil that might become inflected suddenly appeared. All the aides had to be cancelled, and then rescheduled.

    My sister's job, of course.

    Dad's all gung ho for surgery.

    As far as he's concerned, the worst that could happen is that it wouldn't work. Which he says he understands is a possibility. But doctors fix things. That's their job.

    My sister is not thrilled. But there's more to her lack of enthusiasm than the upcoming hassle she faces. She is afraid he is downplaying the possibility of complications. So am I.

    Still, what can we give him now but the dignity of choice, the power to make his own decisions.

    In the meantime I am not blogging regularly. For more reasons than my father's health.

    Reasons related to work, and self-care, family and relationships. Not to mention the health and wellbeing of my country.

    Because everything I value about living in a constitutional democracy with a bill of rights and an evolving understanding of what those rights mean – for all people – is being threatened by the narcissistic demagogue I am now ashamed to call my President.

    The forces that put Donald Trump in the White House may not be new. But I refuse to accept them as normal.

    There are things that need to be done. Even for the slow and reflective.

    Source: The New Normal

    10 Awesome Facts Everyone Should Know About #Blogging

    10 Awesome Facts Everyone Should Know About Blogging Facts and figures are important to know because they tell you what you should be doing to get desired results. Blogging is not an easy thing to do if you are thinking of earning out of it. Making a blog and posting an article will not help you earn ... read more10 Years of Blogging I never imagined that I'd be blogging for 10 years. But then again, I had no idea where it was headed when I started this blog back then early in 2007. None of us did. It's been the most amazing ... things seems to be taking over in a big way. I ... read more10 Things Smart Feminists Know About Hooking Up communicating openly is pretty much the secret to ensuring everyone feels amazing. So be sure to check in throughout. Try lines like, "How does this feel?" or "Want to see if you like XYZ?" And know that your partner/s should be checking in with you ... read more

    10 things you may not know about Donald Trump But she believes that if you like something the way it is, you should leave it ... "He'd always tell everyone in the room how great a daughter I was and say cute things and ask me about a test I took,' she added. Ivanka Trump told the journalist ... read more10 Essential Dryer Sheet Hacks Everyone Should Know A friend later told me about a few dryer sheet hacks — super cool things you can do with dryer sheets that have ... check out this list of awesome dryer sheet hacks and learn a few of the fun (and inventive!) ways you can use (and re-use) your dryer ... read more10 Things Every Woman Needs to Hear at Various Points in Her Life Let's examine the 10 things ... s family should encourage her to love and appreciate her healthy body. It's one of the things women need to hear early on in life, because the girl will eventually become a woman. She needs to know how amazing her ... read more10 Amazing Games You Can Play On Almost Any PC (2GB RAM Or Less) So if you have 4GB RAM, these games should run like a dream ... the "Bastion", a place where everyone is supposed to go when things go horribly wrong. The gameplay is smooth and polished. You have a choice of over 10 different weapons to play with ... read more10 things to learn about dating a blind person. There are few greater thrills than meeting someone amazing for the first time ... and I don't know. I didn't like that. It kind of freaked me out." "I am capable of doing things myself," she explains. "I don't want the person to feel like ... read more10 Things You Absolutely Need To Know Before Getting A Second Dog Having a dog as your best friend is an amazing ... should first consider if you have the time and energy for another pet. After you decide that, you're ready to go through the long checklist. The list below reveals 10 things everyone needs to know ... read moreThe Latest: Hand, Ganassi Closing in on Another Rolex Win That is one of the toughest things ... 10 Cadillac with the lead in the early stages of the 24-hour endurance race Saturday and almost immediately gave it away. "I just don't have enough experience in these cars on restarts," Gordon said. "I didn't know ... read more

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    Source: 10 Awesome Facts Everyone Should Know About #Blogging

    Saturday, January 28, 2017

    Blogger Meet and Greet: Groundhog Day Party

    Do you want to increase your website traffic?

    Get notified of tips to increase your traffic, access to our exclusive Pinterest group board, a link exchange, a Follow to Follow Directory, a StumbleUpon group, and a free, downloadable PDF of 89 blogging tools that will save you hours of time. Your Email will always stay private.

    Source: Blogger Meet and Greet: Groundhog Day Party

    Medium vs. #WordPress: Battle of the #Blogging Platforms

    Medium vs. WordPress: Battle of the Blogging Platforms Once upon a time, a blogger was defined as someone who published personal musings on an online journal. Today, blogging is a major component of content marketing — a practice 88 percent of B2B marketers now leverage to raise brand awareness and promote ... read moreWordPress vs. Joomla vs. Drupal: The Final Showdown WordPress: This platform is without a doubt the best choice for beginners. It performs incredibly well with medium sized websites & personal ... Initially, it was a platform designed for blogging. Because it was incredibly successful it moved to the ... read more11 Best Blogging Platforms – Squarespace VS WordPress VS Blogger There are a million ways to start a blog but not all of them are great. In fact, if you've been following MonetizePros, you'll know that we strongly advise starting a WordPress ... whatnot, Medium.com has removed all of the clutter. The platform ... read more

