Thursday, August 31, 2017

Player Character Blogging: D&D 5th Edition, Session 2

Image result for D&D urban encounters

(Ok, I did one serious post. Now I get to do a fun one…)

Last time, a slightly desperate conman who's down one soul, a heavy metal bard in league with the original party fiend, a wild magic obsessive let loose from Fantasy Catholic School, and the one honest cop in Braxtonshire were tasked with breaking up a drug ring in the Halfling Quarter.

Our first raid didn't go much better than the one in "The Buys," but at least we got dope on the table.

How will things go haywire this time?

In what is clearly a brilliant decision, we decide to split the party. Team Warlock, being more chaotic types who don't have a problem with trashing some dude's house, will case the Threenuts residence while the cleric/sorceror and the paladin stay at the crime scene until the City Watch shows up with a wagon to cart away all the drugs.

As Sera and Tomas casually stroll down the street, talking about the nature of how one sells or loses a soul in rather roundabout turns because Rhymer is a bit paranoid and Sera is too smart to give information without getting it, they case the joint. The Threenuts house is a "mid-fantasy modern" two-story affair with a partial attic on top, made of wood and brick with a grand front door (quite visible from the street and protected by a deadlock). There's no no clear backdoor, but a good Perception roll reveals a small cellar door in the back guarded only by a padlock.

Meanwhile, Lysander guards the ruins of the crack home, keeping a bunch of halfling looky-loos (in halfling culture, stories are the most important cultural and social activity, so having a good story about what happened is important) away. He notices at one point a human in the crowd, wearing a tall hat, but the man disappears into the crowd before he can do anything. Downstairs, Telfer is investigating the cellar's inventory of hard drugs instead of grappling with the moral consequences of murder. As the only one in the party with any kind of medical training, he realizes that the half of the mason jars which are lilac in color are Fantasy Heroin and the ones which are black in color are Fantasy PCP, but neither are of great quality. He's not sure what the smaller vials with the Hangtooth logo are.

Team Warlock returns to the group at the same time as a City Watch wagon shows up with Corporal "Donkey" Shane and Checkum Threenuts riding on it. Shane is shocked by the half-orc body and demands to know what's going on, with especial emphasis on that our orders were to avoid the loss of life. Lysander thinks about it for a moment…and describes the events of the raid on the crack home completely honestly. Despite that full accounting, Shane decides to racially/classistly profile Tomas as the shooter. With a stellar Persuasion check, Tomas carefully explains that he was attempting a non-lethal takedown of the guard, while at the same time using a superb Deception check to explain that the padlock on the cellar door was unlocked when we got there. Junkies, huh?

After this, we begin ferrying the drugs up to the cart. When we've got about half the inventory on the cart, Checkum drops a jar and the same fire that happened when Sera knocked over the jar during the raid bursts out. Suddenly half the inventory goes up like flashpaper, and the donkey is starting to freak out, threatening the rest of the evidence. Acting on some unconscious instinct, Tomas makes a hand gesture and the donkey falls asleep (first time casting Sleep; not the last). With the cart set to rights, Telfer discovers that the bottles have been enchanted to act like flashpaper, allowing for their quick destruction during a raid. The rest of the drugs are loaded onto the cart – very carefully – along with the body of the unfortunate half-orc guard, who is shielded from the extremely curious view of the crowd (and there is no crowd more curious than halflings) thanks to a timely Minor Illusion from Sera that prevents another riot.

At this point, Team Warlock takes Telfer to go do his sorcery thing and take a look at the Threenuts house. The clericomancer promptly casts Detect Magic and sees a whole host of Abjuration spells throughout the building, but not in the cellar. That's good enough for Tomas, who just barely cracks the rather well-made padlock on the cellar door, pocketing the padlock for practice later on. Unfortunately the cellar is full of purely mundane objects.The team moves on to upstairs…

Meanwhile, Lysander is giving Checkum the third degree about what he knows, now that his Chaotic party members are upholding their part of the bargain. Checkum is not the smoothest customer, so he draws a map to Hangtooth's hideout and tells the Paladin he knows the password, although he won't say the name out loud.

Meanwhile, the first floor reveals nothing more than a kitchen and dining room, a half-eaten plate of cookie, and some meaningless receipts in the secretary, although there is some silverware and some candlesticks for Jean Valjean to steal. And this is where everything goes wrong.

It turns out that the Checkums' relative lax home security is due to their having purchasing a Charlie system – a magical AI alarm system which detects us whether we pass our Sneak checks or no. Tomas tries to bluff the system with Deception and fail…at which point Charlie asks psychically whether he's undead because the scans don't show that Tomas is in possession of a soul. Tomas sweats nervously as the others hear this.

Figuring that we might as well ransack the place if we've been made, we make our way to the second floor, where we find out that the Threenuts have a murderous attitude to home security worthy of Kevin Macallister. The rogue almost instinctively hops over a trapped stair and avoids the spiked log trip, seeing three doors at the top of the stairs. Carefully checking the three rooms by having Sera use Mage Hand to open the doors remotely (Tomas learns how to use Mage Hand in the process), we avoid a poisoned dart trap…only to stumble into a magical trap that makes us walk with the loud squeaking sound of clownshoes. We also find nothing of any value.

Image result for clownshoes

With no use left for Stealth checks, we decide to check out the attic, where we realize that the alarm doesn't cover the third floor. This is because this is where the Threenuts matriarch and patriarch hide their illegal stuff, like a thieves' map showing various criminal hideouts, including Hangtooth's. Unfortunately, breaching the attic automatically teleports the Threenuts home.

We're now placed in the position of how to handle the parents of a kid who hired us to trash his house, while technically on the City Watch payroll. Tomas and Sera decide to bluff the parents, pretending that we were friends of Checkum. Telfer decides to jump out of the third story window, and rolls very very badly on his Dex saving throw, damaging himself badly as he hits the ground. Sweating slightly but smile perfectly intact, Tomas and Sera successfully manage to bluff the parents (Sera succeeds slightly too well, convincing the father so well that she's an age-appropriate friend of Checkum that he starts to look a little too interested)…up until Charlie speaks up and contradicts our story.

We book it out the door at top speed, and keep going once we reach the wagon (although thankfully by this point, Lysander has successfully interrogated Checkum to fin out that the password is "winterthistle") and don't stop until we're out of Tinytown. As he runs, Tomas experiences resentment of magic more strongly than he has ever before; as far as standard thievery goes, he did everything right and the magic completely invalidated all of it without any ability to counteract this. This burning sense of justice leads him to make a silent vow that he's going to find some way to level the playing field…

After the obligatory "Yackety Sax" montage, we manage to make our way back to the city to a dive bar we don't normally visit to examine the map…which is written in Halfling. Neither the rogue/warlock, the bard/warlock, or the paladin speak Halfling, but thankfully the cleric/sorceror did learn Halfling at Fantasy Catholic School and he points out a hideout on the side of a hill mound labelled Hangtooth and the word "Blackacre" written next to it.

