Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday Morning Garden Blogging: Harbingers of Fall

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ― Albert Camus

Good morning, gardeners! Here on the High Plains, fall is in the air. Autumn has come earlier here this year, it seems, maybe because of the El Nino? We've also had great rainfall this summer, and everything is green and lush out on the prairie (all this moisture doesn't bode well for winter, though!).  Temperatures at night have dropped into the 60's and the flocks of grackles and starlings and blackbirds are gathering in huge groups as they get ready for the migration to the south. This is always the sign that autumn is coming out here. Out over the fields of corn and milo and sunflowers, the "murmurations" (the movement of the flock as one being) are quite disorganized as the younger birds have to learn how to follow the flock and often get left behind in the flock's sudden turns and dives. It really is incredible to watch! photo murmuration_zpsw6dzmmdp.jpg

Let's jump below the tangled garden hose for what's happening in the garden!

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I had a good year with the front planters, although I'm still waiting for some of the dahlias to bloom. The grasshoppers left most of the plants in the front alone, fortunately, so I did manage to get some decent blooms!

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And I've been dying to show off my dahlias! My current favorites are my two dinner plate dahlias, the Purple Pearl (the dark maroon) and Gitt's Perfection: photo IMG_20150814_174134_856_zpsjask8chf.jpg

This purple and white one, which has smaller blooms, is quite prolific with several blooms open at the same time. It was a surprise, since I didn't order it, but it's quite beautiful:

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So that's what's going on in my garden, is anyone else feeling the nips of fall yet?

Source: Saturday Morning Garden Blogging: Harbingers of Fall

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