Writing and Blogging Bucket List 2017 - My Random Musings
If you read my post reflecting on last year's bucket last, then you'll know that I said I would be posting this year's list today. In my post about setting realistic goals (which has some advice if you want to set goals but don't know where to start or you just need a bit of extra motivation) I mentioned that I have a five year plan. This list is year one of achieving that plan and all of the goals will impact on the five year plan in one way or another.
Have 2.5 Million page views on this blog
Have 12,000+ Twitter followers – If don't already follow me on Twitter, help me out with this one here Have 3,000+ Instagram followers – You can help me out here Have over 1,000 people like my Facebook page – Again, you can help me out here Post to Instagram at least three times per week – I really let my Instagram posting schedule slip last year so I want to get back into this one. Post every Monday-Friday on the blog with the exception of holidays Complete all the blogmin tasks I've been putting off for over a year – Re-format old posts that didn't transition well when I went self hosted, run a broken link checker and fix them all, add images to some older posts Set up a website for my freelance writing business – I've actually already done this as I found a hosting package deal that made it too good to wait, but it still needs some work and I have a few other pages etc that need adding. you can check out what I have so far here. And if you need any freelance writing work doing, get in touch – randommusings29@gmail.com Do at least one vlog – this is something I always said I would never do and to be honest, the thought still terrifies me, but where's the fun in letting fear stop you! Take part in the April A-Z Blogging Challenge Read 100 books Complete #NaNoWriMo Dig out and edit the manuscripts I have laying around gathering virtual dust and get them ready to use! Find a literary agent – This was on last year's list, and to be honest, it was a token gesture. I knew I was far too impatient to wait around before releasing my first novel so I emailed one agent then self published before they even had a chance to respond. This time, I'm doing it properly! Write and publish another short story collection Write and publish at least two non-fiction books Look into getting my books into a store – if anyone happens to run, or know someone who runs, a book store, please do let me know! Increase my monthly income by fifty percent. This will be through a combination of brand work on my blog and through my freelancing and book sales Write another novel and have it ready for publishing in November Stop procrastinating and flitting from task to task – Just sit down and get on with one task at a time! Do you have any goals for 2017? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
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Writing and Blogging Bucket List 2017
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