The group decides to go for Hangtooth's lair…once we visit a temple of Sukkoth to get the dread Curse of Clownshoes removed. (Tomas takes every pamphlet there on the off-chance that it might say something about the soul, much to the surprise of the cleric manning the night shift.)

Once night has falled, the party creep out to a rocky outcropping that overlooks the Halfling Quarter. Tomas sleeps the guard dogs outside and we quietly make our way down a long cavernous hallway with a strange crease running along the top, with a heavy-looking door at the end. We talk up to the door and a voice on the other side demands the password. We reply "Winterthistle," which turns out to be an old password and the crease opens up and two human rogues drop down on top of us.

Thankfully, we are much better at fighting than passwords, and the rogues in question get dropped in quick succession, with Sera Hexing and Eldrich Blasting one of them, and Tomas sneak attacking the other one. Lysander and Telfer stabilize them, remembering that we're not supposed to kill anybody. This time, when we knock on the door, we give "Blackacre" as the password and either because that's correct or the gnome inside doesn't want to mess with us anymore, we're let inside.

A long hallway leads to a wooden door and the "hangout" room of the den, where four rogues are playing poker around a table when we walk in. More fusticuffs result: Lysander's shield saves Tomas from a nasty stab, while Sera Eldrich Blasts one; Telfer casts sleep, and two out of the three remaining rogues fall asleep. The remaining rogue attacks Telfer, but Tomas Eldrich Blasts him. At this point, Sera successfully intimidates the guy into surrendering and we move on to the next room.

This room is the drug gang's storerooms, and we find large stores of both the mason jars and the vials – Tomas hands one to Lysander so that a suspicious fire can't wipe out all the evidence. We also find a chest which, after Tomas has been next to it for five seconds, turns out to be unlocked. The party splits 160 gold.

In the next room, we see an old goblin woman stirring a huge cauldron. When she turns around, the kindly visage does indeed have a large hangtooth! After saying something cryptic about her drugs not being magical at all, Hangtooth summons a lion and we go into combat.

Lysander takes a swing at the lion and misses, but thankfully Tomas' Fey Presence successfully Frightens the apparently cowardly lion. Telfer casts Guiding Bolt, which helpfully marks the lion, which attacks him in response and misses due to having Disadvantage from being Frightened. Meanwhile, in the clutch play of the game, Sera successfully casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter on the powerful druidess Hangtooth and knocks her out of the combat repeatedly as our DM fails to roll well on Will saves. In the meantime, we've still got a lion to deal with: Tomas sneak attacks the lion, wounding it further, but the lion still has claws and no longer frightened, it hits Telfer for 18 points of damage, dropping him to the ground. Sera kills the lion with an Eldrich Blast, Lysander heals Telfer, and we have actually won!

And that ends Session 2!

Source: Player Character Blogging: D&D 5th Edition, Session 2

You Have A URL, Now What? Next Steps to #Blogging Success

You Have A URL, Now What? Next Steps to Blogging Success So you have decided to start blogging, and you have purchased a URL as the first step towards blogging success. If you have never blogged before, this could be overwhelming and confusing. Take it from someone who is a website and blog designer. I have ... read more6 Steps to Make Money from A Food Blog Even If You Are Starting from Scratch [2017 Edition] Tell them where you are going to hold your next event or where other blogs have ... first step towards YouTube success is to create a professional looking channel that will ensure more visitors. Use the same name and colour scheme as your blog. read moreHow to Get Sponsored As A Fashion Blogger Since founding [BLOG NAME] in [YEAR], we now have ... Next, repeat the above and work your way down your list of potential sponsors. We know, we know. All of this might seem like a lot of work. But when you're a new blogger seeking out sponsorships these ... read more

How to Generate 67% More Customers with these 3 Pinterest Hacks Instead, you can simply skip those steps and ... for a product. Next, click on "Buyable Pins" from the drop-down menu. This will sort all the pins that have products you can purchase directly on Pinterest instead of on another site. Now, select any ... read moreTop 10 Content Creation Steps For Bloggers Once you have decided on your topic, you next have to figure out what you want to rank in ... The keyword you decide to go with, should be what you name your blog post URL, so for example, Of course $99 per month is ... read moreA Beginner's Guide To SEO in WordPress You've already made a good first step by creating ... that to a URL like Google has no idea what this post is all about. And worse, neither do your readers if they see the link somewhere. The next place Google ... read moreStep-by-Step Guide to Performing a Content Audit You benefit from knowing what's to improve, what's to remove, and what's working at its best. It's both a worry relief and a step forward to improving your content. How many times did you publish a blog post ... t necessarily have to go by the ... read moreHow To Migrate Your Blog From Blogger To WP Without Loosing Traffic To move from Blogger to WordPress all your existing post URL from blogger blog would automatically point to your new WordPress site. But provided you follow my guided steps ... post. Now that we have seen the structure above, utilization follows next. read moreHow to set up a web application hacking lab The next step is to ... For me, the URL is, however, yours is likely to be different. If you're looking at the login page, then your web hacking lab is ready. Congratulations, you now have your very own lab and the ... read moreFive Keyword Types Small Business Owners Need to Track for Social Media and Web Monitoring Any separate piece of text is called a document: for example, a Tweet, a Facebook or a Google Plus post, a blog post ... there is a high chance you don't have one; you can safely move on to the next point. However, if there is a person in your company ... read more

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Source: You Have A URL, Now What? Next Steps to #Blogging Success

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

More Black Women are Blogging about Their Lifestyles

The Black press continues to serve as a voice for those whose stories often go overlooked, misrepresented, or maligned in mainstream media.  In 2015, 28.3 million internet users updated a blog at least once per month, with an estimated 31.7 million bloggers set to begin posts by 2020.  Still, in the wake of community reporting and with the advent of digital reporting, many Black women are only now, finding their niche as bloggers by documenting both everyday life and informing marginalized factions within Black America.

Hundreds of bloggers, vloggers, and writers came together to hone their skills and network during the Black Bloggers Connect / Blogger Week UnConference, Aug. 12, at Trinity Washington University. ( Photo by Shantella Y. Sherman)

That spirit of pride and dedication could be found most powerfully during the 2017 The Black Bloggers Connect / Blogger Week UnConference, held Aug.12, at Trinity Washington University.  Noted for its comraderie and mentorship efforts among Black female bloggers, the annual event – now in its fourth year – not only showcased the work of thousands of Black women with blogs dedicated to positive lifestyles, but also lent itself to exposing the growing need for Black women to use their blogs as change agents.

Black Bloggers Connect was founded by Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor, a D.C. native, in 2011.

"Blogging has played a pivotal role in modern storytelling for people of African descent. When our voices and stories are often marginalized by mainstream media, blogging and other forms of digital media have expanded our ability to share information, spread our stories and make an impact in the world," Aiwuyor told the audience.  "From 'Black Lives Matter' to 'Bring Back Our Girls', many recent worldwide social movements have utilized digital media in order to draw attention to key issues of our time. At Blogger Week, we're focusing on making sure digital media creators and everyday people have access to the skills necessary for reaching their goals."