    WordPress vs Medium – How to Choose the Right Platform For pure blogging that's great, but if you want to create an actual web presence, business website or any kind of customized web content, Medium is not going to be able to help you. The platform simply lacks the necessary functionality. WordPress ... read moreMedium Vs WordPress.com – Which Blogging Platform Is Right For You Medium is the exception. It looks great on every device I own and works wonderfully. It's the first platform where I don't feel the need to request a dedicated app. And that's high praise. WordPress on the other hand is the grand daddy of blogging world. read moreThe Best Free and Premium WordPress Themes Comparison All the templates of today's selection are WordPress themes. That is definitely one of the most popular platforms among the ... a go and pick one for your small or medium sized business website. Use the integrated blog function to make your website ... read moreWordPress vs. Tumblr vs. Blogger Deciding to start a blog is not even close to half the battle ... What blogging platform are you going to use? Although there numerous Web-publishing services out there, there's no denying WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger are the three most popular ... read moreMachine Learning is Going to Revolutionize Content Content Discovery WordPress and Medium are working on different aspects of the content publishing problem. WordPress works to give people a platform and tool to create on ... tell us better than ever before what's spam vs. genuine content. read moreWhy Blogging Is a Great Side Gig + How to Get Started in the Next 30 Minutes Ease of use, free vs. premium, templates, and whether you're familiar with code are all things to consider when searching for the platform that will host your blog. WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Medium, Ghost, Squarespace, and Wix are all options ... read moreMedium vs WordPress – Choosing the Right Platform For a long time, the answer to the question of where your blog should live ... In this regard, WordPress is a superior product because it's meant to be a framework, not just a writing platform. In comparing Medium vs WordPress, it's obvious that ... read more

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    Source: Medium vs. #WordPress: Battle of the #Blogging Platforms

    Friday, January 27, 2017

    Helena: Free Lifestyle & Travelling WordPress Theme

    Register Recover Password

    Join ByPeople!, just write your email. An email message will be sent to you with the activation link.

    If you lost your password write your email. An email message will be sent to you with the recovery link.

    Source: Helena: Free Lifestyle & Travelling WordPress Theme

    3 Ways to Customize Your #WordPress Dashboard without a Plugin

    3 Ways to Customize Your WordPress Dashboard without a Plugin WordPress is no longer just a blogging platform. It is quickly gaining traction as a web operating system as well. From brainstorming content ideas to writing the post and moderating comments to analyzing your traffic stats, without a doubt, as a WordPress ... read moreHow to Customize the WordPress Dashboard for Clients (or anyone else) There are two ways you can add tooltips to your client ... about above…without having to dig into code. It's a plugin geared towards helping developers simplify WordPress for clients. You can brand the dashboard, add a custom welcome dashboard ... read moreThe Best WordPress Plugins And Tools To Create And Deploy Content Upgrades And according to Pat Flynn they are one of the most effective ways to build your ... eBook – There is an optional WordPress plugin that will pull your entire blog post(s) through into your Beacon dashboard. Or you can create from scratch. read more

    3 Creative Ways to Ask for More Subscribers on Your WordPress Website That said, your readers aren't psychic, and can't subscribe if you don't give them the opportunity. By simply asking for people to subscribe throughout your WordPress site ... Here's the plugin in action on the Without Boxes blog: Experts all ... read moreHow to Easily Translate Your WordPress Website lang=fr Source code content is translated, otherwise your translations will never be visible for Google, hence not indexed. Do not use JavaScript solutions that only dynamically translate content without ... dashboard). Add Weglot plugin from your ... read more10 Easy Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Website [Case Study] To make it more accessible, in this article we will show you a few simple ways to make your ... custom post types so I no longer have to load the entire Types plugin, however, that's a step for another time. Next, it's time to upgrade. Keeping ... read moreHow To Setup Stripe To Accept Payments in WordPress The easiest way to accept ... Login to your WordPress dashboard and head over to the Add New Plugin page. Step 3: When the installation is complete, Activate the plugin. Step 4: Go over to the WP Simple Pay Lite for Stripe page to customize the settings. read more20 Best WordPress Login Forms on CodeCanyon Sometimes you need to modify your ... WordPress Dashboard access for subscriber levels redirect for both user login and logout and much more Custom Login & Access WordPresss Plugin is a beautiful WordPress login and content restriction solution. 3. read more7 ways to improve your WordPress On-Page SEO Additionally you might want to check some WordPress backup plugins like the ones that we have reviewed on TheCMSPlace. Check them out from here. #2 – Create useful content with suitable selection of keywords and phrases Without a proper keyword research ... read more5 Common WordPress Security Issues These scripts load without ... you one dashboard to manage multiple WordPress sites. 3. Using Plugins and Themes from Untrustworthy Sources Poorly-written, insecure, or outdated code is one of the most common ways attackers can exploit your WordPress ... read more

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    Source: 3 Ways to Customize Your #WordPress Dashboard without a Plugin

    Thursday, January 26, 2017

    Bloggerรข€™s Pit Stop #58

    Do you want to increase your website traffic?

    Get notified of tips to increase your traffic, access to our exclusive Pinterest group board, a link exchange, a Follow to Follow Directory, a StumbleUpon group, and a free, downloadable PDF of 89 blogging tools that will save you hours of time. Your Email will always stay private.

    Source: Blogger's Pit Stop #58

    11 Biggest Guest #Blogging Mistakes Keeping You From Success (and how to avoid them)

    11 Biggest Guest Blogging Mistakes Keeping You From Success (and how to avoid them) There is a reason why some famous marketers are so active with guest posting all over the place. Neil Patel does it. Danny Iny built the foundation for his business with guest posting. And there are multiple other examples. And I admit if I see famous ... read moreTop 20 Data Center Migration Mistakes To Avoid These are some common pitfalls to avoid, mistakes others have made, tips to keep in mind, and otherwise general do's and don'ts of data center migration (20 of them ... to success. 5 – Not verifying equipment will fit in the new space – You ... read more12 Warning Signs of a Poorly Optimized Website My guest ... avoid on your website to ensure your website and your business success. I hope these SEO tips in this post will help you optimize your blog. If you have any questions about SEO, feel free to post it in the comments section below and we'll ... read more

