Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Report: Not much caucusing, some cheating in Nevada

The GOP is holding its presidential caucuses in Nevada tonight. The Las Vegas Sun is live-blogging the caucuses.

The Sun says that caucus-goers are encountering long lines and little discussion at caucus sites. It also reports that double-voting has occurred at one caucus:

The Republican National Committee says it is concerned about reports of double voting at a troubled caucus site in Las Vegas.

RNC spokesman Fred Brown acknowledges there have been reports tonight of double voting, long lines and not enough ballots at Palo Verde High School. Some people were being turned away and directed to another location.

Candidate Donald Trump stopped by the school as part of his last-minute campaigning.

Brown says the double-voting problem appears to be limited to one part of a caucus site where different precincts have been combined. The party plans to compare the number of paper ballots cast to the sign-in sheet to determine whether any double voting actually occurred.

Good luck.

I'm not sure that anyone familiar with the Nevada caucuses expected them to be other than a mess. Jon Ralston, the dean of Nevada political reporters, tweeted: "I don't know of any org less prepared to deal with unusually high turnout than NV GOP. Also, no org less equipped to deal w/low turnout."

Typically, relatively low turnout, "irregularities," and the small number of delegates awarded combine to render the Nevada caucuses basically meaningless. But they are the only show that's on tonight, so meaning will have to be found.

Source: Report: Not much caucusing, some cheating in Nevada

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