Since its inception, more than 14,000 bloggers and digital media professionals have received support and training from Black Bloggers Connect.  Among the 25 sessions offered this year, several, including: "The Fly Girl Guide to Branding," "Advertising, and Sponsorships," "Optimizing Your WordPress," "Social Media for Non-Profit Organizations," and "How to Ensure the Journalistic Integrity of Your Blogs," saw great attendance and feedback.

Ward 8 resident Jerissa Cole, told the AFRO she came to the Blogger Week UnConference to determine if she had what it takes to go from administering advice to peers at school, to hosting her own video blog about self-esteem.

"My neighbors and pastor have been encouraging me for years to write, but I felt self-conscious about it, because I felt like people would scrutinize me really heavily because I'm from Southeast," Cole said.  "Now I'm finding that there are a lot of young people in this area who need to hear from someone like me who represents them.  Blogger Week has become a one-stop information session for me to figure out how to set up the blog, how to incorporate, how to brand myself, and things like that."

Source: More Black Women are Blogging about Their Lifestyles

8 Writing Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Started #Blogging

8 Writing Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging I wrote my first blog post two summers ago. And I wish I could erase it from the internet. Reading it is like looking at my middle school Facebook pictures -- it's almost too cringe-inducing. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself, though. I had just ... read more21 Travel Tips I Wish I Knew Earlier 8. You don't need ... match the bill in tips with $2 bills. Ask the waiter/waitress or owner about himself or herself, what they like etc. not in a creepy way, but after getting to know them a few times. Before leaving, connect via social media, then ... read more10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Diagnosed With CRPS Although this is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy ... What my shoulder surgeon didn't know was that surgery often triggers the spread of CRPS. A few days before I left for Irvine, I started to experience pain in my hands. read more

Tips for Aspiring Op-Ed Writers As a summertime service for readers of the editorial pages who may wish someday ... readers. Before pitching an op-ed you should know when the paper last covered that topic, and how your piece will advance the discussion. 13) If you find writing easy ... read moreThe Top 10 Players Who Would Be Perfect for the BIG3 Next Season The inaugural season of Ice Cube's BIG3 league is officially in the books, so, naturally, we need to start making a wish list of participants its second ... Including World Peace is a risk. We don't know whether his contract allows for dual-participation. read moreI Spent $1,080,126 on Marketing Tactics (And Here's What Happened) I now know some CRO industry secrets ... It packs tons of data with countless actionable tips on building your brand. The reason that these cost so much was due to the design, the immense amount of time spent writing and editing, and the collective ... read moreMy grandfather: A hero. A writer. A mystery to me. Or, at least, I wish I'd taken the time to read one of his books. HE WROTE several. And though I loved hearing him talk about the writing process, loved staring at the chicken-scratch notes he scribbled before ... All I know is that, at 8, I decided ... read more9 tips for making escrow less stressful Here, real estate agents share their top tips on getting ... "Turn off your phone before bed." Do what you can to facilitate a smooth escrow period, and then just stay calm. You'll be moving in before you know it. When those nerves start to kick in ... read more8 Writing Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging I wrote my first blog post two summers ago. And I wish I could erase it from the internet. Reading it is like looking at my middle school Facebook pictures — it's almost too cringe-inducing. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself, though. I had just ... read more

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Source: 8 Writing Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Started #Blogging

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Truth About Guest Blogging

guest blog

There's a tremendous amount of content out there offering advice on how to guest blog, what it can do for you, and the reasons behind it.

You've probably seen them before, including things like:

  • Build yourself up as an authority!
  • Build visibility for your brand!
  • Contribute to the community!
  • Provide more value!
  • That's all well and good, but it's not the truth about why people guest blog.

    Not to say those things don't happen, but they're not the primary reason anyone is really guest blogging.

    It all comes down to give-and-take, where both of the parties involved are getting something.

  • The blog host
  • The person providing the guest post (you)
  • As a person providing a guest post, you ultimately want a link.

    You want that referral traffic funneling back to your site.

    You want the organic search boost from building a natural link profile.

    That's why a lot of marketers are doing it.


    Here's an interesting and honest perspective on guest blogging:

    I honestly believe that if there was some international law forbidding guest bloggers to link to their projects, we'd see at least a 90% drop (not that I've done any research) in the volume of guest posting done worldwide," says Karol K in a guest post for Jeff Bullas. "And I'm not trying to judge whether it's good or bad, that's just what would likely happen.

    But just because you're out to get links and visibility (or get that free, authoritative content in our calendars as bloggers) doesn't mean you can discount the process or cut corners.

    If you want the mutually beneficial payoff from guest blogging, you need to do some serious work.

    Start with objectives and a strategy

    Virtually everything you do in digital marketing can be planned and tracked.

    And it should be.

    That's the only way to cut a clear path to success and know full well what success looks like.

    Problogger uses a template to help document their guest blog strategy.

    Still, there's a startling number of marketers who are creating content and guest blogging "just because."

    Meaning simply, they are guest blogging without any clear strategy.

    Do you have a strategic reason for blogging?

    Or are you just creating content because everyone else is, and you want your piece of that traffic?

    According to Content Marketing Institute, only 46 percent of marketers said they worked with a documented strategy for managing content. 44 percent had no strategy for content marketing.

    And 10 percent simply weren't sure.

    So, more than half of marketers are creating content without a plan in the hopes of hitting their mark.

    Those marketers understand that content is beneficial, and even that consistency is important. (60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day.)

    But heading into 2016, only 32% of marketers felt their content marketing approach was effective.



    Without a strategy, you're just guessing at what makes you successful.

    That leads bloggers to pay attention to things like social shares, comments, and traffic as the measure of success for a guest post.


    Your strategy should be built around growing your own business, not necessarily the blog of another organization.

    The only goal you should care about with guest blogging

    All that extra traffic and visibility are nice, but they serve absolutely no purpose if you can't leverage that traffic.

    And if you're just blogging to get more links, you're going up against the ever-changing landscape of organic search and algorithm updates.

    You could wake up tomorrow after a Google update and find those links to be useless.

    That leaves just one goal for guest blogging:

    Building your subscriber base.


    You need to capture your visitors.

    You can't do anything with referral traffic that bounces and never returns, but with a smart blogging strategy you can capture those visitors and add them to your subscriber base.

    Then you can start building stronger relationships.

    And marketing to them on the regular.

    NeilPatel newsletter

    And when you've got a new product, announcement, promotion, or some other juicy tidbit of information, you can slip it right into their inbox.

    Lure them in to check out what you have going on.

    Your strategy is more than just getting guest posts online anywhere.

    You have to consider the entire process from finding and pitching the right blogs, to awesome content and building a funnel that will absolutely capture the subscribers you want.

