Thursday, July 14, 2016

Creative Writing #Courses Begin 7/26 at #College of DuPage Continuing Ed

Creative Writing Courses Begin 7/26 at College of DuPage Continuing Ed Developing multi-dimensional characters is a key element of any successful writing. This course will take you beyond providing mere physical descriptions, to create dynamic, well-rounded characters to inject life into your stories. Readers fall in love (or ... read moreA Year of Higher Education Aha Moments We know that more than 34 million Americans have attended some college, but no degree. These students too often are discouraged -- even defeated -- by being required to repeat and pay for classes ... continuing to foster deeper, non-cognitive and creative ... read more

LendEDU Survey Reveals College Students Lack Knowledge About Finances Or, do you plan to take a personal finance course in college? 34 percent of students ... I have a Bachelor's degree in English and Professional Writing from Ohio State University and am currently pursing an M.Ed. in Student Affairs in Higher Education ... read moreA Journalist's Plea On 10th Anniversary Of 'The Passion Of The Christ': Hollywood, Take Mel Gibson Off Your Blacklist How ironic is it that Hollywood studios walk on eggshells with faith-based groups hoping their religious epics like Noah do a fraction of the business Mel Gibson did with The Passion Of The Christ, while those studios continue to shun Gibson like a leper ... read moreCollege Corner: SAT or ACT? Jacqueline Byrne developed the creative teaching techniques that form the basis ... In addition, Ms. Byrne designed Ivy Educational Services' college essay writing program. ACT scores came out this week, and sophomores are starting to think about college ... read moreThe only good abortion is my abortion Of course, we don't call it an abortion ... It wasn't a huge deal. Heartbeats start slow, usually around the 6th week, and then they speed up. But my doctor asked me to come back in this week for a follow up, just to be sure. That was Tuesday, yesterday. read morePendency from Filing to First Action Two salient points appear from the chart. First, the average pendency of unexamined applications has dropped significantly since 2011 and all technology centers are under two-years pendency. Second, the variance between the technology centers has been ... read moreWhat It's Like Inside a Depressed Person's Head While not everyone's experience is the same, when people have a major depressive episode, generally the world looks, feels, and is understood completely differently than before and after the episode. During a major depressive episode, the world can ... read moreThe dismantling of Mexican-American studies in Tucson schools And if you looked at our (old) curriculum, it was from a multicultural perspective," said Acosta, who said he used the writing of Sherman Alexie, Martin Luther King Jr., William Shakespeare, Ronald Takaki and Jonathan Kozol in his classes. "I'm not ... read moreIs It Time for Christians to Celebrate Pre-Marital Sex? To start with the subject on the table ... It's another thing when they go off to college, or come home with their boy/girlfriend. To pretend that those are two virgins walking down the aisle, approaching the coital bed for the first time is uncommonly ... read more

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Source: Creative Writing #Courses Begin 7/26 at #College of DuPage Continuing Ed

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