Saturday, April 8, 2017

7 Ways to Make More Money with Affiliate Marketing and Blogging

Affiliate marketing and blogging are two completely different mediums, but at the same time, they are also quite similar. Affiliate marketing is the concept of making money by delivering leads or sales to a brand or website. Blogging is all about creating content and getting it in front of the right audience. When you combine the best of both worlds you can find some amazing business opportunities and paths to wealth.

Today we are going to take a look at an infographic from, a top-tier affiliate network, on seven ways to increase your earnings with affiliate marketing. While the infographic focuses mostly on affiliate marketing, I wanted to add my own little twist to this and throw some content creation and blogging tips into the mix as well.

7 Tips to Make More with Affiliate Marketing and Blogging

If you are reading this article, you likely already have a blog and might even be making some money with affiliate marketing in the process. If not, there is no better time than right now to get started. Make sure you on the right path for success by implementing these seven steps for success.

1 – Select an Offer Based on Your Audience

Just like when you start a blog, you need to know who your niche audience is and how you are going to target the right audience. The same is true with affiliate marketing as well. Put in the time, research and effort to look at the different opportunities and offers you could be promoting through an affiliate network, then also think about how you could create a blog and site content to target that same audience.

2 – Start with a Low Daily Ad Spend

One of the most effective ways to make money with affiliate marketing is to put some advertising dollars to work. This is mainly through Google Adwords, media buying or pop-under traffic. No matter if you are sending this traffic directly to your affiliate offer, a landing page or your blog content, always start with a small ad spend. This will allow you to control your spend costs, while also seeing what keywords or traffic has the most potential.

3 – Increase Conversions with Landing Pages

Affiliate marketing is all about conversions, and one of the best ways to increase conversions is through the use of landing pages. Many bloggers are also using landing pages to turn daily visitors into subscribers on their mailing lists or to purchase products and services. No matter where you are using landing pages, be sure to always split test to improve your conversions. Remember to also only make one change to your landing pages at a time, so you know what changes result in the best movements.

4 – Split Testing All Ad Copies

Speaking of landing pages and split testing, to improve earnings on your affiliate campaigns and how readers navigate through your site, you need to be split testing every aspect of your content and campaigns. This includes titles, images, call to actions, who you are targeting and how your message is being portrayed. If you don't currently have a split testing platform in place, be sure to get one up and running as soon as possible.

5 – Split Test Different Traffic Sources

For most bloggers and site owners, they will take as much traffic as they can get. For affiliate marketers, the same applies, but it's very important to know where each visitor is actually coming from. Again, this goes back to split testing anf having the right conversion tracking in place. Start with a small daily ad spend to see which traffic sources are working, then start removing the ones that aren't. It's a simple method and process, but one that many marketers seem to forget.

6 – Use Retargeting to Increase ROI

Advertising on the internet is now easier than ever. When someone leaves your website, are you just letting them leave to never come back? If so, you are missing out on the opportunities that lie within 'retargeting'. This applies to both bloggers and affiliate marketers. With retargeting, you can keep delivering advertisements to your audience after they leave your site. This can be set up through Google Adwords, Facebook Ads or any other third-party platform that offers retargeting advertising.

7 – Ask for a CPA Increase When Pushing Volume

Last but not least, when it comes to squeezing out a few extra dollars in earnings, you should always stay in contact with your affiliate network and see if there is any room for a commission increase. Even if you get just a few cents per lead on an easy offer or a dollar on a higher paying CPA, this can quickly add up over time and help with the overall promotion and profits from your campaign.

How to Make the Most with Affiliate Marketing and Blogging in 2017

Affiliate marketing has been around for many years now, and it's safe to say it's not going anywhere anytime soon. This means you need to take advantage of the opportunity you have in front of you take. Affiliate networks are doing most of the manual work for you, by bringing in new advertisers and collecting/sending payments. It's your job as a content creator or affiliate to simply target the right audiences and push some customers and leads their way. It's a great business model that has worked for millions of site owners and affiliates in the world today, so make sure to put in the time and effort to make it work for you as well.

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Disclosure: In full disclosure, it is safe to assume that the site owner is benefiting financially or otherwise from everything you click on, read, or look at while on my website. This is not to say that is the case with all content, as all publications on the site are original and written to provide value and references to our audience.
Source: 7 Ways to Make More Money with Affiliate Marketing and Blogging

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