    It takes more than a good pitch

    A well-crafted, high-value post and a perfect pitch can still fall on deaf ears and find its way into the rejection pile.

    That's right.


    It takes a lot more than a carefully crafted pitch to capture the attention of a high profile blogger or influencer.

    guest pitch

    Even a well-written pitch like this from Garrett Moon could get snubbed.

    You could get lucky and have them review your stuff in detail and agree.

    But with the amount of requests the average influencer receives for guest posts, they're not likely to review each one closely.

    This is why it helps to build a relationship and start engaging now.

    This approach opens up a world of opportunities, and it's easy to do.

  • Share their content, and tag them when you do so.
  • Comment on their blogs and articles.
  • Engage in group discussions or social chats where they're active.
  • Cite them, and quote their ideas in your own posts.
  • In short, notice them. Then, get yourself noticed. It won't take long.

    Forging strong connections now will make your pitches and 10x content ideas stick out in their inbox.


    You'll also find it much easier to craft a personalized pitch email, like the above example from Glen Allsopp, when there is familiarity and a shared common connection.

    While you're working on building your relationships, you'll get your hands dirty with the rest of the process.

    Find the blogs with an engaging audience

    Pump your brakes before you start rubbing elbows.

    Just because they're perceived as an influencer doesn't mean that's where you want to focus your efforts.

    A big social following with limited engagement won't help you.

    Your goal isn't just to go after any content with some comments and social shares.

    While this may translate into more referral traffic for you, you need to go beyond the average.

    Target the sites, bloggers, and influencers with regular engagement in post comments and a higher volume of social shares.


    Bonus points if they have a large subscriber count and regularly update their followers with recent posts.

    Research the audience

    Let's say you've found few blogs to target that have great engagement, lots of traffic, and a well-received influencer behind them.

    Is the audience right for you?

    You might assume so if the blog is parallel to yours with the same industry.

    But you can never assume when it comes to the audience.

    You need to ask yourself, "Would the people reading this blog on the regular be interested in reading my blog?"

    If the answer is no or questionable, then don't pitch that blog.

    You might get a link, but you'll have a tough time gaining subscribers if there's a mismatch with the audience.


    Things to consider and watch for:

  • Is it a B2C or B2B audience?
  • What's their experience level (beginner, intermediate, advanced)?
  • Is it primarily a DIY crowd?
  • Is the content serving a different sector of your industry?
  • Is the content so broad that your post would only attract a niche portion of the overall audience?
  • Research the published content

    You'll be digging into the content when you're researching the audience, but don't just skim it.

    Read the posts.

    Check the most popular posts, make a note of popular topics, see what has been covered, and get familiar with the tone and voice of the blog.


    Not only will this help you avoid writing and pitching an idea that's already been covered, but you can better personalize your pitch to offer topic angles more likely to catch the attention of the blogger.

    Consider how many pitches they get on a daily basis.

    It's pretty easy to spot someone who didn't do their research.

    You benefit from the ability to say "I liked post A and post B for reasons XYZ, and it gave me an idea for a blog post on a parallel topic with this unique angle."

    Skipping the research is a fast route to denial.

    Be willing to bend your style

    Every blogger and marketer has a certain style in which they write.

    It's your natural tone of voice.

    Be consistent with your tone and style across your properties, but be prepared to bend your style a little and go with the host blog.

    Buffer shows a great example of how formatting style can also improve the content you're creating.


    If they have a style guide, follow it.

    If you discover during content research there are consistent elements that are recurring, try to mimic them.

    If there are a lot of relevant videos embedded into posts, then do that.

    Does there seem to be humor used more often in posts?

    Is the writing more conversational or formal?

    It's not always required to fit in perfectly, but if you change up your style then you won't stick out so oddly among the content the audience is used to.

    Readers will be more open to engaging with you when your style feels more familiar.

    Dive deep into a single topic (and make it killer)

    There is a metric ton of content floating around the web.

    And a lot of it is lower quality with minimal takeaways.

    Standing out among all the other marketers trying to pitch posts means making your content absolutely stellar.

    So choose a single topic and go WAY deep.

    It will take you longer to craft the content – maybe even days instead of hours – but the payoff is worth it.

    One triple-A, value-packed post will absolutely outperform a dozen lower quality posts month over month.

    This is how Peep Laja built his brand with ConversionXL.


    Peep creates content that deep dives into a specific content. Like me, he creates posts that are 2,000 to 4,000 words (or more).

    His long form approach to content marketing is what earned him more than 100k monthly readers within the first year of his original blog.

    Unless a blog specifies a word count cap, don't be afraid to pack your content full of value.

    Just avoid the fluff, and make it the best guest post available for that topic and angle.

    Guest blog for the right reasons

    We already established that guest blogging is a thing.

    You want traffic, you want links, you want a share of that audience.

    The host wants great content that keeps their audience coming back.

    It's a transaction, but you still have to be doing it (and writing the content) for the right reason.

    I get that when you're launching something or want to boost your visibility and reputation. You try to connect with and publish on as many sites as possible.

    That leads to half-hearted, cookie-cutter outreach, because you're trying to serve your own needs.

    Want to get chosen by more high-profile sites for guest blogging?

    This is the order your priorities should be in:

  • Deliver value to the host. Bbe able to clearly state to them the value you bring in your pitch.
  • Deliver value to the reader. Refer to the previous segment on deep diving into a topic.
  • Take care of your needs.
  • Always put yourself last.

    It will be blatantly obvious to both your audience and the host if you're only trying to serve yourself.

    Don't land visitor traffic in a dead zone

    You'll get abysmal opt-in results if you're sending all that guest post traffic to a crappy landing page.

    Or an irrelevant blog post.

    landingpage vs homepage

    Or your home page…

    All the work you put in researching, relationship building, writing, and pitching will be wasted if referral visitors walk away.

    And if they do bounce then they likely won't be back.

    You'll never get 100 percent of visitors to subscribe, but you can get half or more with a little strategic planning.

    How do you maximize your opt-ins?


    Make the landing page as relevant as possible. Create a custom "catcher's mitt" for handling the traffic.

    For example, if you're guest posting on HubSpot then make a landing page that greets them with a "Hello HubSpot readers" type message.

    Give them the right freebie with their opt-in, and consider recommended posts that fit the content they just finished reading.

    Make a custom page for each place where you guest post to maximize the number of visitors who subscribe.

    Create killer freebies

    The relationship you have with your audience needs to be give and take.

    Big emphasis on "give."

    You aren't going to secure new subscribers (not the quantity you'd like) by just offering general updates.

    They want something concrete in return.


    And it needs to be far more valuable than the high quality content that brought them to your site.

    A great opt-in freebie gives those visitors a reason to act now and subscribe. They won't do that if what you have to offer sucks…or is nonexistent.

    There's another dilemma you face though. Even if you have a great freebie, it might still not perform well.


    Because you're bringing traffic in from different guest posts and different blogs. That means different audiences.

