Monday, August 8, 2016

Blogging and Twitter

In October 2014 I wrote a post about why I blog and tweet (I still don't know what makes a good or a bad blog post by the way!) and then in Feb 2015 I wrote my "idiots guide to Twitter". I suppose the point of this post is to say that if you've ever thought about blogging or Twitter (believe it or not, there are loads of people out there that still aren't sold on Twitter) and then had second thoughts … now is the time to start. Looking back it seems like yesterday since I started this blogging lark (also not convinced my writing has gotten any better!) and I can honestly say that I have got so much more out of both blogging and tweeting than I have given. I'm genuinely not saying that to get lovely comments from people disagreeing kindly with me because it is true and I still find it weird that people actually want to read this shiz – after all I am a normal "run of the mill" teacher – teaching full-time in the classroom and I hope I'm not portraying myself as anything other than

Source: Blogging and Twitter

Source: Blogging and Twitter

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