Sunday, November 22, 2015

Using Blogging in a Classroom Environment

There are so many things that are not understood about blogs.

We are going to discuss one fact that most people do not realize: blogs can be used as highly effective educational tools. They will offer a complete freedom for individuals to publish web content and will make a classroom a lot better than it is.

However, this can only happen if blogging is properly utilized. Everything starts with choosing web builder tutorials and platform. Based on most professionals, starting a blog is easier with WordPress so this is what you want to use. Then, you want to think about the following tips to make blogging a huge part of the classroom.

Offer Expectations and Guidelines

It is really important that clear expectations and guidelines are set so that the student can know what to expect. As an example, you may not allow students to use their photos on a blog page. You may force the student to get a written permission from one of the parents in order to allow a blog to be open. All the guidelines can be updated and published on a main class blog. That leads by example and allows the parents and students to see important information about what is to be done.

Integrate The Classroom Curriculum Into Blogging

You can easily use blogging all across the classroom's curriculum. For all topics from history to science, blogging can take complete literacy.

Improving Writing Skills

One of the big parts of blogging is, of course, writing. As a blogger you need knowledge about the subject you blog about and proper writing skills. This is true even if you use blogging in a math class. Besides talking about blogging and teaching your subject, you have to teach grammar and writing. In many situations you can get away with it when you allow 10 minutes per class to cover an important writing related point. That would make the student a better writer and blogging would be even more efficient in the classroom.

Discussing And Encouraging Commenting

One of the disregarded but highly important parts of any blog is the comments section. You want to encourage your students to learn how to properly comment and how to properly respond to comments. In this case you can lead by example. Have a blog with a couple of posts on it and make the students comment based on the offered criteria. Always provide feedback about how the student manages his own comments section so that a better experience can be created.

Always Be Realistic

It is not easy to build a blog. This is something that you have to take into account. The goals and deadlines need to be small. As an example, one class can be started off by a focus on a topic where a student would contribute to a post while under supervision. Always choose a subject that brings in passion from the student. As an example, you can encourage building a blog that talks about endangered species or about healthy eating. When you have a classroom blog, you can always take everything one topic at a time. Students have to build skills and this only happens when they are passionate about what they write.

Encourage Subscriptions To Other Blogs

You want to read other student and classroom blogs. This would encourage commenting and would offer great examples of a blog that is finished and suitable. It can also give you some ideas about what to write about. In fact, professionals often read other blogs in order to get new topic ideas.

Always Stay Consistent

Studies show that the future of real estate is bright but only for those agents that remain consistent. Blogging is exactly the same. You cannot expect to have a lot of traffic on a blog if you are not consistent. You want people that come back and if there are no new posts to see every time they visit, there is no reason for them to come back.

In blogging you have to keep expanding and building. The start should be around 1 or 2 posts per week. Blog submission can be increased gradually when the students become more comfortable with what is to be done.

Avoid Plagiarism At All Costs

Most students do not know much about plagiarism and do not understand why it is a bad thing. You have to explain this as a teacher. It is vital that a student would only contribute his/her own work. This includes images. Copyright free images are always a necessity. Do monitor plagiarism and openly talk about it. Focus on the fact that the student will not learn anything through classroom blogging if plagiarism appears.

Blogger Networking Should Be Encouraged

You should always encourage global and local collaboration. This is done by allowing students and encouraging them to follow other bloggers and student blogs. Keep in mind that it is a really good idea to allow the student to choose what blog to follow but a set criteria list should be added in order to aid with this selection.

Do Not Forget About Social Media

Initially, blogs were a part of social networks. Nowadays, they are not always connected with running and maintaining a blog. This is a mistake that many make. You want to always increase classroom blog membership by using social media websites like Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. With this particular part of the promotion, word of mouth stands out as the most effective promotion method.

Encourage Patience

Blogging is new in the classroom environment. As with all the new ventures, a learning curve exists. You need to create a number of blogs while monitoring the classroom. However, there is a strong possibility that the students will really enjoy blogging so patience should not be a huge problem.

Traditional classrooms are changing all around the world. Since most future careers will require really strong computer skills, it is a good idea to use classroom blogging. Just make sure that blogging is fun and creative. Freedom should be available while taking into account everything else mentioned above.

Source: Using Blogging in a Classroom Environment

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