Friday, August 12, 2016

The Big News!

It has been a while since I started blogging/writing. As of this date, I am getting closer to the publishing date of my novel. It has been a rather long process for me given the fact that I am not a full-time writer and sometimes, go on for days without being able to contribute towards my novel. However, slowly yet steadily, I am getting nearer to the finish line. As exciting as that is, today I have another exciting news to share. Do I have your complete undivided attention yet? Yes? OK – so here goes! What you will read below is a combined Announcement from Wandering Soul Writer/Alien and myself!

The Big Announcement!

As writers, our journey on this blogging platform may not be too long, but we always knew in the deepest corners of our hearts that writing is what we ultimately wanted to do! However, becoming a serious writer was not something we had given much thought to. Back when we started writing, we were just two happy go lucky girls who were content with scribbling some poems and short stories into a piece of paper. We each had big plans on all that we would do, but as always, life got the upper hand over our big plans and our writing aspirations remained as is without really taking off.

After going through our own incredible journey through life, respectively, we woke up one day thinking,

"What am I doing? Where in the world has my writing aspirations gone?"

That realization is what set us up and running towards our one true passion – Writing!

While Piyusha quit her high profile hotel management job to pursue writing full-time, Rashmi broke out of an oppressive environment along with her bundle of joy and moved half-way across the world to settle down and make a fresh start. That fresh start warrants her some time to pursue her writing dreams.

As newbie writers and aspiring authors, we both faced our own set of dilemmas on a daily basis trying to come up with answers to our writing-related questions. Many senior writers we met on this blogging platform and other forums across the net were immensely helpful, but most times they were bogged down with their own set of problems. The internet searches were fine too but we noticed that the information that we were looking for was scattered all over the web. Most times we came across situations when half the information we wanted would be free of charge yet we did have to pay exorbitant amounts to acquire the other half of the information. We searched and we searched for all the information we wanted and had to learn the hard way. Sometimes, we wanted to give up for lack of responses or availability of help that is affordable to us budding writers!

It took a few years but we have learned the hard way, we still have lots to learn but at the very least we now know what kind of information to look for and where to do so. Every once in a while, we have some newbie writers and aspiring authors reaching out to us for help, asking for advice and we replied to them until one day it hit us!

"Hey, we are writers! Writers who create characters and situations and adventure! Where did that sense of adventure go? Why are we not applying it to ourselves? Why not embark on an adventurous journey to help out other writers like us?"

How exciting would it be to help other writers whether a newbie or seasoned writer or an aspiring author accomplish their dream of becoming a published author or a well-known blogger?

How thrilling would it be to have a one stop shop solution to answer all questions an aspiring author or a budding writer would have when embarking on this writing/blogging journey?

We know we would have loved for resources with A-Z information on publishing a book or creating a blog, providing other writing-related services like beta reading, editing that does not eat into our budget!

Have you not ever wondered how it would be to have access to that kind of recipe book, a step by step guide that does not eat into your budget yet provides a constant source of inspiration to keep you on track towards that writing dream! Maybe, someone to give you a smack on your back at the times you stall? We certainly wished for that kind of a resource!

That is when we, Rashmi & Piyusha, decided it was time to stop waiting and start doing something about it. We decided to build one such platform, that recipe book a one-stop solution to all your writing/blogging needs.

Sometimes, all we need are a few good ideas to spark our creativity. Presenting "Beyond Coffee and Words" as that resource!


Beyond Coffee and Words is our humble attempt to provide such a resource to all writers who want to see their dream come through.

Are you a Writer who wants to realize your writing dreams? Will you join us?

If yes, hop over to Beyond Coffee and Words on Monday, August 15, 2016.

Click here to get information about the launch of Beyond Coffee and Words.

Follow us on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram or Like us on Facebook!

Source: The Big News!

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