    The Six Biggest Mistakes In Corporate Blogging You can blog all day, but if you don't promote it correctly, you will never reach the levels of success you are looking for. In short, it's easy for people new to corporate blogging to make mistakes. Here are the six biggest mistakes I see them making. read moreHow to Get Promoted by Social Media Influencers When You're a Nobody I recommend sourcing great articles on relevant topics in your industry, and sharing them. Keep ... blog. Do you have to blog every week for ten years to become an influencer? No, even though it would probably help. Instead, what you can do is write some ... read moreeCommerce Roundup: Top Articles for eCommerce Marketers (January – February 2017) By keeping a certain standard in your content, you'll be able to arise above just the trendy news of the day. 4. How to Position Yourself as an Influencer by Guest Posting ... 8 Top Hashtag Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Dhariana Lozano (Social ... read more17 Foolish Mistakes to Avoid as a Guest Blogger here is a look at the mistakes guest bloggers commonly make when strategizing, pitching, and writing guest blog posts -- so you can avoid them and increase your chances of guest blogging success! This is your first big mistake. Guest blogging, like any ... read moreSounders look to avoid complacency as training camp begins Earlier this month, Schmetzer agreed to be a surprise guest speaker at a corporate kickoff ... "No one cares about mistakes if you get on with it," Scott said. "But I told them 'There's going to be moments throughout the year when you've ... read moreSeb Brantigan on Personal Branding, Systems, and Being a Britpreneur Although he's been out of the sales game for a while he gives me some great insight and tips, particularly on what NOT to do and mistakes to avoid ... you for the opportunity to be interviewed Erik, love what you are doing on your blog here and keep ... read more17 Money-Saving Strategies We Used To Save Over $50,000 Last Year We stopped a nasty habit we had of reading about great tips, and then failing to implement them. Avoid our mistakes ... post. 11) More home movies — no movie theaters. We have this sweet movie theater close to us with comfy chairs, and you can even ... read more

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    Source: 11 Biggest Guest #Blogging Mistakes Keeping You From Success (and how to avoid them)

    Wednesday, January 25, 2017

    147: How I Made Over One Million Dollars Blogging In 2016 With Steve Chou

    147: How I Made Over One Million Dollars Blogging In 2016 With Steve Chou

    My wife just closed the books on MyWifeQuitHerJob.com for 2016 and I'm happy to say that I hit 2 major milestones this past year. In this episode, I go over in detail how I managed to make over a million dollars blogging and what's in store for 2017.

    What You'll Learn
  • The 2 milestones I hit this year
  • Why I decided to quit my job
  • Why it was so hard for me to quit
  • The income report for my blog
  • How I hit the million dollar mark this year
  • My Facebook ads strategy
  • Should you start a blog or an online store
  • Other Resources And Books Sponsors

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    SellersSummit.com – The ultimate ecommerce learning conference! Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high level BS, the Sellers Summit is a curriculum based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an ecommerce business. Click here and get your ticket now before it sells out.Sellers Summit

    Transcript Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast, the place where I bring on successful bootstrapped business owners and delve deeply into what strategies are working and what strategies are not with their businesses. Now I'm Steve Chou, and today we're going to do a solo episode where I break down how I made over a million dollars blogging in 2016, but before we begin I want to give a quick shout out to Klaviyo who is a sponsor of the show.

    Now I'm actually super excited to talk about Klaviyo because they are the email marketing platform that I personally use for my ecommerce store and I actually depend on Klaviyo for over 20% of my revenues. Now you're probably wondering why Klaviyo and not another email provider. Klaviyo is the only email platform out there that is specifically built for ecommerce stores, and here's why it is so powerful.

    Klaviyo can track every single customer who has shopped in your store and exactly what they purchased which makes it extremely powerful. So let's say I want to send an email to everyone who purchased a red handkerchief in the last week, boom, let's say I want to set up a special autoresponder sequence to my customers depending on what they purchased, piece of cake, and there's a full revenue tracking on every email too.

    Now Klaviyo is the most powerful email platform that I've ever used and you can actually try them for free at mywifequitherjob.com/Klaviyo, and the way you spell Klaviyo is K-L-A-V-I-Y-O. Once again that's mywifequitherjob.com/Klaviyo.

    Now I also want to give a quick shout out to Privy who is also a sponsor of the show. Now what's also cool about Privy is I use and rely on Privy for both my blog and my online store. Now what does Privy do? Privy is an email list growth platform, and they actually manage all of my email capture forms, and in fact I use Privy hand in hand with Klaviyo.

    Now there is a bunch of companies out there that will manage your email capture forms, but here's why I like and chose Privy. Privy is easily the most powerful platform that I've ever used, and you can trigger sign up forms based on any primer that you desire. So for example let's say you offer free shipping for orders over $100 in your store, now you can tell Privy to flash a popup when the customer has $90 in their shopping cart to urge them to insert one more item in their cart.

    Here's another cool case, if someone has item A in their shopping cart, I can easily tell Privy to display a special coupon code for that item or display a related item or offer. And in terms of email capture, I'm showing a different email lead magnet depending on what product a customer is browsing in our shop. So bottom line Privy allows me to turn visitors into email subscribers, which I then feed over to Klaviyo to close the sale, so head on over to Privy.com/mywifequitherjob and try it for free, and if you decide that you need the more advanced features, use coupon code MWQHJ for 15% off. So once again that's privy.com/mywifequitherjob, now onto the show.

    Intro: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host, Steve Chou.

    Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. Today I have a very special guest and that special guest is actually me. Since my wife just closed the books on mywifequitherjob.com, I thought it would be good to kind of give a little recap of how I did and everything that I did this past year to reach the one million dollar mark, which is really cool.I hit two major milestones this year, so first one I just mentioned I made over one million dollars in revenue which is something that I never thought that I'd be able to do with my blog, with my store certainly but not with the blog for some reason because it still feels like kind of funny money to me in a way.

    The second major milestone that I hit was that I finally quit my job after 17 years of working at the exact same company. Now out of both of those milestones I would have to say that quitting was actually more difficult to me than making the money, and the reason why it was so hard for me is you got to understand when you are at a company for 17 years you build a lot of these friendships, and my entire identity was carried along with my profession.

