Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Creative Writing Courses Begin 7/26 at College of DuPage Continuing Ed

Grow your creativity at College of DuPage this summer! Several writing courses are starting July 26 & 27. Register by calling Continuing Ed at (630) 942-2208, email or online at:

Writing Creative Characters

Developing multi-dimensional characters is a key element of any successful writing. This course will take you beyond providing mere physical descriptions, to create dynamic, well-rounded characters to inject life into your stories. Readers fall in love (or hate) with characters by identifying with their motivations and actions; successes and failures; and hopes and fears. Whether your characters are based on real-life figures or are products of pure imagination, we'll look at techniques to fully flesh them out (pardon the pun!).

Imagination is another key element to successful writing. Prepare to put your creativity into overdrive as we work with Pinterest and an improv environment to devel op a cast of characters. Learn to cultivate character profiles and backstories to enhance your stories. Tuesdays, 7/26-8/9 12:30-3 pm HUMNT-0002-008, $89.

Writing Your Family Cookbook – Writing Food History

Your family recipes and recounts of memorable meals make great writing. Learn techniques to interview family members to attain colorful anecdotes and recount your own memories. Use your writing, photos, recipes and stories to create a gift book featuring your family's own recipes and stories. In the last class, we will look at how to put it all together in a Shutterfly application, so the finished product is something you can order from home and treasure forever. Tuesdays, 7/26-8/9 3:30-6 pm HUMNT-0002-009, $129; Lifelong Learner, $89.

Intro to Blogging – Travel Blogging

If you have ever wanted to venture into the exciting world of travel blogging, but didn't know where to start, this is the course for you. This class will walk you through the proc ess of setting up your WordPress blog site and making your first posts. By the end of the course, you will have your own blog set up and the confidence to keep posting!

Whether you start a travel blog to keep family and friends updated on your adventures or you want other travelers to find your blog and follow you, this class will help you get started. Learn what makes a good travel blog, look at what others are doing and get your own little piece of the Web ready for logging your life's adventures! Wednesdays, 7/27-8/10 1-3:30 pm HUMNT-0002-010, $89.

Short Story Writing Workshop

Explore your own self-expression through the art of writing short stories. These little gems are so versatile – fill your journals, post on blogs, share with friends and family, enter contests and get published. Yet, just because they are short does not mean they are simple. Learn the dynamics of short story writing in this workshop.

We will read short works for inspiration, disc uss the art of writing short stories and create our own writings. Supportive group critique will be part of our process as you help critique the works of your peers in this writers group. Bring your favorite notebook and writing instrument! Wednesdays, 7/27-8/10 4-6 pm HUMNT-0002-011 $79.

Novel Writing Workshop

Writers who have begun a novel are invited to present and get feedback from others in the same boat! Discuss elements of your novel, engage in group writing exercises, and experience the encouragement to get that unfinished masterpiece back on track! We will also briefly look at the process of preparing your manuscript for submission to agents and publishers. Students are to bring some materials to first class – the latest printed version of their novel, a list of chapters, and a 1-2 page synopsis. Wednesdays, 7/27-8/10 6:30-9 pm HUMNT-0002-012, $89.

Details at

Source: Creative Writing Courses Begin 7/26 at College of DuPage Continuing Ed

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