Tuesday, February 9, 2016

3 Tips for Twitter : Improve Overall Engagement and My February Goals

3 Tips for Twitter and My February Blogging Goals

How do all of you feel when February rolls around?  January is usually a very long month here in Northern Alberta where I live as it is usually very cold, but this year it has been usually warm.  I have found the month has flown right past and I'm left feeling like I just didn't get as much done as I wanted too.  February already! And as I write this the first week has already flown by. In January I always feel energized and invigorated but as the month goes on I fizzle out.  It is time to reassess the goals and plan for the rest of February so I can feel on top of things and like I'm getting as much accomplished as I can.  Here is a quite recap of my January Blogging/Social Media Goals.  I'm hoping to post next week about how my Revive plan for the month went or didn't go and what I plan to tackle this month in my life and home.

3 Tips for Twitter 

Here were my January's Big 5:

Grow Social Media Numbers (focus on 1): Twitter will be my focus for January – Currently 2,744. Goal is to reach 3,000 by end of January. Go ahead follow me at @adalinc3

This is probably where I did see a huge and significant difference this month.  I had chose to focus on Twitter in January to reach 3,000 followers.  I didn't quite reach 3,000 but I did go from 2,744 to 2,897 followers with a few of the strategies I used but more exciting for me was the increase in engagement, clicks, impressions and retweets which have led to more traffic to the blog.

Here are my Top 3 Tips to Make Twitter Work Better and More for You:

  • Make it easy for people to follow you on your blog.  Include a widget that shows your twitter feed or place a bar that makes it easy for them to follow you.  I used a Sumo bar on the bottom of my page.  Plus I have twitter button on my Social Media Connect with me section.
  • You have to follow others. It is social media so following and engaging in conversations are key.  Ask someone a question?  Participate in Twitter Parties. Engage, engage, engage.  This past month I participated in the Multicultural Children's Book Day Twitter Party where I met lots of new people.  Any suggestions for twitter parties just leave me a comment with the hashtag to find it.
  • I have got a lot more engagement on my twitter account by simple adding the Revive Old Post Plugin on my Wordpress Site.  Notice how the first word is REVIVE weird how the universe works that is also my word for the year.  It is completely customizable and you can exclude posts as well but it is a great way to get old content out there and bring new traffic to your blog and it has increased my twitter engagement.  I'm still working on tweaking it but it has made a difference already.
  • A brief glimpse at my December Twitter Engagement before I installed the Revive Old Post Plugin and my last 28 days on Twitter.  

    December Results on Twitter

    Last 28 days result

    I attribute this to the Revive Old Post Plugin and my more active engagement on Twitter.  So even though I didn't quite make it to 3,000 followers yet I have seen the benefit of using this medium and bringing traffic to the blog. So I feel like I can give a big check mark on this goal for the month of February.  *This is the plugin I have used and it is only a reflection of my experience with it.  Non-sponspored post.*

    Increase email subscribers by 5 this month to begin.

    Thank you to those have become my first 5 mail subscribers. I offered the free goals printable sheets last month. This month I have designed this free printable for subscribers:  

    Follow Your Heart Printable

    Write More Consistently (2 posts a week)

    Well I wasn't very successful here. My hope was to create 2 posts a week but my mojo fizzled as the month went on. Life and kids always impact what happens here on the blog. I intend to get back on the saddle and get back to the editorial calendar I had created in January for my month in February.

    Create 2 youtube video posts this month. One being the channel trailer. 

    I have not created the trailer yet as I'm still taking videos and learning how to edit videos.  But I did make one video to go with the Multicultural Children's Book Day Post.  

    Create 1 post tutorial with affiliate link.

    I had wanted to create a post of a tutorial of how I use PicMonkey on my blog and in my everyday life but alas that did not happen, yet.


    Lots of work to do yet.  So here are my February Big 5.

  • This month I'm working on Growing my Instagram account.  I have recently just reached 500 and now working towards 1,000.  I'm going to give myself a goal of 600 though for the month of February.
  • Again try for 2 posts a week.
  • Continue to grow my subscriber list from 5 to 10.
  • Create the Tutorial Post
  • Create the Youtube trailer.

  • Continue to record activities around the house for use in the Youtube trailer.
  • Create a schedule for March posts.
  • Create tutorial on use of PicMonkey by creating planner stickers for my planner.  Offer free printables.
  • Holding my first social media link up for Instagram Accounts & holding my first giveaway over on Instagram.  You can find the link up Here.
  • Brainstorm and connect with other bloggers about starting a new link up with a specific focus.
  • February is a short month and a week has already gone by and this month my kids seem to have a lot of days off for various reasons and field trips which I have signed up to volunteer.  All we can do is continue to plug away though I find a plan keeps me somewhat on track at least.  How about you?  How was your January?  What does the rest of February look like for you?

    Lots of laughter and love this month and cheers,

    Bonnie Dani 

    Educator, Writer, Blogger, Mom over at Adalinc to Life


    Twitter: @adalinc3

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    Source: 3 Tips for Twitter : Improve Overall Engagement and My February Goals

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