    Those people won't be convinced to opt in unless the freebie is a solid fit.

    That's where having that custom landing page and different freebie offers can help.

    Just remember that your freebie doesn't have to match perfectly to the topic of your guest post. It just needs to be highly relevant to that specific audience.


    Your goal here should be to create an opt-in freebie that feels like the most natural next step action for them after reading your guest post.

    Close your posts with style

    When guest blogging is a big part of your inbound strategy, there's nothing worse than busting your hump on a killer post to have enthusiastic readers digest it all…and then ignore your byline!

    That can happen when readers are so focused on their problem and your takeaways, that they don't stop to focus on who wrote it.

    Gregory Ciotti calls it "Byline Blindness."

    "On sites that regularly accept guest authors, this often leads to byline blindness, where readers will simply skip over your author byline." 

    He writes in a post on his site about his experiences guest blogging.

    "I've posted on some sites where people in the comments thanked the site owner for the great article instead of me (oh well)."

    The only sure-fire way to fix that problem is to close your posts out with style. Lead your readers smack into a call to action that is certain to capture their attention.

    A solid CTA isn't enough here.

    The keyword is "lead."


    Close your guest post out with a very specific strategy.

  • Conclude your article with a summary recap of your takeaways and information.
  • Add a point of engagement, like asking a question. Make them stop and think.
  • Slip in your call to action.
  • Essential elements to get your guest blogging pitch accepted

    Even with covering all your bases from the tips above, there's still the chance a host will reject your guest post pitch. It could happen for any number of reasons.

    In many cases, you simply won't hear back.


    You can do your best to avoid that by creating proposals that incorporate some key elements.

    1. Don't drone on.

    Keep your email pitch concise, straightforward. Long-winded, rambling pitches are bad.

    If you can't reach them via email and there's no guest post submission form, you can go for a social media outreach.

    Just keep that equally short.

    2. Make your email stand out.

    Write a strong subject line that is professional, clear, and honest about your ask.

    This is not the time to try and wow anyone with an attempt at click bait or to try and use curiosity in some form to get their attention.

    They'll slide you right into the trash.

    3. Know your recipient.

    Personalize your pitch to open with the name of your recipient. A simple "Hi, Neil," works perfectly.

    Don't ever address your email to "blog manager" or "editor".

    And definitely avoid the impersonal "to whom it may concern."

    email pitch

    See how Sujan Patel uses a personal, informal greeting, and also hits on other key elements that emphasize his value and showcases his skillset.

    4. Introduce yourself.  

    State your name, especially if you're a stranger.

    Use no more than two lines to identify who you are.

    5. Validate who you are.

    Tell them why you matter and why they should pay attention. This is the most important part.

    Validate yourself.

    It's as simple as telling them other places you have guest posted.

    Or achievements you've made within the industry.

    6. Why you're important

    You're asking to get access to their audience, so you need to prove your place in the industry.

    It only takes a line or two to explain how you're an active participate within the same niche.

    7. You don't need to warm them up.

    Flattery isn't necessary. It's useless fluff.

    Site owners and bloggers get constant pitches that tell them how amazing and helpful their content is.


    Everyone is a "lifelong reader" that's been "following them forever."

    Focus on your pitch and the value, not on stroking their ego.

    8. Proof your email. A lot.

    Correct as you go. Then when you're done writing your pitch email, proofread it.

    Then proofread it again.

    Then do it one more time just to make sure there are zero errors.

    Use a tool like the Hemingway Editor to help you craft a clean pitch.


    When a blog host or editor stumbles over an error or typo in your pitch, it sends a negative message: "This person has no idea how to spell."


    Guest blogging is highly lucrative if you come at it strategically and for the right reasons.

    Know your goals, and recognize that seeing results takes effort, relationship building, and the desire to provide readers with nothing but the best content you can produce.

    Still, even with all that, be prepared to face rejection. It happens.

    Pick back up, identify areas where you can improve, and keep working at it. That's how you'll get the approvals you want, and build up that coveted subscriber list.

    What have been your experiences with guest blogging? Do you include it as part of your content marketing strategy?

    Source: The Truth About Guest Blogging

    Voix -#Blogging #WordPress Theme

    Voice Control With JavaScript – Voix.js We are used to controlling/navigating websites with mouse, keyboard and "touch" afterwards. Voix.js is a JavaScript library that allows us to add another layer to controlling them which is "voice". It has functions to start and stop listening ... read more50 Freebies That You Have to Try We've all been there: the moment when we realise that our project is missing something. With deadlines looming and clients on your back, what you really need is a great resource or two to dig you out of the hole. Today we've got 50 freebies that may ... read moreLa voix passive 2 The active form = the subject of the verb is carrying out the action of the verb. The passive form = when the subject is not carrying out the action of the verb, but is on the receiving end. The French passive is formed in a similar way to the English ... read more

    Voix en Vigne, Homage to Great Muses Château Roubine's Lyric Festival Voix en Vigne and Eve Ruggieri have raised the petticoats of the great muses through works inspired by eminent musical female figures. During the intermission, the public tasted under the large trees of the park of ... read moreThemes Thursday: A whopping 425 new themes released; here are the best ones We're back with Themes Thursday, a weekly feature where we showcase the best new themes for Samsung smartphones. A whopping 425 new theme packs have been released in the Theme Store for Galaxy smartphones, and we've shortlisted a few themes that you ... read moreWP Theme Of the Day #113 – Argus – One Page Responsive WordPress Theme Find this Pin and more on WP Design Gallery. Tatami Premium WordPress Theme by Elmastudio Moѕt оf thе WordPress themeѕ frоm Elеgаnt Thеmеѕ hаvе uѕеr-frіеndlу feаtures thаt аllоw еvеn thе nеwеѕt оf nеwbіеѕ tо mаnаgе ... read moreAluk Todolo – Voix Review Voix is a single, forty-three minute piece split across six tracks, so although each section has something like its own theme, moods and motifs are repeated (or perhaps more accurately warped and reflected) throughout the album to give it a truly unified ... read moreFred Hersch 'Open Book' CD/DIG (Palmetto) 5/5 The pace picks up with Benny Golson's tune 'Whisper Not' where the pianist has great fun deconstructing and reassembling the familiar theme. Indeed, he manages to avoid playing the tune until we reach the final minute of the piece. Great fun. read morePicture of the Day: JR Going Big in Lille, France Seen here is a huge wheatepaste artwork JR put up last fall on the façade of the La Voix Du Nord building in Lille, France. The artwork is part of JR's ongoing 'Unframed' series which began back in 2009. The theme of the work is immigration and the ... read moreBilingual school buses: it's time to set the record straight – Dominic Caron The French version of this commentary is available here. Last week, Dominic Cardy, leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP), suggested that we should send anglophone and francophone students to school on shared bilingual buses. Here is a short essay on ... read more

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    Source: Voix -#Blogging #WordPress Theme

    Monday, August 28, 2017

    Guest Blogging as a Marketing Strategy

    Most internet marketers will advise you to increase reach online through guest blogging. This strategy is valuable for new, developing blogs to boost traffic and shares.