    And here's the thing about me, I don't know if you guys know this about me but I've known that I've wanted to be an electrical engineer since the age 10. My dad was an electrical engineer and really bottom line as an Asian; I really had only three choices to begin with. I could be a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer, so naturally I chose an engineer because my dad was one.

    I've actually designed micro processors for over 20 years, and so a lot of my brain power over the years has been dedicated to designing micro processors, and if you've done anything for that long, you probably know that it's really tough to give something up like that, it was a part of my identity.

    And here is the thing, so I was just up at my buddy's engagement, and one of his friends came up to me and asked me, "Hey what do you do for living? I had already quit at that point and honestly I didn't know what to say, am I a blogger, am I a writer, am I a podcaster, am I a conference thrower?

    And so what I ended up telling that guy was, "I'm actually unemployed right now, and just kind of doing my own thing." The guy was like, "Oh man okay that's tough, if you ever need any leads or help getting a job, I can hook you up." I said, "Oh no, no, that's good, I'm just doing my own thing, it's not a big deal.

    I ended up just feeling a little awkward at that conversation because in the old days I could just say that I was a hardware engineer, a micro process designer and that would be the end of the conversation, because no one would ever want me to go into more depth about the technical stuff. Now if I say I'm a business owner or a blogger or a writer, the follow on questions are, oh yeah what do you write about, what do you sell and what not.

    To be honest sometimes I don't want to get into all that, and it was just so much easier back in the day just to say I'm an engineer, no one wants to know any more, and that's that. I did want to talk a little bit about what it's been like to quit, because it wasn't like an amazing thing when I first quit and perhaps it's because I was just kind of slowly leading up to that point.

    I wrote a blog post back in June saying that I had quit my job, but that was actually slightly a lie. I did announce my resignation during that point, but the company gave me this really sweet offer to stay just two days a week, gave me full health insurance and there were some other line items to that deal which I don't want to disclose publicly, but in a nut shell it was an offer that I could not refuse, and so I stayed on working two days a week, and then I finally left cold turkey on October 1st.

    It's just been okay, and one of the reasons why, and you guys might be thinking that I'm crazy for thinking this way, but I've got too much time on my hands right now. So right now I work until noon, I usually have lunch with my wife, then I usually work out in the afternoon, then I pick up the kids and that's it pretty much. There's just very little social interaction outside of Skype, I've got my Skype friends and that sort of thing.

    What I found to be difficult about quitting is that it's really hard to stay motivated in a way. In the old ways when I worked my full time job and I still run my blog, my podcast, and my store, I only had like a really small amount of time to get my stuff done and I had to plan my day really carefully. Now that I have so much time, I don't feel like I have to plan anything and so big blocks of time can pass before you know it, so I've had to be a lot more diligent about planning my day.

    But it has also allowed me to kind of figure out what makes me happy in life, and I'll probably get into a little bit more about that in a future podcast episode, but having all this time has caused me to think about a lot of different things and what actually makes me happy. Anyways I don't want to bore you with those details, let's go ahead and jump to the numbers real quick.

    So revenues for my blog increased by 46%, as I mentioned before we hit one million dollars. February was the highest month where I made over $125,000 in a single month, the traffic to my blog increased by 15%, the profit margins for a blog of course are astronomical, 90 plus percent. I just want to say this, what I really love about blogging is that it's really highly scalable, and I can honestly maintain my blog in just 15 hours a week.

    I've got it kind of down to a system, it takes me three hours to write a blog post, and I write one blog post per week. It takes me roughly two hours to put together a podcast, it takes me 10 hours roughly to manage my course and my email load and so overall it's very scalable, and that's what I like about blogging. Now what's funny about all of this also is I routinely get a bunch of entrepreneurs on my podcast and even though the blog is doing really well, I still have my insecurities so to speak.

    Now I recently interviewed someone who is really high profile and if I told you who this person was you would instantly recognize that person, world renowned author. He basically flat out told me that my blog was just a job and not a business. At first I was going to argue with him and debate back and forth, but he is right in a way, the blog and everything I do that's related to the blog cannot function without me being there, like I got to be the one to write the blog post and that sort of thing.

    Of course I can probably contract it out but it just wouldn't be the same if I wasn't putting out that content myself. So instead of trying to argue with the guy I just let it go because honestly at 15 hours per week it's not really a bad gig and a million bucks is nothing to sneeze at either. But anyways you probably noticed that the traffic to my blog went up only 15% and the revenue actually went up 46%.

    For 2016 my intention was actually not to grow the blog that much. I was going to focus all my efforts on my ecommerce store and what ended up happening was I didn't end up focusing my time on my blog or my store all that much because I ended up working until October, that was kind of unplanned. But I did want to talk a little bit about how I did grow my blog that 46%, so one of the things that I did was I ran more webinars.

    I just want to take a little bit of time to give a quick shout out to Grant Baldwin and Toni Anderson who kind of pushed me towards giving webinars a try because I did not want to give them at all. I can be someone anti social at times, I like to hide behind the computer and do coding, I don't really particularly like doing webinars.

    The space for blogs is a little bit different because it's a little more off the curve and I can just talk about whatever, but I was reluctant to try it, but then Grant sent me this spreadsheet of all of his profits that he was making with his webinars, and then Toni kept nagging me to give it a try. Nagging is probably not the right word; she kept urging me to try because she knew that it would be big for me.

    So I ended up doing one and I made $60,000 in 90 minutes of work, and then I just sat there I was like $60,000 in 90 minutes of work, all right, it's not bad, I can do these, I can do even once a month.

    I want to take a moment to thank ReferralCandy for being a sponsor of the show. Now in this day and age word of mouth is a huge driver of business for most ecommerce stores, and the best way to amplify word of mouth marketing is through a referral program. And this is where ReferralCandy shines, with just a couple of clicks to the mouse you could add a referral program to your ecommerce store and reward your customers for telling their friends about your shop.

