Monday, February 8, 2016

How to Bring Your Blog Back to Life After a Long Break

I started blogging in 2009 and published steadily for five years. Between 2014 and 2015 I took a year-long hiatus from posting on one particular blog. Now I'm focused on getting that site back on track.

One of the reasons I enjoy blogging is its inherent flexibility when life happens. Likewise, when life eases up, blogging is a great way to reconnect. If you've experienced a similar situation it would be great to compare notes. This post discusses the steps I am taking to relaunch my blog.

Before my hiatus, I posted a "Letter from the Editor" to explain the site dynamics impacting the blog. This helped me separate with enough disclosure to keep my audience informed without creating any specific expectations about when I might be back.

Keep in mind that as soon as you make a claim, you are accountable for that claim. In my case, the duration of the hiatus was unclear at the start, so I wrote my letter carefully to explain the changes without making a commitment I wasn't sure I could keep.

Blogs are a natural way to compile a historical record. Any milestone during the hiatus that merits disclosure can be posted intermittently to keep the record straight and continue trust with the audience.

My number one strategy to help reboot the blog is to generate original content. If I keep writing, I always have something to share. To track post ideas, I carry a notebook and keep it by my bed at night. When interesting topics or life experiences come up, I write them down.

When I read thought provoking articles on the Internet, I track them using an app called Pocket. Ideas have a wonderful tendency to expand. Once you start tracking ideas, you'll have no lack of ideas. Make sure you're ready with a few posts in mind before you relaunch so you don't lose momentum.

To make writing a priority, I adjusted my environment to make it more conducive to writing. I dusted off my old monitor to reduce eye strain. To minimize distractions, I turned our RV into a makeshift cabin in the driveway (a library, cozy garage, walk-in closet, or local community center can also work well).

I chose a special mug for tea to help keep me calm, cool and collected while thoughts were forming. The results worked. Thanks to cottage-time, I am back to writing a couple of new posts per week. Not enough to be overwhelming, but enough to keep me active and engaged.

Once a post is written I try to publish in more than one place. Different platforms have different audiences, and it's not always clear which one will treat the content most favorably. My posts float between Blogger, Wordpress, Medium and BlogHer. It's interesting to see which platform generates the most rewarding interactions.

Having plenty of room for experiments can be helpful while shaping a new strategy, such as trying out variations on topics and titles. With this approach, you may find that your posts improve by traveling through your own personal syndication path.

Social media tools are always changing. What broadcast well three years ago may fall flat today. Twitter is still my favorite shout-out, but this year I've also posted on Instagram, Medium, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

I used to compartmentalize Twitter and Pinterest, reserving one for tech topics and the other for creative topics. Now I'm turning that formula upside down by posting about tech on Pinterest, too. And don't forget about Google+, which has benefits for Google Search rankings. The point is to cast the net widely and see what sticks.

If you blogged for awhile before the hiatus, chances are you have a stash of original content with SEO traction. Certain posts may have popular search terms or a large number of referral links.

In my case, the post with the most inbound traffic is called "What are push notifications?" Who knew? I didn't, until I studied the blog analytics. By analyzing traffic patterns I have real information to help shape and validate an editorial calendar that resonates with my audience.

Wordpress introduces new themes every year. This year I tried the 2016 Wordpress theme and am happy with its bold minimalism. To compliment my posts, I create images for sharing them throughout social media. Two of my favorite graphic design apps are Canva and WordSwag. Switch it up. Rearrange. Refresh. Update. Now is the time to bring great content to the front and leave everything else behind.

One of my favorite uses of social media is to encourage others. Congratulations, Nice Post, and Thank You are common phrases in my Twitter stream. Get back on the radar by curating great content in your niche - and let the author know with a shout out. External validation is contagious, and you'll need some of it yourself during relaunch.

Relaunching a blog can be a learning process for everyone. Thankfully there are tons of best practices available through... blogs! Visit the BlogHer's "Blogging and Social Media" page for tips about building traffic, creating content, working with brands, monetization, and constructing great blog posts.

Advice is shared prolifically to help you succeed. Use what works, ditch what doesn't, but keep thinking and learning outside of your old-world box.

There's nothing like a pending milestone to spur motivation. I'll be putting myself out there this summer at #BlogHer16, ready to attend sessions, meet editors, and network with fellow bloggers.

Although I'm going by myself, I certainly won't be alone. BlogHer conferences are buzzing with opportunities to get involved. Tour the expo center to discover the latest brands. Take notes during a panel to get new post ideas. Eat lunch next to your favorite writer or new colleague. Take a selfie and post it. Whatever you do - stay active and HAVE FUN!

I don't know how my relaunch will go in terms of huge page views or massive brand awareness. But the process of writing again has been satisfying and liberating.

Blogging is an awesome vocation because you are in charge of your voice. Whether you do it as a creative outlet, for work, or for pleasure - I truly believe writing is thinking, and the more thinkers we have, the better off we'll ALL be.

Best of luck to you (and to me)!

Lorraine Akemann | Cofounder and Editor | Moms With Apps

Source: How to Bring Your Blog Back to Life After a Long Break

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