    Many sites need fresh, unique content and will perform better with a pitch from your client. These include though leadership content, expert interviews, business lessons and key marketing strategies.

    While you focus on making fresh content for a client's site, other sites will also need it.

    But why use guest blogging?

    1. Exploit an existing audience wisely

    If you read our article about influencer marketing, you will find that blogging for others also allows your client to reach new audiences. So, show your client some blogs with consistent traffic. Better yet, put their business in front of people who never knew about them.

    Guest blogging is not merely about writing to increase traffic, just as influencer marketing is not solely about drawing followers to expand reach. While gaining popularity is sweet, we have many opportunities to write for sites catering to niches. These blogsites have more targeted audiences.

    Find blogs that your client's audience can relate with. A client with an app that focuses on smartphones and tablets will benefit from a mobile device blog. Or you can use your contacts to create one that mobile enthusiasts will read.

    Bottom line: Reach your client's target audience, not only the biggest.

    2. Use a guest blogger's brand image to better your client's

    Write for another company's blog or publication. It makes you look like an expert in you the industry. Readers who come across your work with another business will recognize and trust you. Eventually, they will find you own site's blogposts legitimate.

    Guest blogging does not guarantee a quick turnaround. Not every guest post will draw a multitude of sales or leads. Even so, writing for engaging blogs will strengthen your client's presence in the industry.

    Some leading marketers appear in large media sites and other business publications because of it. The exposure is irreplaceable. And it also proves that you or your client is knowledgeable and trustworthy.

    3. Build and nurture relationships

    Guest blogging often starts a lasting marketing partnership. You reach out and make a connection, prove that your client offers good product or services, and it opens new opportunities to collaborate in the future.

    You can start with a simple blogpost. Once it gains traction, you can promote their work through an eBook, a webinar or more guest posts. In return, they will promote your work. Hence, it generates leads for both companies.

    A new business needs all the connections it can find. Through guest blogging, you give something valuable to another company, hoping to build and nurture that relationship.

    Source: Guest Blogging as a Marketing Strategy

    10 Reasons Why You Should Stop #Blogging

    10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Blogging Like most things, blogging is not everyone's cup of tea. The turnover rate in the blogosphere is astounding with bloggers throwing in the towel daily. You may be sarcastically thinking "Yeah! I would love to be one of the quitters!" but just know ... read more3 Reasons Why You Should Stop Saying "All Sin Is the Same" Consider the following three reasons why you should stop saying all sin is the same ... What does Jesus say about this subject? In Matthew 10:5-15, we see Jesus sending out the twelve apostles to preach the gospel from town to town. read moreReasons Why You Should Stop Watching 'Fixer Upper' and Other HGTV Shows But if you know what's good for you, you'll stop watching. We'll tell you why. Here are 10 reasons you should stop watching HGTV. 1. You'll fuel your shopping addiction If impulse control isn't your strong suit, stay away from HGTV. Are you the ... read more

    Why You Should Stop Obsessing Over Those "Must-Read" Book Lists, And What You Should Do Instead Even when they do, the reasons I like them ... Knowing why you read and what books speak directly to you is the surest way to raise the odds that you get return you seek. Getting a handle on those things should be at the top of your list. read more5 reasons NOT to shop at Aldi — and one big reason why you should MarketWatch hashed out why consumers should (and shouldn ... told MarketWatch. "You can pick up bread there for a dollar a loaf. Their English muffins are my husband's favorite." Cherie Lowe, who writes The Queen of Free, a blog about savings ... read more10 reasons why you should travel to Nha Trang, Vietnam Here are 10 reasons why you should seriously consider paying this Vietnamese gem ... This story originally appeared on the Geckos Adventures blog. Amber Dunlap is a digital nomad currently parked in South America, originally from Colorado USA. read moreWhy Owning My 'Baggage' Was so Important in My Mental Health Recovery If you never grab your baggage off the conveyor belt, you never get to move on to your next destination with all you got! My blog has given me ... it's not a big deal and I should just choose something else, it doesn't stop my thoughts from racing. read moreOptimizely X vs Classic: Top 8 Reasons to Upgrade Here's why: Imagine you've set up an experiment with 10 goals ... "Scroll 50%" and "Visit Blog Page." These updates mean that ranking your goals in Optimizely X is an important step, and ultimately one that should help your testing results ... read more10 Signs You're Not Prepared for a Job Interview One way you can quickly make a good first impression is to be prepared. Here are 10 signs you're not ready for a job interview. The corporate website should be your first stop when researching ... If you can't explain why you want to work for the ... read more

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    Source: 10 Reasons Why You Should Stop #Blogging

    Sunday, August 27, 2017

    Getting back to blogging

    My name is Malathi, a.k.a Mala - I am a DBA turned BI/Data Science person, working with SQL Server since 6.5. I am also founder of the Louisville SQL Server user group, organizer of 8 SQL Saturdays, Regional mentor for northeast, and 12-year PASS conference attendee. In my spare time I love to garden, travel, read, paint, and do yoga.

    Source: Getting back to blogging

    Discover the Global micro-#Blogging services #Market forecast to 2022

    Discover the Global micro-blogging services market forecast to 2022 This report studies the global Micro-blogging Services market, analyzes and researches the Micro-blogging Services development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. The report introduced the Micro-blogging ... read moreDiscover the global data fabric detailed market forecasts to 2022 and analysis This report splits Data Fabric market By Component, By Deployment Model, By Service, which covers the history data information from 2012 to 2016 and forecast from 2017 to 2022. A data fabric ... allows specific set of services guarantees which would ... read moreDiscover the Global fishing reel market forecast to 2022 WiseGuyReports has announced the addition of a new market intelligence report to its repository titled "Global Fishing Reel Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022 ... Market Research Reports and Consulting Services  read more

    Discover the Global child resistant packaging market forecast to 2022 The Global Child Resistant Packaging Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022 is a professional and in-depth study ... data base and seminar services. the company owned a large basic data base (such as National Bureau of statistics database, Customs import ... read moreDiscover the Global control relays sales market forecast 2017 - 2022 Orian Research brings to you this report on the Global Control Relays Sales Market with figures as recent as 2017 and forecasts up to 2022 that helps you track ... analyzes the market mainly by products and services across all regions Product Development ... read moreDiscover the Global cystic fibrosis industry forecast to 2022 Category: Market Research Publishers and RetailersCompany profile ... Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. read moreDiscover the Global professional headphones market forecast 2017-2022 This report is strategically insightful for both New Market Entrants and Established Players and will help them gauge the pulse of the Market which in turn will result in them garner a greater Market share. The Global Professional Headphones Market report ... read moreDiscover the global mobile POS terminals market insights and forecasts to 2022 Industry Chain Structure, New Project SWOT Analysis with Development Trends and Forecasts 2022. - Agency -. The Global Mobile POS Terminals Market 2017 Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Mobile POS ... read moreDiscover the depth filtration market forecast to 2022 The global depth filtration market is projected to reach USD 2.96 billion by 2022 from USD 1.70 billion in 2017 ... and increasing outsourcing services by various pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies from these countries are the major factors ... read moreDiscover the automotive eCalls market segmentation overview from 2017 to 2022 Ecall is an in-vehicle road safety system which automatically calls the emergency services in case ... Browse Global Automotive Ecalls Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022 report spread across 121 pages is available ... read more