    And this tactic works wonders, and in fact it is not uncommon to get a ridiculous return on investment. So for example Greats Footwear, who is a ReferralCandy customer is currently seeing a 20X ROI, and referral word of mouth marketing is also useful for building up your social media presence as well, because everyone is talking about your company with their friends on Facebook and Twitter.

    And the best part is that ReferralCandy is a set it and forget it service, requires no technical setup and they are giving My Wife Quit Her Job listeners 50 bucks to try them out if you go to promo.referralcandy.com/steve, once again it's promo.referralcandy.com/steve to get a $50 credit to try out the service risk free. Now back to the show.

    And I still don't completely enjoy doing them, so I just do them once a month, and what's cool about these webinars is that it's like instant cash, so during the month of November my wife told me that I was short of my million dollar goal by about $30,000, and I was like don't worry about it I'll just do a webinar. And so I just did a webinar a couple of weeks later and that webinar ended up doing $50,000 and so I hit my goal in early December actually.

    Now the funny thing about webinars is I don't really know how they work. When I get on a webinar I'm certainly not an expert but it just converts so well, and I think it really has to do with like the real time and personal nature of giving a live webinar. I always stay on till the very end to answer as many questions as possible and for all of you guys who know me, I'm not really a sales guy, I'm not a sales person by any means.

    So what's funny about all this also is I started having these successive webinars, and I ended up giving two speeches about webinars at FINCON and Digital CoLab which are two awesome conferences this past year. If anyone is interested about how I ran my webinars, I could be coaxed into doing a Facebook live session or even a podcast about it if you guys are interested. If you guys are interested leave a comment in the box for me.

    The other thing that I did to grow my blog this past year is I ran a lot of Facebook ads. Now for all of you guys who aren't quite familiar with what I sell, I sell a course that retails for about $1300. Now no one is going to spend $1300 dollars with me on impulse, and you got to get people to like you, you got to get people to trust you. Very few people will actually even sign up for your email list unless they trust you.

    And so what is started doing this past year is I started running ads to some of my best content. These are great blog posts that I had written in the past just to get a little bit of mind share and then I ran ads to these posts. When you ran ads to posts, it ends up being really cheap. Some of my best posts and ads, I'm paying like nine to 13 cents per click which is really good.

    And then what I do, for all the people who actually land on that page and read the article, I retarget them to an email sign up page, and because they are already familiar with my work, they've read a blog post, they are much more likely to sign up for my email list and as a result I've been paying between one and two dollars per email sign up for those people who've actually experienced my content in the past.

    I've also tried running ads straight to a sign up form but I end up paying a lot more money when I do that, sometimes on the order of five or six dollars. So just by sending people to content first and then a sign up form, it ends up being cheaper and much more effective. So right now I'm not really scaling these ads, but I plan to this year in 2017, and I've got a strategy plan for this year that I'll probably talk about publicly a little bit later once I've implemented it and once I know that it actually works.

    Ultimately the key to all of my course sales is email. Email is the backbone of my entire blogging business. Now for all of you guys who are unfamiliar with that, I offer a free six day mini course on how to start your own ecommerce store, and if you're curious right now you can head on over to mywifequitherjob.com, there is sign up form right there on the front page and I'll deliver that course to you via email.

    Now I've given a bunch of talks about my email sequence in the past, but I'll just quickly summarize a little bit. The first nine lessons of that free six day mini course are hard core teaching lessons and I actually don't hold anything back. I teach you everything that it takes to get started in ecommerce, so it's a 30 email sequence, and the remaining 20 or so emails are what I call get to know Steve type of emails.

    What's funny about this is I have separate emails targeting females and separate emails targeting males in particular to just kind of get them to jump on the Steve band wagon so to speak. So for example for the women I have an email that talks about when we had our first born and she couldn't stop crying. I talk about the story how I felt so prepared for my first baby.

    I was reading all these baby books and I just got really cocky about being able to calm down a baby, but when my baby girl finally came out, she ended up crying uncontrollably and all that book knowledge that I had amassed was worthless. I ended up [inaudible 00:17:57] the baby at last and buying all these toys to help pacify my child, and the point of that email of course is to say that no matter what you read online, and no matter how many books you read, you're never going to be prepared to start your own business and that's why you need extra instructions to sign off for my class.

    So that email actually goes put to the women. For the guys I have a post on six pack abs and comparing getting six pack abs to starting a business, so it's really funny. So for both of those posts I always get a lot of comments on the six pack one from guys and a lot of comments from the women about the baby post.

    For those later 20 emails I also do a bunch of case studies with my students and needless to say that this email sequence converts really well to get people to actually sign up for my class. Now one other thing that happened this past year which was just really incredible for me was on May 19th, 2016 I started my own conference which is called the Sellers Summit.Here's the thing about the Sellers Summit, I had always wanted to be a keynote speaker, but no one was willing to let me become a keynote at any of their conferences, and so instead of kind of begging people to let me be their keynote, I decided to start my own conference instead. And once again I want to give a special thanks out to Toni Anderson for pushing me to do this, and she is actually a partner with me in launching this conference.

    Anyways this conference was actually the most fun that I've ever had outside of my wedding reception just in case you're listening Jen, and I had a blast and I decided to throw another one and I'll probably do a separate FB live on this. But the reason I started the conference of my own, and there are other ecommerce conferences out there, it's mainly because I was just tired of conferences with just inspirational speakers.

    I wanted to start a conference that was more strategy focused, based on strategies and low level tactics and kind of avoid all the inspirational stuff, because I don't know if you guys know my personality but I don't need to be inspired, I just need to learn. And I was just betting that a bunch of other people out there had the same philosophy. And so as a result, I only get hardcore ecommerce [inaudible 00:20:17] to actually talk in my conference.

    These are entrepreneurs who are actually getting their own hands dirty. There is a huge difference in actually doing something versus having high level knowledge about something or even contracting stuff out to other people. I like to get speakers who are kind of deep in the trenches and doing everything and getting their hands dirty. And so the summit was actually designed to provide very actionable content.

