Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mummy #Blogger calls BS on the 'fake nonsense' of the mummy #Blogging industry in an epic rant

Mummy blogger calls BS on the 'fake nonsense' of the mummy blogging industry in an epic rant Josi Denise became a "mummy blogger" in 2013, building up "The American Mama" blog to reach "tens of thousands" of monthly readers, generating the mum of three "thousands of dollars" But the blog came to an abrupt end late last week, when ... read moreMedical marijuana for autism and autism biomed quackery: One in the same and on the verge of approval in Michigan Indeed, how Dr. Harry T. Chugani, the head of pediatric neurology at an institution as respected as Children's Hospital could testify in favor of this nonsense is beyond me, but apparently he did: "It seems to work. … Wouldn't that be better than ... read more

A Trap Set for Catholic Conservatives Above all—to radical individualists—the State is the Enemy. Except some of what these people call libertarianism, isn't. This proposition got at least a partial airing out last Summer at a conference called "The Catholic Case Against Libertarians ... read moreDon't you dare tell me to check my privilege In the early 1970s, my dad was a singular sort of feminist. As well as working all night in a factory, he had banned my mother from the kitchen for as long as I could remember because, and I quote, 'Women gets hysterical and you needs to be calm in a ... read moreTravel bloggers – time to stop navel gazing and get on with the job. Please Why give this potted history of a relatively small scene in a completely different industry from nearly 20 years ago? Unfortunately the Shoegazer situation in the early-1990s can be compared to where travel blogging ... every Hey-Me blogger, there are ... read moreMcCain Calls for Debate Delay to Focus on Financial Crisis "If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership; not a campaign photo op." He added: "If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now." McCain's surprise ... read moreIs It Me Or Is Something "Off" With Will And Jada's Parenting? I think the Smiths are far from a call to child services, but I can see how their permissive parenting can be translated into lazy parenting. The Smith children seem to be making up the rules as they go along instead of learning the ones that have been set ... read moreContest: Where Could The Dark Knight Go Next? With the entire world wrapped up in The Dark Knight this weekend, I thought it would be fun to hold a contest for fans who can't stop thinking about Batman. The Dark Knight was such an amazing follow up to Batman Begins, that I'm not sure how another ... read moreChange afoot for public broadcasters: don't stuff it up All this has been brought down on the media industry's head by the excesses, criminality and abuses of power emerging from the malevolent culture of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation ... Government towards what they call 'regulatory parity'. read moreTom Delay on Hardball Provides Insight Into Conservatives Delay goes on a two-minute rant that is a study on how conservatives (mis-)interpret ... If you are a Republican leader, yes, it was excellent. If you were a kingpin of industry or got your money on the military supply dole, you were good. read more

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Source: Mummy #Blogger calls BS on the 'fake nonsense' of the mummy #Blogging industry in an epic rant

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