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    Source: Discover the Global micro-#Blogging services #Market forecast to 2022

    Saturday, August 26, 2017

    Friday Squid Blogging: Prehistoric Dolphins that Ate Squid

    Paleontologists have discovered a prehistoric toothless dolphin that fed by vacuuming up squid:

    There actually are modern odontocetes that don't really use their teeth either. Male beaked whales, for example, usually have one pair of teeth that is only used to fight for females, whose teeth stay completely hidden in their gums. Beaked whales, along with pilot whales and sperm whales, also catch squid by sucking them into their mouths. But all of these whales evolved recently. Inermorostrum xenops seems to have evolved its toothless suction-feeding independently and much, much earlier than modern suction-feeding whales. "It's a highly specialized species but it's essentially a dead end," says Boessenecker. Evolution, far from being some linear progression, often works this way, hitting dead ends and retrying failed experiments from millions of years earlier.

    As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

    Read my blog posting guidelines here.

    Source: Friday Squid Blogging: Prehistoric Dolphins that Ate Squid

    Michelle Carter Case Psychiatrist Ordered To Stop #Blogging Conrad Roy's Medical Records

    Michelle Carter Case Psychiatrist Ordered To Stop Blogging Conrad Roy's Medical Records A psychiatrist who testified on behalf of Michelle Carter, who encouraged her boyfriend Conrad Roy to kill himself, was ordered by a Massachusetts judge to stop publishing details about the victim's confidential medical records on his blog. On Monday ... read morePsychiatrist told to stop using private info in blog The controversial psychiatrist who testified at the infamous Michelle Carter trial has been ordered to stop blogging about any information from the confidential, impounded medical records of victim Conrad Roy III by ... thoughts on the case, and Bristol ... read moreExpert in Michelle Carter texting suicide case told not to blog private info (AP) — A Massachusetts judge has ordered a psychiatrist who testified on behalf of a teenager who encouraged her boyfriend to kill himself via text message to stop blogging about details from the victim's confidential medical records. The Boston Herald ... read more

    Judge in Michelle Carter case considers 2 issues in court Monday Today the judge in the Michelle Carter ... Conrad Roy's medical records on a personal blog, which prosecutors claimed was a big no–no. Dr. Breggin didn't show up for court today but that didn't stop the judge from ordering all medical records in the case ... read morePsychiatrist Who Testified in Michelle Carter Trial in Trouble With State A psychiatrist who testified on the behalf of a Massachusetts woman convicted of encouraging her boyfriend to kill himself has been ordered ... records, including medical and psychological ones, pertaining to Carter and Roy after Breggin wrote two blog ... read morePenn. State says white nationalist Richard Spencer is not welcome to speak on campus Associated Press Judge orders psychiatrist to stop ... medical records. The Boston Herald reported that Judge Lawrence Moniz, in the order issued Monday, called it undignified that psychiatrist Peter Breggin would make it the subject of a blog. Michelle ... read morePsychiatrist: Carter followed Roy into 'very dark place' (WPRI) — Michelle ... Conrad Roy III to kill himself in 2014, according a psychiatrist who testified in Carter's defense Monday. Dr. Peter Breggin, who has not treated Carter but reviewed her medical records, text messages and other records for this ... read morePeter Breggin, psychiatric expert witness for Michelle Carter, blogged about confidential health records, prosecutors say The controversial psychiatric expert who argued that Michelle Carter was intoxicated by antidepressants when she told Conrad Roy to ... medical details from impounded court records given to him in his role as an expert witness in the case. read moreExpert in Michelle Carter case told not to blog private info TAUNTON — A Massachusetts judge has ordered a psychiatrist who testified on behalf of a teenager who encouraged her boyfriend to kill himself via text message to stop blogging about details from the victim's confidential medical records. The Boston ... read moreExpert in texting suicide case told not to blog private info (AP) — A Massachusetts judge has ordered a psychiatrist who testified on behalf of a teenager who encouraged her boyfriend to kill himself via text message to stop blogging about details from the victim's confidential medical records. The Boston Herald ... read more

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    Source: Michelle Carter Case Psychiatrist Ordered To Stop #Blogging Conrad Roy's Medical Records

    Friday, August 25, 2017

    Guest Blogging as a Marketing Strategy

    Most internet marketers will advise you to increase reach online through guest blogging. This strategy is valuable for new, developing blogs to boost traffic and shares.

    Many sites need fresh, unique content and will perform better with a pitch from your client. These include though leadership content, expert interviews, business lessons and key marketing strategies.

    While you focus on making fresh content for a client's site, other sites will also need it.

    But why use guest blogging?

    1. Exploit an existing audience wisely

    If you read our article about influencer marketing, you will find that blogging for others also allows your client to reach new audiences. So, show your client some blogs with consistent traffic. Better yet, put their business in front of people who never knew about them.

    Guest blogging is not merely about writing to increase traffic, just as influencer marketing is not solely about drawing followers to expand reach. While gaining popularity is sweet, we have many opportunities to write for sites catering to niches. These blogsites have more targeted audiences.

    Find blogs that your client's audience can relate with. A client with an app that focuses on smartphones and tablets will benefit from a mobile device blog. Or you can use your contacts to create one that mobile enthusiasts will read.

    Bottom line: Reach your client's target audience, not only the biggest.

    2. Use a guest blogger's brand image to better your client's

    Write for another company's blog or publication. It makes you look like an expert in you the industry. Readers who come across your work with another business will recognize and trust you. Eventually, they will find you own site's blogposts legitimate.

    Guest blogging does not guarantee a quick turnaround. Not every guest post will draw a multitude of sales or leads. Even so, writing for engaging blogs will strengthen your client's presence in the industry.

    Some leading marketers appear in large media sites and other business publications because of it. The exposure is irreplaceable. And it also proves that you or your client is knowledgeable and trustworthy.

    3. Build and nurture relationships

    Guest blogging often starts a lasting marketing partnership. You reach out and make a connection, prove that your client offers good product or services, and it opens new opportunities to collaborate in the future.

    You can start with a simple blogpost. Once it gains traction, you can promote their work through an eBook, a webinar or more guest posts. In return, they will promote your work. Hence, it generates leads for both companies.

    A new business needs all the connections it can find. Through guest blogging, you give something valuable to another company, hoping to build and nurture that relationship.