    The other thing that I was just kind of tired about other conferences was going to like multi thousand person events, like you can get really lost in the crowd when there are just so many people there. And so I purposely made my conference very small and intimate, so I could actually form some meaningful, intimate relationships, and so those are some of the cool philosophies why I decided to start my own conference besides wanting to be a key note of course.

    I just want to give a quick shout out; tickets are on sale right now for the Sellers Summit. Go to sellerssummit.com, the price is actually going to go up on February 1st, so be sure to get your tickets before the price goes up.Now the other thing I did, or I should say that I'm constantly doing is I am always improving my class. Now here's the thing about courses, if you don't update them, they're going to get stale and what's ironic is that the more work that I put forth on improving my ecommerce store; it actually improves my training class because it creates a lot more material for me to teach.

    And so I spend portion of the year improving my online store and I'm not going to go into too much depth about what I do for my store because incidentally the next podcast is going to go over the year and recap for my ecommerce store. But I've been updating my course constantly with all the latest things that I've been doing to improve my online store.

    So a couple of these things are I completely revamped the email autoresponders for my store, I experimented with a lot of Facebook ads for my store, I talked a lot about conversion optimization, I invited more guests to the class, industry experts to come talk to the students about areas of their expertise. I also sent out the survey and was very pleasantly surprised by the results.

    Here's what's really cool, 56% of the students who have been with me a year and launched their own product are now making at least four figures per month, and 9% of these students are making more than $50,000 a month in revenue which is really awesome, it makes me feel really good, I'm going to try to get some of these students to come on the podcast to talk about their experiences.

    You probably have already heard from Jen Depaoli who runs showercurtainhq.com, you may want to check out that episode if you haven't listened to it, but right now I have two other students lined up to tell their stories as well. So given my results in blogging and the fact that I made over a million dollars this past year, does that mean that you should go out and start blogging or should you start an online store, and I get this question a lot because I've been successful in both areas.

    The answer I always give is it depends on your long term goals. I'm going to be upfront and say this, blogging is a slog, it actually took me three years before I made any sort of meaningful money with it and it can be hard to do something for three years and not have anyone really reading your or making any money, but it's really incredible once the money does start rolling in because it ramps up really quickly.

    Contrast that with my store. I actually ended up making six figures right away, but in the past couple of years the growth has slowed. It's still in the double digits, we've maintained double digits since 2007, but it's not as high as the blog. So bottom line if you want to make money sooner rather than later, you want to sell something online, and so if you want to make money soonest, go with the online store because you have a product you're putting it up there and someone is exchanging you money for an actual product.

    But if you have a three to five year time horizon I would say I would start a blog, maybe a podcast and really build your own personal brand. So of the two businesses that I had today I feel like the blog has much higher barriers to entry because no one can take my identity away from me. I've built up a personal brand, and this is despite the fact that my mom constantly asks me, why are people reading your stuff? I told her my results actually, I told her that I did a million dollars, and she is like what, why are people buying your stuff? And so at least now it's gone from why are people reading your stuff to why are people buying your stuff.

    In the Asian land that's like a huge upgrade in terms of place. Anyways that's pretty much all I had to say about how my blog performed in 2016, going forward I don't know if I want to take on any additional products, projects just yet. I do have a software product that I'm hoping to release later on this year, but for now I'm just going to focus on making my existing properties better.

    Hope you enjoyed that solo episode. Next week I'm actually going to be talking about how my ecommerce store performed in 2016, and discuss all the changes that I made to make that happen and grow that business as well. For more information about this episode, go to mywifequitherjob.com/episode147.

    Once again I want to thank privy.com for sponsoring this episode. Privy is the email capture provider that I personally use to turn visitors into email subscribers, therefore email capture, exit intent, and site tagging tools to make it supper simple as well. Now I personally like Privy because it is so powerful and you can basically trigger custom purpose for any primer that is closely tied to your ecommerce store. So if you want to give it a try it's free, so head on over to privy.com/mywifequitherjob.

    I also want to thank Klaviyo, which is my email marketing platform of choice for ecommerce merchants. Now you can easily put together automated flows like in abandoned cart sequence, or post purchase flow or win back campaign, basically all these sequences that will make you money on auto pilot. So head on over to mywifequitherjob.com/Klaviyo, once gain that's mywifequitherjob.com/Klaviyo.

    Now I talk about how I use these tools Privy and Klaviyo on my blog, and if you're interested in starting your own ecommerce store, head on over to mywifequitherjob.com and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I'll send you the course right away, thanks for listening.

    Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, where we are giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve's blog at www.mywifequitherjob.com.

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    If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.

    In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's absolutely free!

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    Source: 147: How I Made Over One Million Dollars Blogging In 2016 With Steve Chou

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    Tuesday, January 24, 2017

    Are Utah and Mormon mommy bloggers creating a false perception of reality?

    Utah mother Stephanie Nielson is a pioneer in the world of blogging.

    According to "History of mommy blogging," a web page created by university communications professor Elizabeth Kerns, fewer than 25 blogs existed at the turn of the century. The term "mommy blog" is believed to have originated when a single mother named Melinda Roberts launched her blog, "TheMommyBlog.com," in April 2002. Nielson was not far behind, publishing four blog posts in May 2002.

    Six and a half years later, Nielson was involved in a plane crash that burned over 80 percent of her body. In the days, weeks and months following her accident, readers of her blog from all over the world united in sharing their love and appreciation by writing in and sharing their favorite posts.

    Courtesy of Stephanie Nielson

    Nielson attributes a significant part of her recovery to people she's never met.

    "I have been so blessed by other people who I don't even know, who when I went through my accident were there for me, just strangers," Nielson said. "And their words of comfort and kindness and prayers were just a crazy world that I didn't even know existed and I loved it. I thought, 'What if there was more of this? This goodness and this sisterhood that I feel?'"

