Friday, July 15, 2016

Four essential things you should know before starting a blog

Published Friday, Jul. 15, 2016, 4:44 pm

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news-mouseSo, you've made the decision to start a blog. You understand the hard work it's going to take to get where you want to go. You've done the research and determined the niche that you plan on writing a bout.

But you're not quite there yet. There are still a few things that you need to determine before you really dive into getting started with your blog. Let's take a look at what they are.

Know What You're Doing It For

One of the most essential questions that you will want to ask yourself before starting a blog is, 'Why are you doing this?' When asking this question, it's always a good idea to dive deeper by asking other questions related to it.

What do you plan to accomplish through your blog? Are you looking to do this for fun or do you want to turn it into a full time gig? Are you in it to entertain people or educate people? Are you passionate about the topic that you plan on writing about?

These are all questions that need to be answered before you get started. Answering these questions will serve as the blueprint for the future goals that you set for your blog.

Know What Your Goals Are

Asking yourself the questions above will help provide motivation and guidance for how you move forward with your blog. But it's important to go even further than that.

According to Neil Patel's guide on creating a money making blog, you can do so in only an hour's time. So creating the blog isn't the hard part. Figuring out where your blog will go both in the short and long term is the hard part.

This comes down to identifying your goals. Determining what you expect to get out of your blogging adventure will provide vital information as to how much time, resources, and energy you will need to commit to in order to achieve your goals.

Know Your Target Audience

This one is super important. As a blogger, everything you do will revolve around the audience that you are targeting. From the content you create to the places and way you go about promoting and marketing, everything will come down your understanding of your target audience.

But you can't just have a brief understanding of this. You really need to dive in and utilize research tools that can help you get down to the nitty gritty of who your audience is, what they want, what their pain points are, how they act, etc.

Essentially, you want to know so much about your target audience that it feels as if you're reading their minds.

Know How You Will Promote Your Blog and Its Content

A lot of people dive into the world of blogging without having any idea whatsoever of how they're going to promote their blog and its content. In most cases, these bloggers end up creating a few dozen articles, fail to get any more than a couple hundred visitors, and give up on their journey within the first six months.

Fortunately, you can prevent this issue by putting together a brief plan for how you will go about promoting your blog. Things like guest posting, social media, SEO, and blogger outreach should all be considered, but it's important to know what promotional areas you want to focus on so you can have a distinct plan for gaining visitors.

While competition in the blogging world is bigger than it has ever been, it's also easier than ever to get started with a successful blog. So long as you have a solid plan in place, and understand what your goals are, you too can achieve blogging success both now and in the future.


Augusta Free Press LLC provides clients in the Shenandoah Valley and Central Virginia and beyond with marketing and PR solutions including web design, magazine/brochure, TV/radio, social media and overall marketing campaign design and implementation.

Source: Four essential things you should know before starting a blog

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