Friday, July 14, 2017

2017 Blogging and Writing Bucket List Update

I realise this is a little bit late to be a six month update (I picked the wrong for a holiday in terms of timing and the damned weather!) but better late than never.

I think it's useful to assess your progress on your goals as you go and I thought it might be fun to share where I'm at with it all. Here is the original post if you missed it.

Goal One

The Goal: Have 2.5 Million blog views2017 Blogging and Writing Bucket List Update

Progress made: I've got just short of 2 million – I think I'll hit this one by the end of the year!

Goal Two

The Goal: Have 12,000 Twitter followers

Progress: I need to up my game on this one! I'm on around 7,700 so far – if you want to help me out, you can follow me here. I refuse to buy followers and I don't want to just follow hundreds of people in the desperate hope some will follow back so I think I might miss this one.

Goal Three

The Goal: Have 3,000+ Instagram followers

Progress: I'm on around 1,600 so still a long way to go. I think this might be another miss. Help me out by following me here.

Goal Four

The Goal: Have over 1,000 likes on my Facebook page.

Progress: Success! I have around 1,140 at the minute. If you want to help me in advance for next year's target, like my page here.

Goal Five

The Goal: Post to Instagram at least three times per week

Progress: Yup, I've been quite at good at sticking to this one. Some weeks, it's even been once a day or more!

Goal Six

The Goal: Post every Monday-Friday on the blog with the exception of holidays

Progress: So far so good. I've even gotten back into posting on a weekend too.

Goal Seven

The Goal: Complete all blogmin tasks I've been putting off for the last year

Progress: I've made a start on this and I do still plan on having it all complete by the end of the year. When you run a broken link checker and get over 800, you know something has to be done about it!

Goal Eight

The Goal: Polish my freelance writing/author website.

Progress: I haven't had a chance to do this one yet, but I have big plans for it! If you want a nosey, you can have a look here.

Goal Nine

The Goal: Do at least one vlog

Progress: Not yet! It's hard to find the balance between drunk enough to actually do it and sober enough to not embarrass myself lol!

Goal Ten

The Goal: Complete the April A-Z Blogging Challenge.

Progress: Yes, I completed this one!

Goal Eleven

The Goal: Read 100 books

Progress: I'm well on my way. I think I'm on around 55 which is about right.

Goal Twelve

The Goal: Complete #NaNoWriMo

Progress: this doesn't start until November, but I'm still planning on doing it.

Goal Thirteen

The Goal: Edit my old manuscripts and put them to use

Progress: I've finished editing the first one!

Goal Fourteen

The Goal: Find a literary agent

Progress: I've put some feelers out, but to be honest, I haven't made a huge effort with this. I'm starting to think it's not for me. It goes against everything that feels right to jump through hoops so someone else can make money off my work. It really should be the other way around!

Goal Fifteen

The Goal: Write and publish another short story collection

Progress: I've just started working on Twisted Tales 3 and it should be available soon!

Goal Sixteen

The Goal: Write and publish at least two non-fiction books.

Progress: One down, one to go!

Goal Seventeen

The Goal: Look into getting my books into a store

Progress: I'm still not really sure how to go about doing this, and to be honest, I haven't had much spare time between working, blogging and writing books to look too deeply into it.

Goal Eighteen

The Goal: Increase my monthly income by 50%

Progress: So far, so good. I'm on around a 53% increase on last year!

Goal Nineteen

The Goal: Write another novel and have it ready for publishing by November

Progress: I'm cutting this one a bit fine, but I still think I can do this.

Goal Twenty

The Goal: Stop procrastinating and flitting from task to task

Progress: I think I've done this as much as anyone who blogs, writes for clients and writes for themselves can do while still getting everything done!

How are your goals coming along? Are you on track to hit your yearly goals? Let me know in the comments 🙂

You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!


Source: 2017 Blogging and Writing Bucket List Update

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