    Blogging has created a worldwide community, and many of the key members are, like Nielson, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But with all the goodness and sisterhood Nielson experienced, there is also the question of whether family-centered blogs create a false perception of reality. It's a question that was raised in a recent post by a writer critical of mommy blogs, and a concern that is shared by some prominent bloggers. But these successful writers also know how the medium can be a force for good and have insight on how readers can avoid the pitfalls of comparison.

    The rise (and fall?) of blogging

    There has certainly been more blogging since 2002. At 11:15 a.m. MST on the day of the 2017 presidential inauguration, over 2.2 million blog posts had already been posted for the day, according to Worldometers.

    Blogging has introduced women all over the world to each other and to new ideas.

    "In the old days, it used to be that you had to learn from other moms in your own little circle, but now you can find all of these wonderful ideas from Australia and from England," said Shawni Pothier, whose blog, 71toes, has documented her family's life over the past decade.

    There are fashion blogs, lifestyle blogs, food blogs and photography blogs. And while blogging has grown to be a full-blown industry of its own, Mormon mommy bloggers continue to thrive.

    Blogging may be the perfect hobby for Mormon mothers, a demographic that is encouraged to keep a journal and to share the things that are most important to them. A wide-range of people are drawn to their blogs and the attraction to them has not gone unnoticed.

    "Atheist followers say the attraction is the escapism of picture-perfect lives filled with wholesome values and DIY crafts, while scholars say various tenets of Mormonism — sharing the faith, the value of creativity and the importance of family — make the religion a perfect fit for the blogging medium," the Toronto Star's Katrina Clarke wrote last year.

    Earlier this month, these types of blogs came under fire when a male LDS blogger named Mike Thayer posted an article titled "Utah: Lifestyle Porn Capital of the World," in which he compares their "picture-perfect lives" to porn, both of which he argues create "unrealistic expectations."

    Thayer illustrates his point with the example of a blogger who invited a friend over to help her make elaborate cookies. When they were done, the blogger retrieved her daughter from the nanny in order for the mother and daughter to pose for a photo with the cookies, as if no assistance was needed.

    "It isn't real," Thayer said. "Watching all of this is addictive and it sets unrealistic expectations for marriage and life that can lead to feelings of disappointment and inadequacy."

    But disappointment and inadequacy are not what Nielson hopes to convey. And as a mom who really does enjoy making cookies with her kids, it hurt Nielson to read Thayer's description of homemaking skills as fake and a false idea.

    "I am that mom that goes in the kitchen with her kids and makes the treats," Nielson said. "I am the mom that likes to make things and do things with my kids ... and who loves every second of it. I mean it's hard of course but I enjoy doing that and I'm really good at it so why don't we do things that we're really good at and enjoy that?"

    Blogging: A full-time job

    More than 88,000 Instagram users follow Utah native Corrine Stokoe, who now lives with her family in southern California. Stokoe's blog, Mint Arrow, shares deals on high-end fashion and works with companies like Anthropologie and Nordstrom.

    Courtesy of Corrine Stokoe

    And while Stokoe believes it was in poor taste to compare blogging to pornography, she agrees that "consumerism can get totally out of control." You see, Stokoe didn't set out to become a professional blogger.

    After the birth of her first child, Stokoe struggled with postpartum depression. At the insistence of family and friends that she find ways to get out of the house during the cold Utah winter, Stokoe began pushing her baby in a stroller around Target or the mall. She couldn't afford many of the things she would find, even when they were on sale. But when she found a good deal, she would post a picture on her personal Instagram account. Her friends and family loved it and encouraged her to start a blog.

    "It kind of just started because it was something I was doing anyway to entertain myself for fun," Stokoe said. "It's something that I never would've envisioned in the beginning, but it just kind of took on a life of its own."

    As Stokoe's blog began to take off, her husband lost his job and couldn't find another job for several months. She worked hard to support her family in the meantime.

    Today, Stokoe's blog employs Stokoe, her husband and a team of people who help her. It is a full-time job, and Stokoe treats it as such.

    "I want people to know that I'm a real person," Stokoe said. "I want them to feel like if they see me in public somewhere they're going to get exactly what they think they're going to get when they're reading what I've written online or reading an Instagram post because I want to be me. But at the same time, it's my job to put together a professional product when I'm working with a sponsor. ...just like anyone else wants to show up and do a good job at their job, that's what I'm doing too."

    On the other hand, Brooke Romney has never made money off of her blog. She writes for businesses and does speech writing but after looking into the possibility of monetizing her blog, Romney decided she didn't feel comfortable pushing her blog in that way.

    Still, she echoes Stokoe's sentiments.

    "You have to decide if you're really looking at things as a business or if you're looking at it as actually being someone's life," Romney said. "And I think that's when it almost needs to be put on the consumer of the media, 'This isn't real.'"

    Courtesy of Brooke Romney

    Romney, a frequent contributor to DeseretNews.com, points out that it is natural for women, and men for that matter, to "want to put our best face forward."

    "I take pictures in two places in our home because those are the only decent looking spots right now," Romney said. "I post photos that are flattering to me, just like most people do. I would do that whether I had 50 followers or 50,000. Now, if you are making big bucks by promoting items in a beautiful setting with flawless photography, then I think there is a lot more pressure. I knew I would never be able to keep something like that up, so I have sacrificed popularity and profit, but I have been able to keep my sanity. Some people can do both, which is awesome."

    Pothier, for one, appreciated Thayer's article.

    "I think it's a great article to get people thinking," said Pothier, who even has a disclaimer on her blog to remind readers that they are viewing a filtered version of her life. "Because I think there is some responsibility on both sides. I think bloggers could be more real in things they do but I also think that readers have a responsibility to kind of turn off things that are going to make them feel uncomfortable or feel lacking in any way."

