THE world, as we know it, to say the least, now to a larger scale, lives and breathes technology. And with the constant need to stay informed via the Internet, blogging is fast becoming an easier means to provide such information, whether fuelled by rumours or true events. However, not many people, especially Nigerians, are aware of the financial opportunity the blogging world presents, since it is viewed in many circles as more of a hobby or a pastime.
A technology consultant based in Lagos, Mr Nathaniel Stanley, shares with Sunday Tribune some tips for making money through blogging:
Know the basics
According to him, "it is easy to assume that just anyone with a computer or smartphone with fast hands can run a blog. Easy as it would seem, blogging takes brains, hardwork and a great deal of commitment. There are many people who have blogs but along the time, such sites become redundant due to lack of commitment. Blogging is more than a hobby. Even if you're just starting out, commitment is very important because whether you like it or not, you will gain attention, no matter how small." To start your blog, you must have access to good internet connection and a good smartphone or system. Blogging thrives on speed and access and good internet connection and a functional mobile or laptop will set you up for business.
Make a decision and stick to it
There are so many blogs available nowadays which focus on as many subjects as can be dreamt of on planet earth. So when setting up your blog, as Stanley suggests, you need to take quick and strict decisions, especially as regards the subject matter you intend to address. Will you be providing tips, tutorials, selling items, sharing news? Decide on what you want to do and stick to it. It may take time before you begin to see rewards, and as such, you should be patient. Making money from blogging thrives on traffic and your seriousness to stick to one subject matter will encourage viewers to see you as serious and follow you without hesitation. As a blogger, you owe it to your followers to show some sense of duty to what you're doing. With this, you're well on your way to making income from your efforts.
Take advantage of endorsements
Outside the advertising offers your blog host would provide, you can go ahead to attract extra income by endorsing products. You can simply do so by agreeing to be offered a commission for posting a link to such products on your website. Such offers are available from major online stores. Aside such offers, you can also link up with service providers across all sectors. With endorsements, you can go outside your major blog interest, providing a wide range of offers. With that, you're providing some kind of advert service and getting paid for it, just by virtue of your blog and the traffic you generate.
Organise giveaways
Scheduling and staying true to giveaways often will easily drive traffic to your blog, which you can also explore to make money. For starters, find easier means to give back to your subscribers, such as free e-books or even recharge cards, hidden in the text of your content. With time, you can also use the prospect of advertising to give back. That way, you not only increase traffic and subscribers, you get money from the stream of advertisers who would gladly be interested in using your platform to advertise their goods and services.
Sell something
What you decide to sell via your blog must be something you can absolutely vouch for. Even creative writers, project consultants, research persons, among others, who have the discipline of maintaining a blog can offer their services. If you're offering products outside the general merchandise that have fixed prices such as goods, ensure you're working with the current prices of such services. For editors, proofreaders, ghost-writers, researchers, among others, ensure you know what the average charge is before posting such information for the public.
Be known
Never miss the chance to advertise your blog online and offline to generate traffic. Create meaningful relationships that will also be beneficial to your blog. According to Stanley, there are ways to make money from your number of subscribers and when you are able to not just generate traffic, but increase your number of subscribers as well, you automatically generate income from the comfort of your blogging screen, and on a monthly basis at that. To keep your subscribers anyway, ensure you provide content that is up-to-date so as not to lose subscribers. As much as possible, even if the temptation to increase traffic via peddling rumours may be great, spreading false rumours. There is not only the risk of law suits, which are becomingly increasingly difficult to evade, you also run the risk of losing credibility, which will in turn, result in the loss of traffic to your blog.
Source: How to make money from blogging
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