    Source: Guest Blogging as a Marketing Strategy

    From #Blogging Phobia to a Top Writer in Social Media on Medium

    From Blogging Phobia to a Top Writer in Social Media on Medium Join Ann Handley for a Special Author Q&A Today Join Danny Brown for a Special Livefyre Q&A Today In March 2017, I had a chance to attend the mega Social Media Marketing World conference hosted by Social Media Examiner in San Diego. It's the best social ... read more10 Video Marketing Experts Share How to Get Started with Video on Social Media This will save you a ton of time you would otherwise spend coming up with video ideas and writing ... by certain blog posts, allowing leads to consume existing content through a different medium. 2. What's the ideal length for a social media video ... read more5 Ways to Save Time While Maintaining Social Media Platforms for Your Organization I've compiled a list of 5 ways you can save time while still maintaining a vibrant social media presence for your organization. 1. Limit Your Platforms. The social media needs of a small or medium size ... making podcasts, writing blogs, you name it!). read more

    Killer Tips for a Powerful Social Media Strategy Upworthy, the famous blog that gathers thousands of shares due to its top-notch content ... reactions and emotions. Social signals will follow and this is the start of a beautiful relationship. Social media is such a vast medium to start with when ... read moreHow to Become a More Productive Blogger in 10 Easy Steps As Andrew Chen recently tweeted, writing is the most scalable and affordable networking strategy: It's also the most scalable marketing strategy. It doesn't cost that much to write. Just open a publication on Medium ... social media shares, but ... read more5 Exciting New Social Media Features Every Entrepreneur Can Capitalize On Being an early adopter of a social media ... on Medium grew by 295 percent. The platform continues to gain momentum and has solidified itself as the 'YouTube for written content'. While some of the top publications may be overflowing with writers (thus ... read moreYour Up-To-Date Guide To Avoiding Internet Censorship & Getting Real Watchdog Journalism Signing up for Medium allows you to follow any writer you like ... One of those sites is Steemit. Steemit is a social media platform that runs a blogging and social network website built on top of a blockchain database. Steemit now boasts a decently ... read moreThree ways we build trust on social media We want to build not just new online audiences on top of our 174-year newspaper heritage ... This helps us to build trust with our followers on social media, because it shows we will not use our writing simply to get more clicks. read moreBrand Purchase Behavior In The Millennial Age In a research brief published by The Center for Media Research, writer Jack Loechner cites compelling findings ... 56% of Millennials connect with brands weekly on social media and use brand content in their own social media feeds. Contrary to a once ... read moreWhy the "Pivot to Video" Is Misguided No, it's not changing seats on the couch to get a better view -- it's the latest example of marketers and content creators being so eager to adopt a new platform or medium that ... changing up our social media video strategy in this blog post. read more

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    Source: From #Blogging Phobia to a Top Writer in Social Media on Medium

    Thursday, August 24, 2017

    Discover the Global micro-blogging services market forecast to 2022

    This report studies the global Micro-blogging Services market, analyzes and researches the Micro-blogging Services development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia.

    This report focuses on the top players in global market, like


    Gab AI


    Riverfold Software


    Download sample pages of this report:

    The report introduced the Micro-blogging Services basics: definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain overview; industry policies and plans; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures and so on. Then it analyzed the world's main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, capacity utilization, supply, demand and industry growth rate.

    In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.

    The report studies Micro-blogging Services in Global market Professional Survey 2017 : Size, Share, Trends, Industry Growth, Opportunity, Application, Production, Segmentation, Cost Structure, Company Profile, Product Picture and Specifications during the Forecast period by 2022. What's more, the Micro-blogging Services industry development trends and marketing channels are analyzed.

    The industry analysis have also been done to examine the impact of various factors and understand the overall attractiveness of the industry.

    Fior Markets report, Global Micro-blogging Services Market 2017-2022, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years.

    The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.

    Download sample pages of this report:

    News From Key Market InsightsKey Market InsightsCategory: Market Research Publishers and RetailersCompany profile: Key Market Insights is a stand-alone organization with a solid history of advancing and exchanging market research reports and logical surveys delivered by our numerous transnational accomplices, which incorporate both huge multinationals and littler, more expert concerns. Our online stage,, offers an unmatched gathering of market examination reports, organization audits, databooks, articles, periodical distributions, databases, on-line endorser administrations, and a great deal m ...
    Source: Discover the Global micro-blogging services market forecast to 2022

    Some Effective #Blogging Platforms in the Current Scenario (Info#Graphic)

    Some Effective Blogging Platforms in the Current Scenario (Infographic) A blog serves as a better platform to express your views and thoughts on various fields. You can connect with people beyond boundaries with the help of these blogs. At the present situation, blogging seems to be an easy task, but you have to update them ... read more16 insanely effective lead magnet ideas to convert visitors to leads The more effective your ... so well across social media platforms. They create a new back link and increase traffic to your website. Just imagine, instead of giving some usual documents, you can send a well-illustrated infographic with extra details ... read more7 ways to promote your app without spending a single penny! Similarly, you can go for Guest blogging to promote your new mobile app. When you post on other's websites/ blogs, you can gain more visibility and backlink in some ... infographics. Make creative infographics and share them on different sites and platforms. read more

    11 Mistakes You're Making With Your Online Store That Are Costing You Money Customers love free products, and holding giveaways or sending out product samples to a portion of your audience can be an effective marketing tool ... loss by using competitive pricing platforms that provide current and historical comparisons on ... read more101 Tactics To Promote Your Podcast (The Definitive Podcast Marketing Guide) Choose a good podcast hosting platform. Your podcast is ... After every podcast, offer some complementary material on your website to encourage further engagement. These can be things like blog posts about your topic, behind-the-scenes images and videos ... read more25+ Call To Action Examples: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly In this way, we can see how theoretical principles play out in the real world, and how they can create effective experiences ... VWO put out some data that said CTAs were by far the most popular A/B test run on their platform. 30% of tests involved ... read moreVeracode and Research Shows Formal Education Leaves Developers Without Necessary Skills to Succeed in DevSecOps World To view the infographic and access to the full research report, visit the Veracode blog. The on-demand nature of today's ... of organisations said that either the entire organisation or some of their teams are currently utilising DevOps practices. read more15 Tips Retailers Need to Be Using on Facebook Facebook is a marketer's dream platform. Think about all the information that users ... Decide how many times you want to post per week—some companies post every single day, some post multiple times per day, some post three times a week. read moreDigital Marketing ROI, Creating Customers for Life, How to Win an Argument and Other Things Entrepreneurs Need to Know Check out the infographic below from CashNetUSA to learn ... Catch up with Marsha on her small business blog. Maybe you've dreamed of saying goodbye to your current job—and most of all, to your boss—by taking the bold step of starting your own ... read more7 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work: A Complete Guide This can include some off-site content that you own, but isn't hosted on your website, like a blog that ... across each platform (e.g., Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to figure out what's likely to help you meet your current goals. read more

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    Source: Some Effective #Blogging Platforms in the Current Scenario (Info#Graphic)