    The responsibility

    Brooke White finished in fifth place on the seventh season of "American Idol," and has maintained a strong social following in the nine years since through various mediums. White is not from Utah and doesn't currently live in the Beehive State, but she is a mother and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And she "understand(s) where some of these people are coming from and it's just gone to an extreme level.

    Courtesy of Brooke White

    "I do understand that it's a business and at the same time it would be great to see some more transparency with content creators: to give credit to the person who helped you create the recipe or maybe sometimes to let your following know that 'Yes, I have help because this is a job and I need help so I have a nanny'... It would be beautiful and wonderful if people took away some of the illusion behind it," White said.

    Consumers, however, should beware of continuing to follow accounts that make them feel inadequate, Romney and White agree.

    "I think it's OK to look at someone who has a talent for decorating and think, 'I love that house. This looks amazing,'" Romney said. "I think appreciating someone else's talents is just fine but I think wanting to be that person or considering your life to be less because you looked at someone's post, maybe then it's time for that person to self-reflect and take a few of those accounts off of their Instagram."

    "If something is bringing you down and causing you to feel dissatisfied with your own personal life, you do need to unfollow and I think we need to be more intentional," White said. "At some point we've got to be more intentional with what we do and with what we consume and what we create."

    And if unfollowing accounts that cause negative emotions is not enough, it may be time to consider a "media fast." Dr. Lexie Kite, co-director of Beauty Redefined, says research has shown the benefits of "media fasts," including social media, for at least three days.

    "Refraining from all that media consumption quickly makes us more sensitive to messages that leave us feeling more self-conscious, anxious, and in need of 'fixing,'" Kite said. "Studies show that for most women and girls, time spent on social media leads directly to feelings of body shame, low self-esteem, loneliness and depression."

    Comparing vs. connecting

    White still remembers sitting in the audience during rehearsals of "American Idol" and wondering with tears in her eyes why she was there. She listened as "Olympic-type singers" performed and she was "a very simple singer/songwriter." She felt she would never be good enough.

    And then one day a very clear thought came to her: "Stop competing and comparing and start connecting."

    Courtesy of Brooke White

    "I feel like the same can go on in this community where we're creating connections each day with each other on the internet because let's be real, he's (Thayer) totally right," White said. "'Between breastfeedings and diaper changes,' women are turning to the internet to connect. ... Let's wake up and let's be intentional about the way we're using this and how we want to feel and how we want to make other people feel. For me, my goal is to connect.

    "If we can succeed in creating a more connected environment as opposed to a competitive or perfectionist environment then I think we're using it for its best, highest good. As women, if we can aim at connection as opposed to competition or comparing then we all win and we can all look at each other with more grace and more enthusiasm and kindness and instead of being depressed, to be inspired."

    Kite said there is power in this idea.

    "We are more powerful together when we aren't comparing ourselves to each other and judging ourselves and others harshly for how well we decorate the world. We can stop comparison in its tracks when we recognize what we are doing and instead show compassion to ourselves and the women to whom we are comparing ourselves."

    White echoed this sentiment by quoting the LDS hymn "Lord, I would follow thee."

    "Remember that no matter who you're looking at, 'In the quiet heart is hidden, sorrow that the eye can't see,'" White said. "And you just have to know this about every human being you ever look at. No matter how big their kitchen is or how fancy their purse is, they have brokenness inside of their heart and some people are just not comfortable sharing and let's give people grace no matter how perfect they look."

    Sharing faith

    In the fall of 2015, in an effort to be more transparent and open about who she is, Stokoe decided to share with her followers an important aspect of her life: her LDS faith. Up until that point, Stokoe says she was hesitant to open up about her faith because she didn't want to offend or bother anyone. Her concerns were validated when she lost over 3,000 followers within a few days of her initial post.

    Courtesy of Corrine Stokoe

    "But as I've continued to post about being a Mormon and about my love for the Book of Mormon and just who I am, I really feel like it's strengthened my following," Stokoe said. "Even people who are not Mormons, know who I am. They know exactly what they're getting from me, it's not a filtered version of me. It's not just the part I think they are going to like. It's just, 'This is who I am.'"

    White believes Stokoe's efforts should be celebrated.

    "I want to celebrate her," White said. "There's someone who does something that could look perfect and creates beautiful imagery and works with companies who probably expect that. But she says, 'No, I also want to create a place where people know that other things are important to me and that my soul and my spirit and my family matter equally to me.'"

    The opportunity to share her faith is what originally drew Nielson to blogging. She recalls talks by LDS Church leaders that encouraged members to share their faith through the internet and the excitement she felt as a result. Nielson has a specific spot on her blog where readers can request a free copy of her "favorite book," the Book of Mormon.

    Courtesy of Stephanie Nielson

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    The number of requests that have flooded in from all over the world were such that other members of Nielson's ward have pitched in to help with shipping costs. Nielson even goes to the Missionary Training Center on Wednesday mornings to chat online with the recipients of her gift. She has heard back from many who have been baptized and even more who wrote to simply say "thank you."

    "Maybe people who see my blog think, 'Oh she's just a mommy blogger. She writes about dumb things that happen to her kids and who cares about what they're doing,' but for me, it's chatting with these people in Sweden who got a book from me and now they're learning from the missionaries and we're chatting together and that's what it's about for me," she said. "It's just so much bigger than me sitting down and blogging. It's the gospel and that's why I do it."

    When Stokoe's blog began to gain popularity, she found herself wondering why this happened to her. It wasn't until she began to share her faith that she found her "real purpose for doing this."

    "I just hope that somewhere in some little town there's a mom that reads my blog and two Mormon missionaries knock on her door, I hope that instead of being like, 'I've never heard of you, go away,' maybe she'd say, 'I actually follow this girl and she seems really happy and she seems like a normal person and she has talked a lot about this. And I am interested. Come on in.'"

    Source: Are Utah and Mormon mommy bloggers creating a false perception of reality?